Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1167 Arrangement and Waiting


Lu Yu shouted loudly.

The three women on the side also woke up immediately and quickly backed away in coordination with his movements of controlling the dragon fish's black tail.

Not only them, but other powerful real people around them also began to retreat. Although everyone may not be able to clearly see the changes in the distance like Lu Yu and the other four, the warning from Patriarch Shanwen is true. It rang in their ears, and everyone had a premonition that something was wrong.

No one is confident enough to face the offensive of Patriarch Shanwen. Before that, it is best to hide under the protection of several Patriarchs of Tiangang.

"Did you see anything?"

While Yudie was making various preparations for the challenge, she did not forget to ask Lu Yu.

"I see..." Lu Yu nodded.

Yudie was startled and raised her head in surprise.

Originally she just asked casually, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu actually saw it...

"What did you see?" she asked quickly.

Lu Yu turned around and looked back at the dark world and said, "I can see that Yue Xishan was prepared. He did this completely on purpose!"

Yudie gave him a big roll of her eyes angrily.

She thought that Lu Yu was deliberately perfunctory with her, but in fact, this was what Lu Yu really thought in his heart.

Yue Xishan should have had a better way to respond to Liang Chuanyu's sword, but he deliberately did not react at all, allowing Xuanshui Divine Kingdom to regain its momentum after being breached, and become even more violent...

Firstly, this certainly reflects the power of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, but secondly, it also hides the weakness of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom... Although there is no evidence for this, Lu Yu has an intuition, perhaps because of Ye Weilan's peek before, It made him wary.

At first glance, this point seems meaningless, but if you think about it carefully, it is of great use... This at least proves that Xuanshui Divine Kingdom does have weaknesses. Perhaps Liang Chuanyu's offensive is not enough to expose his weaknesses, but What if Patriarch Hongyi activates the Litian Sword Code?

Shanwen himself said just now that if it were Li Tian Jian Dian, he would be even more wary. Maybe this is not just a courtesy...

Of course, activating the Litian Sword Code is not that easy. The Litian Sword Code does not have the ability to launch an offensive thousands of miles away like the Tianming Sword. If it really comes to the point of using the Litian Sword Code, that means Ancestor Zhu Hongyi and Ancestor Shanwen are already at close combat.

"Lu Yu, what's going on? What did you see?"

The leader, Li Wangji, stood tall in front of the formation and asked loudly to the oncoming Lu Yu.

Although all the powerful real people have used various observation methods, he knows better that the demon woman next to Lu Yu is extraordinary. At this time, he is more willing to trust Lu Yu's judgment.

"What else could it be?" Lu Yu shook his head and said, "We were all wrong... When we saw Yue Xishan's posture here, we subconsciously thought that his Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was a fixed territory and could not be controlled at all. Moving, in fact we were all wrong..."

"His Xuanshui Divine Kingdom has been launched again, and it is coming towards us at an extremely fast speed. In my opinion, none of us can leave. We should all join the fight as soon as possible!"


"The Kingdom of Xuanshui is coming towards us?"

"Did Liang Chuanyu's sword strike just now have no effect at all?"

Everyone was shocked.

Although everyone had already had a premonition of something bad coming from Patriarch Shanwen's words, they did not expect that the situation would be so serious that the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom would come crashing down on them.

Even the Tiangang Patriarchs did not expect such a result. They had already foreseen that the Shanwen Patriarch would counterattack Liang Chuanyu's offensive, but they did not expect that the countermeasures would be so fierce.

On the other hand, the leader, Li Wangji, did not hesitate at all and immediately shouted an order: "Disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, listen to the order! Form an array!"

Since there is no way to avoid it, the only option is to fight back!

Since this period of time, the Dali Sword Sect has been in a state of war, and everyone has already developed the habit of imposing orders and prohibitions.

At this time, Li Wangji gave an order, and everyone immediately lined up on their own, and automatically divided into several small teams. Each small team could cooperate with each other and perform a combination of skills. These were all learned by Tailing Ancestor. Combat qualities formed through training.

Upon seeing this, everyone in Daluo Holy Land also began to form formations under the command of Master Kunjia.

They also mastered several combination skills, and it was no longer the crude combination skills they used at the Qinglong Shrine, but the combination skills carefully choreographed by Lu Yu during the surprise attack on the Fire God Mountain. The one is more subtle and more flexible.

As for Lu Yu and others, the four of them are already an extremely powerful team. At this time, no one has prepared them, and the four of them are outside the array of the two major sects.

"We'd better play it by ear!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he controlled the black tail of the dragon fish to fly high.

The position they were at at this time was already above the sky, almost at the same height as several Tiangang ancestors.

The reason why he chose this place was not because he felt that he would get better protection if he was close to several Tiangang Ancestors, but because the view here was better. If possible, he still hoped to observe Xuanshui Divine Kingdom more deeply, so as to Find out where its weaknesses are.

The array was quickly assembled.

Everyone was waiting with bated breath.

After a few breaths, suddenly a sound of rushing water sounded in the sky, and thick churning water columns emerged in the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but feel nervous

Xuanshui Divine Kingdom finally appeared in front of everyone without reservation.

At this moment, they deeply realized that what Lu Yu said before was indeed true.

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