Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1175 Palace in the Clouds

"Ah! This is Ancestor Yunxiao!"

"Ancestor Yunxiao... finally appears!"

"I didn't expect that even Ancestor Yunxiao would return..."

"How many years has it been..."

"Ancestor Tianwei!"

"See the ancestor!"

Seeing the majestic palace suddenly appearing in the sky, everyone was filled with dissatisfaction.

In a sense, this palace in the clouds is also a huge realm comparable to the Kingdom of God. It is surrounded by powerful force fields, and even the laws of heaven and earth are completely distorted.

As soon as he appeared, a ray of divine light descended from the palace in the clouds. Under the illumination of this ray of divine light, the surrounding laws immediately changed. The offensive originally launched by hundreds of Shanwen ancestors was immediately blocked. It twisted its direction and turned into shooting towards the palace in the clouds.

I saw ripples surging around the palace, and the simultaneous attacks of hundreds of Shanwen Patriarchs were swallowed up.

"This... seems to be the Hidden Mist Sword Technique?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

To be more precise, this should be the secret of the Hidden Mist. In the distortion of the divine light, he could vaguely see traces of the essence of the Sword Art Hidden in the Mist. This was far better than what he had shown during the pursuit of Kunpeng. The Great Fog Hidden Sword Technique that came out will be even more profound.

"Yes, it is indeed the Hidden Mist Sword Technique!" Chudie confirmed.

Yudie said with emotion: "Ancestor Yunxiao is known for his profound Taoist teachings. When he was just promoted to Tiangang, he had already understood more than half of the thirty-six wonderful methods and true secrets. He was known as a moving temple. 'Dali Sword Sect Arsenal'..."

"It's really not surprising that he can master the secrets of the great fog. Otherwise, do you think the reason why he is so famous is just because of his three thousand years of life?"

Lu Yu said: "If this is the case, then there should be a backup plan..."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a sharp bright light shot out from the cloud palace. It was the powerful offensive that had just been swallowed up, and it was returned to hundreds of Shanwen Patriarch's mysterious clones without any compromise. .

Lu Yu felt that his eyes were opened for a while.

Originally, he thought that Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was blessed by hundreds of mysterious clones, which could explode hundreds of times of combat power. Even Litian Sword Code had been suppressed by it, and its attack power should have reached the highest peak in today's world. That's right, but now it seems that it is not the case, it can still be restrained.

The highest peak in today's world is indeed the ancestor of Yunxiao...

Under such circumstances, even if Patriarch Shanwen has an endless supply of earth evil power and an explosion of hundreds or thousands of times of combat power, what can he do? No matter how powerful or fierce the attack, it will all be returned to him in the end.

However, from this, it can also be seen that Patriarch Yunxiao was actually prepared. Every law and force field around Yunzhong Palace was used to its limit, and all of it was used to return Patriarch Shanwen. offensive, otherwise if they came in a hurry, they would never be able to reach such a point.

Thinking back to the previous scene when Patriarch Hongyi took charge of the overall situation with the help of Little Zhoutian Mystery...

Lu Yu couldn't help but trembled slightly.

The Secret of Little Zhoutian happened to be one that Yunxiao Ancestor was proficient in, so the Seventh Ancestor of Wuya thought of using this secret to specifically target him...

In the previous coordination and coordination, Xiao Zhou Tianyi performed superbly... I am afraid that the ancestor of Yunxiao has already secretly taken over everything.

Only in this way can we explain why Patriarch Hongyi suddenly became so powerful. Originally, with the strength of his mind and consciousness, he should not be able to reach that level... Everyone thought that the chess player behind the chess game was Patriarch Hongyi. , in fact, the real chess player has already been replaced by Patriarch Yunxiao!

These thoughts flashed across Lu Yu's mind like lightning.

At this time, as the powerful offensive was all returned, a voice resounded throughout the world:

"Yue Xishan, do you think you can sit back and relax after communicating with the Earthly Evil? I wonder how much Earthly Evil's power you still have that you can use?"

The source of the sound is the palace in the clouds. It seems that the ancestor of Yunxiao is speaking.

The powerful rebound offensive instantly swallowed up the figures of hundreds of Shanwen Patriarchs.

The Yunzhong Palace neither paid attention to Patriarch Shanwen's response nor cared about Patriarch Shanwen's reaction. Before the strong light had subsided, another ray of divine light came down.

This time, the target of the divine light was changed to Ancestor Hongyi.

Ancestor Hongyi, who had already lost his strength, seemed to have had a premonition of this. He had already stood up one step ahead and raised the Litian Sword Code high in his hand.

He and Li Tianjian Dian were bathed in a divine light together.

In the divine light, there are waves of heart-stopping spiritual power fluctuations. Even people who know nothing about the secrets of the swordsmanship of the Dali Sword Sect can clearly feel that the divine power of the Litian Sword Sect is being obtained at an extremely fast speed. Replenish.

Ancestor Hongyi had long said before that Li Tian Jian Dian's divine power could be replenished, and he had personally demonstrated it in the northern seas, but the situation at that time was far less shocking than this scene.

Under the surging power, although the palace in the clouds is right in front of you, it gives people a god-like feeling.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Patriarch Yunxiao is the person closest to the gods in this world!

Soon, the divine power of the Litian Sword Canon was replenished, and Ancestor Hongyi soared into the sky, opening the Litian Sword Canon again.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth became dark again, and there was thunder!

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