Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1169 The power of earth evil

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Yu Die couldn't help but fall into thought.

During the long years of imprisonment in Tianhuan Palace, she had dealt with Tiangang masters many times and had a deeper understanding of Tiangang Realm.

Compared with Jindan Realm, the real terrifying thing about Tiangang Realm masters is that they can directly call on the power of Tiangang to strengthen their own laws, so that the power of their own laws can be amplified, and then expand the scope of their own domain.

It is also because of this that the scope of the domain of Tiangang Realm masters is much larger than that of Jindan Realm masters, and there is no comparability between the two...

First of all, this is certainly due to the difference in the strength of the mysteries of the laws gathered in their bodies, but the most fundamental reason is that Jindan Realm masters can only use their own true essence to promote the laws and form a domain, while Tiangang Realm masters can call on Tiangang endlessly.

The kingdom of God evolved by Patriarch Shanwen is a realm that is more advanced than the domain. The power consumed by the law support in it will be extremely huge. Since he did not call on Tiangang, where else would the power come from?

This can't be the power accumulated by his own body. If his own body contains such a huge power, then he should have been unable to accommodate this world and should have ascended to heaven in broad daylight.

Of course, it was only Lu Yu's one-sided statement that the ancestor Shanwen did not call on the Tiangang, but Yudie was inclined to believe him.

Because this kid had already proved with countless facts that he had an extremely keen sense of power. He could even forge the mark of the demon god and drive the power of the immortal. What else could he not do?

"Where would it come from..." Yudie muttered subconsciously.

The two were lost in thought, and suddenly a voice said coldly: "Where else can it come from? Since it's not Tiangang, it can only come from Disha!"

Everyone was stunned.

Turning their heads, they found that it was the Shenmu Wangding beside Lu Yu who spoke.

This alchemy cauldron, because it is too powerful, cannot be contained in the cave space, and naturally cannot be placed in the universe, so Lu Yu has always carried it with him.

Fortunately, it can change its size at will like the Holy Heart Gourd, so it is not a problem to put it directly in your pocket, so it is not too troublesome.

In view of this, everyone thinks that this sacred wood king cauldron is a treasure of the heavenly spirit level, but because its spirit was broken up and swallowed countless rare treasures for thousands of years and then reassembled, it is still a little confused, so it cannot play its maximum effect at all.

Before this, Lu Yu had always put it in his pocket and let it refine the elixir by itself, because he felt that only in this way would this treasure gradually find itself and regain its former power. In the past few days, it has been lying quietly in Lu Yu's pocket without any accidents, but it suddenly ran out and interrupted at this time.

"Earth Evil?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

"What? Don't you know what Disha is?" Shenmu Wang Ding's voice was full of a sense of superiority.

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "Brother Ding, you are really joking... Tiangang is still out of reach for us, so how could we have come into contact with Disha?"

Chudie and Yudie looked at each other and said, "I remember when we were promoted to true disciples for the first time, we read in the sixth floor of the Sutra Tower and saw the description of Tiangang and Disha in the "General Outline of Dali Cultivation Catalog"..."

Yudie immediately understood and said, "The one who rises up is Tiangang, and the one who sinks down is Disha... Tiangang and Disha are originally a pair of extreme powers. Tiangang is in the nine heavens, and Disha is hidden deep in the nine underworld..."

"The power of Tiangang is the manifestation of the order of heaven. Only by comprehending the mystery of Tiangang and taming and subduing it, can we use it. , can break through the great Dao of heaven and earth, and thus enter a more advanced realm of cultivation..."

"And the power of the Earthly Evil corrodes everything, causing chaos and being extremely dangerous. As long as it is slightly contaminated, it will destroy the foundation of the Taoism, and even the mysteries of the laws that have been condensed by oneself will dissipate and disintegrate..."

"Anyone who practices should be vigilant about these two. Among them, for the power of the Heavenly Gang, when the golden elixir is perfected and stable, you can try to contact it, but the power of the Earthly Evil cannot be touched from beginning to end!"


The two sisters are both well-informed and have a strong memory. Even if they have quickly scanned the classics many years ago, they still remember them clearly at this time. The two of them talked about the description of the Heavenly Gang and the Earthly Evil in the books of the Dali Sword Sect.

Lu Yu had naturally heard of the power of the Earthly Evil, but he did not know much about it. He only knew that it was a thing more dangerous than the Heavenly Gang... At his current realm, there was really no need to know too much about it.

"I didn't expect that the way of cultivation in today's world has fallen to this level?" After listening to the sisters' description, Shenmu Wangding sighed and said. "They only know how to pursue the power of Tiangang, but can't even use the power of Disha. We were not like this back then..."

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