Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1158 Thousands of Miles Tossing

The floating battleship soon entered the fourth stage of long-range jump.

This time, the floating battleship experienced violent turbulence in the transmission channel, which was even more intense than when it forced its way through the barrier of the Fire God Mountain. Under the joint protection of the five Tiangang experts, the space barrier was finally stabilized and the jump was successfully completed.

When the floating battleship finally came out of the transmission channel, the sight in front of them made everyone take a breath.

I saw the clouds in the sky rolling from west to east, filled with countless violent forces, and bursts of thunder and lightning broke out.

On the ground, there was endless wind and rain, a state of chaos, and the rain also flowed from west to east.

Obviously, earth-shaking major events have occurred in the West, which will lead to such a vision.

And this is only the outskirts of the Dali Sword Sect. It is still five thousand miles away from entering the territory of the Dali Sword Sect, and it is even further away from the battlefields on the western or northern fronts.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Everyone already knew what kind of major event it was. Although they had expected it before, when they actually faced all this, they still felt extremely sad and emotionally difficult to accept it.

Even the three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land, Zhaoyun, Gunlong, and Huitang, could not help but secretly exchange glances. In their hearts, they all had the same emotion: How cruel!

Although they had long known that the Dali Sword Sect had a plan to detonate the spiritual veins and cut off an arm, they did not dare to completely believe it until they saw the final result, because this was also an incomparable plan for them. Tough choices.

Unexpectedly, Dali Sword Sect actually did this...

This is indeed cruel enough, not only to the enemy, but also to oneself!

As the proposer of this plan, Lu Yu made everyone fully aware of his ruthlessness.

The three ancestors glanced at Lu Yu involuntarily, and their hearts were filled with complex and difficult emotions.

"Fellow Taoists, I think this last journey will be difficult to continue. Why don't we give up taking the teleportation channel and just fly in the air honestly." Ancestor Zhaoyun said.

Although the fight against the Dianpo just now did not reach the limit of the five ancestors, the last journey is the most dangerous. What will happen is really unpredictable. For the sake of safety, the best thing to do is to give up this last journey. long range jump.

However, Patriarch Tailing was full of confidence and smiled calmly: "Brother Zhaoyun, please be calm for a moment, I have a way to solve this matter."

With that said, he turned around and gave instructions to Yudie on the command platform: "Still as planned, continue to prepare for the next stage of long-distance jump."

After saying that, without waiting for Yudie's response, he closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, the pupils in his eyes had disappeared, and there was only pure white in his eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's going on?" Ye Weilan also looked surprised. She leaned next to Lu Yu and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Lu Yu couldn't help but think deeply as he looked at the Tailing Ancestor whose eyes were turning white.

Somewhere in the dark, he sensed that the thoughts and consciousness of this ancestor who looked too young were connected with something in the distance in a very special way...

"I think he is probably possessing someone..." Lu Yu said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that we have seen many scenes of being possessed. This time we finally saw the source of the possessed person."

Ye Weilan was surprised and said: "Then...who is he possessing?"

Lu Yu frowned slightly and thought for a moment, and soon a figure appeared in his mind.

However, before he could speak, a clear sword light suddenly came from the west and cut through the sky.

The thunderclouds retreated and the rain suddenly stopped.

A gap suddenly opened in the sky, and a ray of scorching sun shone straight down through the gap, shining directly on the floating battleship.

Considering the chaotic situation in the world at this time, the power of this sword is simply immeasurable.

What’s even more terrifying is that looking to the west at this time, there is no end to the gap in the sky, which means that this sword was sent from an unknown distance of thousands of miles away... After crossing a long distance, there is still such a gap. The power is simply unbelievable.

"This is the Tianming Sword!"

"Liang Chuanyu is in charge of the Tianming Sword and guarding Baiyun Peak. Doesn't it mean that... this sword was issued from Baiyun Peak?"

"As expected of the Heavenly Spirit Divine Weapon!"

"It is indeed the power of our ancestors!"

Everyone on the battleship was all an outstanding person, and there were many with sharp eyesight. Soon some people saw the clues.

Since then, Lu Yu didn't need any more explanations. He spread his hands towards Ye Weilan and said, "Do you know who it is now?"

Ye Weilan nodded suddenly: "It's him..."

Lu Yu didn't answer.

In fact, Ye Weilan only had an impression of Liang Chuanyu when the Tianming Sword was first born, and when he saw him in Feiyan Castle this time, his strength had improved a lot again. Thinking about it, everything should be the same. It has something to do with Tailing Ancestor...

However, there is no need to mention these at this time. I believe she will witness it with her own eyes soon.

Sure enough, Patriarch Tailing's eyes soon regained clarity and he said to everyone:

"I have used the Tianming Sword and the Golden Cloud Tribulation Formation of Baiyun Peak to open up a safe passage. This passage cannot be maintained for long, and it can only last for about a quarter of an hour... Everyone should make preparations as soon as possible! Next, we will land directly at Baiyun Peak!"

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