Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1163 Xuanshui Kingdom

After listening to Ye Weilan's words, Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious: "How complicated can it be?"

"I can't explain in a sentence or two..."

Ye Weilan looked around while answering.

The surrounding real-person experts all focused their attention on the front, and even sisters Chudie and Yudie were dispatched in shifts.

After seeing that no one around them noticed their actions, she carefully leaned into Lu Yu's arms and said, "I'd better show it to you directly!"

She raised her head, raised her face, closed her eyes, her face was red, and she looked like she was letting you take whatever you wanted.

Lu Yu naturally hugged her and put his hands on her slender waist without a trace of excess fat. His heart trembled and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"What are you doing? Do you still want to watch it?"

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't respond for a long time, Ye Weilan couldn't help but quietly opened her eyes and glanced at Lu Yu. That shy behavior was really cute.

"Am I not watching?" Lu Yu said.

Only then did Ye Weilan open her eyes and rolled her eyes at him angrily: "How long have you... been, and you haven't come to a proper conclusion yet! Do you still want to see the situation on the Golden Rooster Islands that I mentioned? "

"Don't worry about that, we can't escape from the Golden Rooster Islands anyway..." Lu Yu said with a smile. Seeing Ye Weilan preparing to fight, he quickly changed his mind, "Okay, it's okay to look at that one first, and then I'll look at you later. …”

As he spoke, he moved his head closer, and their foreheads touched each other.

As if things came naturally, the two thoughts quickly merged into one place, and then the scene that Ye Weilan had just seen appeared before Lu Yu's "eyes".

The clouds and fog quickly subsided, and his "sight" reached an extremely distant place...

I saw in the sky that the Tiangang was rewinding one after another, and the sea water below was sucked up. It kept circling following the rewinding trajectory of the Tiangang, like huge water dragons coiling in the air. Absolute, boundless, endless, yet full of a wonderful rhythm...

However, that's not the most amazing thing.

As the "line of sight" keeps getting closer, more details are revealed.

The coiled water columns are not just pure sea water. Driven by some strange laws, the water in them is constantly stirring, forming water-shaped warriors wearing armor.

Some of these warriors are big and small, strong and weak, of varying levels, just like a hierarchical army.

In other words, in this vast sea area, an extremely large water-shaped army has quietly formed! The Golden Rooster Islands are no longer the Golden Rooster Islands, but a mysterious country completely under the control of the other party!

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

The "sight" continues to get closer...

The more Lu Yu looked, the more frightened he became. The deeper he went, the stronger the law became, and the coiled water column became thicker.

By the end, the water columns had coiled up like a vast whirlpool. From a distance, it looked like a bunch of huge pythons entangled together...

Moreover, Lu Yu also discovered another strange phenomenon. It seemed that the closer to the core area, the clearer the faces of the water-shaped warriors became, and they seemed to look more and more like Ancestor Shanwen...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

This strange country was created by Ancestor Shanwen, and he was not surprised by this... Didn't it mean that Ancestor Shanwen's most powerful trick was the eight hundred and eighty-eight mysterious clones? Looking at the scale of this magical country in front of us, where are there only 888 roads?

Could it be that the eight hundred and eighty-eight mysterious clones are actually far from reaching his limit?

What is the mysterious clone? Can a water-shaped warrior who looks exactly like Ancestor Shanwen be called a mysterious body?

The more similar the faces of these water-shaped warriors are to Ancestor Shanwen, does it mean that they are closer to his strength?

Lu Yu is constantly thinking.

Suddenly, a water-shaped warrior deep in the core area raised his head and looked in his direction.

The face of this water-shaped warrior is exactly the same as that of Ancestor Shanwen, and he looks just like Ancestor Shanwen himself.

Although Lu Yu knew that this was just a fragment of memory in Ye Weilan's mind, he still couldn't help but feel frightened, and the feeling of danger enveloped him as if it had real substance...

Ye Weilan immediately cut off her sight and stopped prying.

The scene ends here.

The two gasped rapidly and regained consciousness.

Even if they were just replaying the previous scene in their minds, the two of them still couldn't help but feel a lingering feeling of fear.

"Have you seen everything?" Ye Weilan asked softly.

Although she was the first witness to the scene just now, there were still many things she could not understand. In this aspect, she felt that Lu Yu should have a deeper understanding than herself.

Lu Yu nodded silently.

For a moment, I didn’t know how to describe my feelings...

Generally speaking, it should be that Ancestor Shanwen has displayed his own unique field...

But secretly, he felt that this was not just a simple field, but a way of expression at a higher level than the field, because it was more complex, more comprehensive, and more powerful than the field.

If he had to use words to define it, Lu Yu would prefer to call it the "Kingdom of God".

The Kingdom of God, a kingdom born from the transformation of the soul... This word automatically appeared in Lu Yu's mind, as if everything should be like this.

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