Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1168 Questions

The water columns rolling in the sky became more and more numerous and closer.

The water-shaped warriors hidden in them became clearer and clearer. At first glance, it looked like thousands of troops riding on a vigorous dragon and galloping forward, with an extremely terrifying momentum.

Lu Yu had previously used the word "smash" to describe the momentum of this Xuanshui Kingdom, and it seemed to be more appropriate at this moment.

However, before it really smashed into everyone, it had to pass the test of the five Tiangang strongmen.

At this time, Patriarch Hongyi and others also opened up their own domains in the sky, but because the five people did not have the tacit understanding like the Yang sisters, their laws and mysteries could not be superimposed at all, and they could only stand alone.

A huge hand shadow appeared out of thin air, and it slapped the rolling water column fiercely.

This was exactly the exclusive domain of Patriarch Tailing.

This palm print is the aggregation of my many laws and mysteries. When he just came back, he destroyed the Ice Emperor Island thousands of miles away with such a palm print. At this time, in his own domain, the power of the palm print is even more exaggerated, and there are wild electric lights attached to the edges, which looks like a giant hand holding the sky.

The palm print collided with the first wave of surging water columns.

Suddenly, water splashed everywhere, and the surging momentum of the Xuanshui Kingdom was paused.

However, before everyone had time to be happy, the scattered water splashes immediately gathered again, appeared in the form of water-shaped warriors, and flew towards the Tailing ancestor in the domain.

Soon, the huge palm print began to gradually dissipate, and its power was no longer as strong as before.

This is because the laws that support the maintenance of this domain have been broken by the endless water-shaped warriors around. The huge palm print is just the embodiment of the power of the domain. Through the laws of the domain, Tailing can use his power more efficiently and directly. Now without the support of the domain, the palm print in the void is naturally difficult to maintain.

Lu Yu watched all this intently, and he seemed to understand something in his heart.

On the surface, it seemed that it was the water-shaped warriors who broke through the domain of Tailing Patriarch, but in fact, these water-shaped warriors themselves were also the embodiment of a certain law power, so in the final analysis, it was the law of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom that overwhelmed the domain law of Tailing Patriarch, and after all, Shanwen Patriarch was better!

"Brother Tailing, please retreat temporarily! Let me meet it!"

Patriarch Gunlong suddenly spoke, and his voice resounded throughout the sky.

However, before he finished speaking, a series of shining golden lines appeared in the air, like a huge spider web, just taking over the position of Tailing Patriarch and blocking the front of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

Patriarch Gunlong stood in the wind, his clothes fluttering, standing on one of the golden silk threads.

This scene was exactly the same as when Lu Yu first saw him in the Daluo Holy Land.

Perhaps when Liang Chuanyu's Tianming Sword was launched, his offensive was better than his, but if compared with the suppression power of the range, Liang Chuanyu was far behind.

In other words, Liang Chuanyu was better at fighting with the charge, while the ability of the ancestor Gunlong was better at positional warfare.

At this time, the golden lines cut and moved back and forth. On the surface, it looked like a huge net, but in fact it was already a murderous purgatory.

Under the continuous strangulation of the golden lines, the water-shaped warriors fell apart again, and because the golden lines kept moving back and forth, the water-shaped warriors did not gather again.

The method adopted by the ancestor Gunlong was to use movement to counter movement. The water-shaped warriors of the Xuanshui Kingdom could gather continuously, but in his domain, the golden lines could also move and cut continuously. In this way, under the continuous cutting of the golden lines, the endless water-shaped warriors could be restrained to a certain extent.

This is undoubtedly a very stupid method, but it is undeniable that it is also a very effective method.

At the beginning, this method did achieve immediate results, and the offensive of the Xuanshui Kingdom was curbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the size of the Xuanshui Kingdom was too huge. As the water columns continued to surge, the water-shaped warriors rushed into the golden silk net in an endless stream, and finally the domain of the ancestor Gunlong finally exceeded the load.


The golden silk threads broke one by one, the huge net was destroyed, and the entire domain completely collapsed.

After breaking through two powerful domains, the other three Tiangang ancestors wanted to remedy it immediately, but it was too late. Finally, the overwhelming water-shaped warriors rushed to the group of real people who were lined up in the back...

Suddenly, the combination skills of the real people were launched one after another.

Between heaven and earth, sword energy was crisscrossed, and the brilliance was overflowing. A total of hundreds of real people from the two sects entangled with the water-shaped warriors one by one.

In this melee, even if Lu Yu and others were already high above the sky, they were also hard to escape.

After launching two attacks in a row and temporarily resolving the crisis around him, Lu Yu suddenly stood on the jade shell of the Spring Conch, looking up at the sky, and was stunned.

"What are you doing? Why are you stunned at this time?"

Yudie suddenly threw out the Butterfly Flying, strangled a water-shaped warrior who looked 70% similar to the Shanwen Patriarch, and said to Lu Yu dissatisfiedly.

Lu Yu did not even turn his head and said: "I finally know why these Tiangang Patriarchs always like to stay in the sky..."

"What?" Yudie was stunned.

Lu Yu replied calmly: "Because these Tiangang ancestors can directly call Tiangang, their power more or less comes from Tiangang, and the fields they inspire also rely on Tiangang's power to maintain. Just now Tailing The domains of Ancestor and Ancestor Gunlong are all like this..."

"What's the problem?"

Since Tiangang Realm is called Tiangang Realm, it is a cultivation process for Tiangang, and it is naturally inseparable from Tiangang...

Lu Yu frowned and said slowly: "There is nothing wrong with them. The problem is with Yue Xishan... The power of his Xuanshui Kingdom does not come from Tiangang, so where is the real source of his power?"

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