Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1173 The Power of the Sword

This was not the first time Lu Yu saw the Litian Sword Code. He had seen it many times before, and even almost had a head-on conflict with it.

But it wasn't until this moment that he finally witnessed the official launch of the Litian Sword Code.

When the Litian Sword Code was not really activated before, it was already amazing enough just to prepare for its power, but compared to activating the Litian Sword Code with all its strength at this moment, there is no comparison at all.

Only then did he realize that this top-notch artifact, which was famous far and wide and was deeply feared by the entire cultivation world, was indeed worthy of its reputation. He had acted so recklessly when he collided with Patriarch Hongyi in Feiyan Castle...

The Litian Sword Canon was originally the aggregation of countless sword techniques. He had known this for a long time, but he never thought that when the Litian Sword Canon was actually activated and the sword techniques above were fully activated, the momentum formed would actually be huge. So amazing.

The sword energy is brilliant, and its power can reach the sky!

This is the true sense of Sword Qi Lingxiao! At this moment, even the boundaries between the nine heavens and the heavens became blurred. Between the sky and the earth, there was only a vast and endless sword light floating between the blue sky above and the underworld below.

Countless sword shadows burst out from the dark Litian Sword Canon, and every sword shadow is transformed into the essence of the secret of swordsmanship.

These sword shadows came in an endless stream, like locusts, and then they gathered together automatically, arranged exquisitely, and everything seemed to be made in heaven.

Seeing the rearrangement and combination of these secrets of swordsmanship, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

The combination skills he created were originally inspired by the Litian Sword Code. He originally thought that he had a very good understanding of the sword code's patterns, but it wasn't until this moment that he realized how wrong he was...

When he designed the combo skills before, he only considered the complementation and cooperation between the various secrets of swordsmanship, but completely forgot the most critical point, which is the compatibility with the order of heaven...

At this time, the sword shadows in front of me are like steel balls that automatically fall into the orbit. They can't help but complement each other and perfectly coordinate with each other. They are also perfectly integrated with the order of heaven, as if they themselves are part of the order of heaven. .

How can it still be like this...

Lu Yu was amazed in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel like he was standing tall at the Litian Sword Code in front of him.

In a daze, it seemed as if a door to a new world suddenly opened in front of him.

However, he could only get a brief glimpse of the scenery in this "new world"...

If you want to integrate with the order of heaven, you must have a good understanding of the order of heaven. The only people who can do this are the gods outside the world, right?

According to rumors, this treasure was made by the founding master, who molded its shape with essence and blood, and tempered its soul with soul. All the masters of the past generations donated their own golden elixirs before passing away, and placed all the essence of mysteries in it. , it took more than 100,000 years to look like what it is now.

In other words, the original foundation of this Litian Sword Code was laid by the founder...

Lu Yu really couldn't figure out how the founder of the Dali Sword Sect did all this...

It is said that the black stone slab used to make the Litian Sword Code is actually an extraterrestrial thing. If there is no help from an extraterrestrial powerhouse, Lu Yu will never believe it.

The establishment of Bixiao Shrine, Shenhuo Xuanzong, and Daluo Holy Land, including the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, are all closely related to the powerful men from the outer world.

Lu Yu originally thought that the Da Li Sword Sect would be an exception, but now it seems that is not the case, and by analogy, the establishment of several other major sects is also inseparable from the forces outside the world...

But think about it, this is normal. Among the eight major sects, each has been inherited for at least 100,000 years. If there is no origin, how can it be inherited for such a long time? Otherwise, I'm afraid it would have been lost in the long river of time...

At this moment, countless sword shadows poured into the void.

After the essence of the secrets are integrated with the order of heaven, they are no longer just powerful sword techniques, but also the historical accumulation of more than 100,000 years of the Dali Sword Sect.

This is definitely the most powerful offensive in the world today, and it is the ceiling of combat effectiveness in the world.

Lu Yu has experienced many big scenes and has seen many battles between top experts, but he has never seen any attack reach the level in front of him.

No wonder the Seven Ancestors of Wuya were beaten to the point of running away by Ancestor Hongyi in the northern seas before. Faced with such an offensive, this is really normal...

I just don’t know what the outcome will be now that the target is Ancestor Shanwen, and whether Litian Sword Code will continue to be invincible...

Countless sword shadows rustled down, all attacking the central area of ​​Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, directly blasting towards the hundreds of phantom clones of Ancestor Shanwen.

Faced with such an offensive, Patriarch Shanwen did not dare to rely too much on it. This was an almost unbreakable offensive. Even with Patriarch Shanwen's ability, he had no better way, so all he could do was Just defensive.

So, he raised his hand and pinched a magic formula.

Immediately, hundreds of Shanwen Patriarchs all copied his movements and also formed a magic formula.

Earth Binding Kunlong Technique!

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