Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1174 Shocking Reversal

It is one of the few Taoist secrets of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and its powerful protective ability is also famous among the eight major sects.

Originally, the strength of this technique was far from enough to cope with Li Tian Jian Dian's offensive. However, there were too many phantom clones that could not withstand Patriarch Shanwen. However, after the effects of hundreds of Earth Binding Kunlong Techniques were gathered together, , the effect is far from the same.

For a moment, even the laws in the void were sucked out and turned into black dragons entrenched in front of the transformed clones.

This is the essence of the earth-bound Kunlong technique. It directly intercepts the fragments of laws in the void and reshapes them into an independent foreign space. At this time, the black Kunlongs entrenched in front of the phantom clones will It is equivalent to hundreds of completely different independent worlds, completely isolating the main body of Shanwen Patriarch from the offensive of Litian Sword Code.

If Li Tianjian Dian wants to completely defeat the Xuanshui Kingdom of Ancestor Shanwen, he must first completely defeat these hundreds of independent worlds...

However, can this be done?

No one knows the answer to this question…

So everyone waited and waited.




The phantom of Ten Thousand Swords was as powerful as breaking bamboo, killing Kunlong one after another and penetrating foreign spaces one after another.

The collapse of every space caused violent shocks, causing the heaven and earth to tremble violently.

Everyone's hearts were trembling and throbbing...

"Is this a mysterious clone? It's really powerful..."

Lu Yu said with lingering fear.

Although he had long heard from Patriarchs Zhaoyun and Huitang that every mysterious clone of Patriarch Shanwen could exert 100% combat effectiveness against the original body, when he actually saw this scene, he still felt extremely shocked. .

Before that, he originally thought that Li Tian Jian Dian's offensive had reached the ceiling, and he couldn't think of any other way to crack it. He didn't expect that Patriarch Shanwen would crack it in this way.

That is, the Litian Sword Code, its offensive is powerful enough, and there is no way to counterattack. If it were replaced by another target, even if the ancestor Shanwen just drew a sword, after the blessing of hundreds of mysterious clones, I am afraid that any offensive attack They will all be eliminated by him.

"Who do you think... can win?" Yudie asked with a shocked look on her face.

Lu Yu shook his head: "It's hard to say now..."

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Ye Weilan's eyes shining with divine light, as if he was driving the power of blood.

At this time, the battlefield was very close to everyone. With their eyesight, they could see clearly with their naked eyes. There was no need to use the power of blood...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be very curious. After her eyes regained clarity, he immediately asked: "Lan'er, what are you thinking about? What are you looking at?"

Ye Weilan lowered his head and said: "I just counted how many Ancestor Shanwen there are in front of me... Didn't you say before that he should have 888 clones? But I counted these phantoms in front of me. There seem to be only 672 clones in total..."

To be able to accurately observe this under such circumstances, she is probably the only one who can do this...

However, Lu Yu was obviously more concerned about the information she brought. He frowned and said, "There are only 672? So, could it be that Yue Xishan is hiding something?"

As early as hundreds of years ago, Ancestor Shanwen already had 888 mysterious clones. Through his observation of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom just now, Lu Yu believed that his limit should not be more than this. Perhaps after these years of practice, , he had transformed into thousands of phantom clones at this time, and Lu Yu was not surprised at all.

If this is the case, it means that the problem is serious, because what Patriarch Shanwen hides is not just a simple skill.

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly became profound: "I think we may have to be prepared at any time..."

"What preparation?"

"It may be a rescue, or it may be a runaway..."

When he said this, the three women couldn't help but feel heavy in their hearts.

This shows that he is no longer optimistic about the situation of Ancestor Hongyi at this time.

And if even Ancestor Hongyi, who controls the Litian Sword Canon, can deal with Ancestor Shanwen, then they really have no better way, because they have already overdrawn them when they fought against Xuanshui Kingdom. potential.

Countless sword shadows rustled down, and foreign spaces were destroyed one by one.

Finally, there were not many Kunlong left in the center of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

Just when the three girls thought that Lu Yu's judgment was wrong and they could save themselves from rescuing the scene or running away, Li Tian Jian Dian's offensive came to an abrupt end.

Ancestor Hongyi seemed to have lost all strength and fell down from the air.

When the manpower is finally exhausted, this time not only him, but also the divine power in the Litian Sword Code is exhausted and completely gone.

On the other hand, Patriarch Shanwen on the other side had only the last figure left.

However, this last figure stood in front of everyone like a mountain, making it difficult for them to overcome.

Everyone felt sad and regretful.

Just a little bit different...

However, this little bit quickly became a nightmare for all of them.

I saw water droplets begin to emerge and connect in series again, converging on the last Shanwen Patriarch. Then his body began to transform and split again. In just the blink of an eye, it turned into hundreds of identical Shanwen Patriarchs. Ancestor.

Everyone felt their scalps numb again.

"Shen Hongyi, your words are too full!"

Hundreds of Shanwen ancestors spoke in unison and at the same time. The scene was quite horrifying.

"Do you think you can defeat me with the Litian Sword Code alone? Your Dali Sword Sect has the Litian Sword Code for more than a day or two. No one knows about this. If I don't find a way to restrain it, How dare I come to your door so easily?"

"Now, have you seen my trump card? The power of Earthly Evil is a power that even Litian Sword Code cannot match. It is the perfect way to restrain it!"

"It's a pity that such a divine weapon will be completely destroyed today!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed forward.

Immediately, hundreds of mysterious clones also pointed forward, and a huge force rushed towards the Litian Sword Canon in the hand of Patriarch Hongyi...

Everyone turned pale with shock.

Yudie looked at Lu Yu and said, "What should we do now? Should we save the situation or run away?"

The situation is urgent.

Lu Yu was about to make a decision, but at this moment, his heart skipped a beat. He raised his head in shock and looked at the sky.

After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and his expression became calmer: "No, I don't need to do anything..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the clouds opened and the fog dispersed in the sky, and a golden and clear palace suddenly appeared in the sky.

The style of this palace is exactly the same as the image in the seal of ancestor Yunxiao!

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