Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1172 Thousands of Arrows Shot

"This ancestor... is really amazing!" Ye Weilan admired sincerely.

After awakening the bloodline of the Night Phoenix Clan and being promoted to the Demon Lord, her power has become very powerful. As expected, Hongyi Ancestor is only powerful in terms of strength, and it is impossible to get such praise from her.

The opponent's ability to grasp the overall situation and accurately grasp changes in the situation is an ability that is at a higher level than simply being powerful.

"How on earth did he do all this..."

While admiring, Jade Butterfly couldn't help but stretched out her hand to gently touch the surrounding shimmering particles, feeling that all this was so magical.

Ancestor Hongyi didn't just give instructions to the four of them. He had to command dozens of combat units, which meant that he had to maintain the image of dozens of shimmering particles at the same time. At the same time, he He also had to make accurate judgments on the situation and immediately issue corresponding instructions... All of this could only be described as a magical skill.

Even Lu Yu, who possesses extremely powerful thoughts and consciousness, does not think that he can do all this. Although the Hongyi Ancestor is a Tiangang strongman, there are no longer a few Tiangang strongmen that Lu Yu has dealt with, and compared with the Hongyi Ancestor. During the period, he also had a head-on confrontation, and he did not think that Ancestor Hongyi would be stronger than him in terms of mind and consciousness.

It seems that Hongyi Ancestor must have his own secrets in the skill he is playing now...

Lu Yu also had to admit that perhaps he had been a little too contemptuous of this ancestor. At least the scene in front of him was something he had never imagined.

"Is this... evolved from the 'Little Zhou Tian Mystery'?"

Chu Die also watched the shimmering particles around him evolve and said thoughtfully.

"Little Zhou Tian's secret?"

Yudie was taken aback, and then she suddenly realized: "Yang Chudie, you are right, this seems to be the Little Zhoutian Secret... But can the Little Zhoutian Secret be used like this? "

She had a shocked expression on her face.

She is naturally no stranger to Little Zhoutian Mysteries.

In fact, this was one of the breakthrough points for the Yunxiao Patriarch that Wuya Qizu and others found after studying and torturing her for many years. The Little Zhoutian Secret was also one of the secrets of the law that she was proficient in. , but she never thought that this secret could be used in such a way.

However, now is obviously not the time to delve into this.

"Instead of worrying about this, you might as well think about why this Taoism continues to be here?" Lu Yu said.

Ye Weilan said: "You mean, this ancestor will continue to issue orders to us?"

Although she is not as smart as the Yang sisters, she is very good at observing Lu Yu's words, so she quickly understood what Lu Yu meant.

"That's right!" Lu Yu said, "So, it's better not to worry about this now, and quickly prepare to attack again!"

After the three women heard this, they no longer struggled any more. They no longer cared about the situation around them and immediately began to meditate and regulate their breathing.

The combo skill of opening the sky with one sword consumes a lot of energy for the four of them. Since they don’t know what kind of order Hongyi Ancestor will issue next, they must maintain the best condition, even if it only takes a moment, even if the surrounding people In the middle of a melee, they must immediately seize the time to adjust their breath and recover.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Sure enough, Ancestor Hongyi sent another order.

This time it allowed them to invade deeper into Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

The four of them immediately stopped adjusting their breath, followed the new instructions of Patriarch Hongyi, and attacked again.

It was only then that they re-observed the situation around them.

At this moment, it was the time when the three Tiangang Patriarchs Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong united to launch an offensive against the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom. During this moment when they were exercising their power and regulating their breath, the original small opening was continuously changing. Fan's offensive has turned into a big gap, and the joint offensive of the three Tiangang ancestors is to completely overturn and pierce this big gap.

It's a pity that the deeper you go, the more powerful the Xuanshui Kingdom becomes. Even if these three Tiangang ancestors join forces, they still can't completely defeat the Xuanshui Kingdom, causing it to reveal its old roots.

The offensive of the three Tiangang Ancestors has reached its limit, just a little bit short...

The attack by Lu Yu and others at this time was precisely to overturn this last bit.

Draw your sword!

The four of them gathered together to attack again.


Sword shadow!

Fire Phoenix!

Real dragon!

The four took their positions one after another, their attacks combined, and huge power suddenly burst out!

Between heaven and earth, the power of a sword opening the sky suddenly appeared again.

Immediately, the last water column of Xuanshui Kingdom was cut off.

The bodies of the water-shaped warriors around them began to dissipate...

No, it is not accurate to say that they dissipated... They first broke into pieces of water droplets, and then the water droplets were connected in series again, gathering towards the center of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

This time, these collected water drops did not merge into the previous water-shaped warrior, but flowed into another figure. This figure looks like the ancestor Shanwen!

As the water drops continued to gather, the figure of Ancestor Shanwen began to change. In less than a moment, the sky was filled with hundreds of identical figures of Ancestor Shanwen.

This scene made Lu Yu and others feel numb.

This feeling was as if they had exhausted all their efforts and finally moved away the last stone blocking the way forward. Unexpectedly, the stone

Lu Yu knew in his heart that their mission was over at this moment, and I was afraid they would never be able to intervene in the next battle.

And at this moment, Patriarch Hongyi suddenly raised his hand and threw up the Litian Sword Canon in his hand...

"Brother Shanwen Dao, everything should be over!"

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and thousands of swords fired in unison!

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