Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1164 Countermeasures

Lu Yu finally gave up explaining to Ye Weilan because he was still not sure how to accurately describe the so-called "Kingdom of God".

Through his contact with Fairy Yao Ji, he already knew that when the realm of golden elixir transcends the realm of heaven and earth, the most important direction of cultivation is to strengthen his mind and consciousness so that he can grow into a powerful "primordial spirit".

The derivation of the Kingdom of God is obviously inseparable from the Yuanshen.

Lu Yu did not think that Ancestor Shanwen had reached a level comparable to that of Fairy Yaoji in terms of the strength of his mind and consciousness. There might be other reasons for the emergence of this divine kingdom. Before he understood all this , he didn’t know where to start.

But one thing is certain, this strange kingdom of God must be more powerful than the previous realm of chaos.

This is not to say that the mysteries of law mastered by Patriarch Shanwen have surpassed the mysteries of chaos. It is just that the realm of chaos was derived from a single mystery of chaos before. However, at this time, the huge divine kingdom created by Patriarch Shanwen has It is the aggregation of many secret laws. Perhaps in terms of single intensity, they cannot compare with the secret laws of chaos, but after being brought together, the two are not of the same size at all.

This is like the difference between one tael of gold and one ton of silver. Although the unit price of gold is higher, when the total amount of silver exceeds the volume, the total value between the two is completely incomparable.

"I didn't expect Yue Xishan to have such a unique trick. If he had used this trick earlier, I'm afraid that all the Tiangang barriers set up by ancestor Hongyi would have been completely wiped out by him..."

Lu Yu frowned and said.

"He probably wanted to save this unique skill for use against Ancestor Yunxiao, but for some reason, he suddenly used it at this time... Could it be that he was unwilling and wanted to make Dali Sword Sect pay for it before leaving? A heavy price?"

As he said that, he shook his head again, feeling that things shouldn't be so simple...

The goal of Patriarch Shanwen and others has always been Patriarch Yunxiao, and they even spent hundreds of years planning for this. For strong men of their level, they should not be so impatient.

"Should we go and notify them?" Ye Weilan said.

She looked towards the stormy and dark sky ahead. Although she did not know the specific location, she knew that Tailing Patriarch and Zhaoyun Patriarch were sitting somewhere above the sky.

"I think it shouldn't be necessary..." Lu Yu sighed softly, "They should have noticed it."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a large area of ​​escaping light suddenly appeared at the end of the sky, like a meteor shower, speeding towards the south road army.

It turned out that everyone from the North Road Army had arrived.

The armies from the north and the south quickly merged together.

And a meeting to report their respective military situations was urgently held at sea.

Originally, only those with real power and above could attend such a meeting, but Lu Yu's strength and prestige obviously cannot be measured by pure cultivation level, so he was fortunate enough to participate in this emergency consultation meeting held on the sea. .

At this time, everyone was less than a thousand miles away from the Golden Rooster Islands, and everyone realized that something was extraordinary.

The reason is precisely that in the Jinji Islands in front of them, through various detection methods, everyone has even found the figure of the Hunyuan Qi Sect who is retreating thousands of miles away, but it is only a thousand miles away in front of them. The Golden Rooster Islands are difficult for them to see through.

Lu Yu did not hide his secrets at this time. He told everyone what he saw after Ye Weilan activated the power of the Yehuang clan's bloodline without reservation.

After listening to what Lu Yu said, everyone couldn't help but fell into silence.

Only then did they realize that this Ancestor Shanwen, who was able to gather powerful Tiangang warriors from all sects, was indeed no ordinary person. According to Lu Yu's description, the strength he displayed during his stay in the Golden Rooster Islands was simply unparalleled. The power of imagination.

The wind was blowing loudly and the waves were crashing, leaving only the sound of strong wind and waves.

After a while.

Patriarch Hongyi asked: "Brothers Taoism, what do you think?"

Ancestor Huitang sighed softly: "Xuanshui Divine Kingdom... I didn't expect those rumors from the past to be true!"

All the powerful real people couldn't help but be confused.

Ancestor Zhaoyun on the side explained a little: "Hundreds of years ago, Jiuzhong Tianyu suffered an invasion from another world. At that time, there was a vision of black water swallowing the sky above the sky. Powerful people from all sides. They were greatly shocked, and they all ran away for fear of being unable to escape. Only Yue Xishan, who was living in the eighth heaven at the time, not only did not escape, but also went the opposite way and walked into Xuanshui Tiantian alone. In the vision..."

"Later, some people said that he comprehended the supreme Taoism in that vision and condensed the realm of the divine kingdom comparable to that of an immortal. However, it has never been confirmed. Now it seems that this rumor is indeed true. !”

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they did not expect that there would be such a secret in the past years... But in this way, it further illustrates the extraordinary nature of Patriarch Shanwen.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

He has always had doubts about Yue Xishan's identity, especially after his in-depth contact with the Red Moon Lord in the Chaos Realm. He was very curious about the relationship between the Red Moon Demon Sect and Yue Xishan. What kind of relationship...

I don’t know what the original vision of heaven and earth was like. When everyone was afraid of avoiding it, he did the opposite and even understood something from it... Lu Yu didn’t think this would be Coincidence, could it be that he knew something in advance?

Ancestor Tailing said: "Now is not the time to discuss whether the rumors are true or false. The top priority is what should we do? The other party is evolving the Kingdom of God here and has made it clear that he wants to compete with us. Can we Do you want to fight this battle?"

The three ancestors, Huitang, Zhaoyun, and Gunlong, had troubled expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they were still quite afraid of the strength of the ancestor Shanwen.

"This battle is inevitable..." Patriarch Huitang said, "Now that the major sects have retreated, the opponent is like a piece of scattered sand. Yue Xi's good move obviously has the intention of reuniting people's hearts. We must not let it succeed. If we wait If you don’t dare to fight with him, wouldn’t you be playing into his hands?”

"It's just that Xuanshui Divine Kingdom is not taking it easy. How to go to war with it needs to be carefully considered..."

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