Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1190 The Divine Cauldron Seizes the Pearl

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart surge.

In a daze, it seemed that Li Fuyun slowly opened a door in front of him, which made him feel as if he had suddenly discovered the great road.

However, deep down, he also knew that what Li Fuyun said was indeed the truth.

He once witnessed the brilliance of the stars nine days away, and clearly knew how powerful the real power of stars was. Now he has mastered the secrets of the eight stars, and can simulate and evolve the power of stars to a great extent, and his sword power is as strong as ever. When it comes out, it will have unparalleled power.

But compared with the real stars, his power is not even one billionth...

"The power of the Five Elements, the supernatural power, the power of heaven, and the power of the stars. These four powers progress layer by layer, and this constitutes the heavens and the worlds..."

Li Fuyun looked directly at Lu Yu and continued.

"For ordinary cultivators, the ability to absorb extraordinary power is the limit. Even those who are powerful in the Tiangang realm do not dare to directly absorb the Tiangang. They can only invoke the Tiangang under certain rules and conditions!"

"The power of Tiangang is still like this, let alone the power of the stars?"

"This bead is called the Star Gathering Bead. As the name suggests, it is used to gather the power of the stars... If the method is used properly, this thing has endless magical uses. If you are not careful, it will be like playing with fire and burning yourself. It will be backfired by the power of the stars and fall into The point of no return!”

"Even Li Hexiao did not dare to touch this thing easily. Instead, he used various methods to imprison it here and apply it with the cooperation of various force field laws... Do you think you can control it? ?”

After going around in such a big circle, the topic finally came back.

When he said the last sentence, Li Fuyun's eyes were full of warning.

However, Lu Yu did not understand his warning.

Li Fuyun looked straight at him, but he looked straight at the Star Bead.

The strange bursts of light always gave him a feeling of palpitations.

"Let me give it a try first!" Lu Yu said in a strange way.

Li Fuyun suddenly couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Do you think all this long talk of yours was in vain?

Under his sharp gaze, Lu Yu finally reached out his hand again...

In the shadow, Li Fuyun subconsciously raised his hand, as if he wanted to stop it, but finally gave up and watched Lu Yu's hand holding the Star Bead.

Along with the smoke rising, a burning smell came out.

Lu Yu quickly took his hand back and spread it out. He saw that the palm of his hand was burnt black, and he couldn't help but feel shocked.

Is this the consequence of direct contact with the power of the stars?

In fact, Lu Yu could still overcome the scorching force on the surface. He had long been mentally prepared to take advantage of the fire...

The problem was that with this touch just now, in fact, he had used all his strength, but the star-gathering bead didn't move at all, which made him confused for a moment.

He had clearly dismantled the entire force field on the Vermilion Gate, and there was no longer any legal force field around it. Why was this Star Gathering Bead still so strong?

Seeing this scene, Li Fuyun in the shadow seemed to be relieved, and his clenched fists slowly loosened.

However, he didn't let go for long, when suddenly a bunch of black things flew out of Lu Yu's pocket.

"Boy, do you want to take this bead?"

Shenmu Wangding said coldly.

Lu Yu himself was caught off guard. He didn't expect that in such a fierce battle before, this guy didn't come out to fart, but now he suddenly slipped out inexplicably... Could it be that like attracts like?

"Brother Ding, what do you have to say?"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron is blooming with a faint green light, which is far less dazzling than the Star Gathering Pearl in front of it, but it has its own unique charm.

"This object has been pulled by other force fields. If you want to take it away, you must cut off the force field first!" Shenmu Wangding replied calmly.

"Other force fields?" Lu Yu couldn't help but look left and right, up and down: "Why can't I see anything?"

Shenmu Wangding said: "This is a star force field from nine heavens away. Only special receptors can sense it. For example, for a supreme creature like me, you are just a mortal with naked eyes, so naturally you can't see it." …”

Lu Yu nodded in understanding, as if...he was inexplicably despised by this guy again?

"Then how can we cut off these force field pulls?"

Without even looking, Lu Yu was naturally at his wits end.

"I can help you!" Shenmu Wangding said, "As long as you put it inside my body, you can cut off this connection, and then you can naturally take it out of here..."

"You?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "Do you mean to let you swallow it in one go?"

The Divine Wood King Ding said: "Don't worry, although I have swallowed a lot of things, I have no interest in this thing. Besides, with my current strength, I'm afraid I can't do anything to it... I just think that it can accept Jiutian." Other messages may remind me of more things!”

Lu Yu said: "Brother Ding, you misunderstood. I'm not worried about this...but are you really sure there won't be any problems?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu shook his blackened palms to remind him of the danger involved.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of it. I lost my body once tens of thousands of years ago, and I won't make the same mistake again now... However, with my own strength, I'm afraid it's still beyond my power, so I still need to You can help me from the side," Shenmu Wangding said.

"How can I help you?" Lu Yu asked.

The sacred wooden king cauldron did not answer, but spun automatically, and at the same time, its body grew rapidly.

Lines slowly appeared on his body.

Lu Yu immediately understood that the Divine Wood King Cauldron needed to help him activate the patterns on his body, otherwise the process would be quite slow if he had to do it by himself.

So, Lu Yu stretched out his hand and used the power of the red lotus to write on the tripod one step ahead along the lines.

In an instant, the rays of light became extremely bright.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron soon became the size of an elephant, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the Star Gathering Bead.

The surroundings shook violently again.

However, this time, it was not Floating Cloud Palace that was shaken, but the entire surrounding world!

Seeing this scene, Li Fuyun finally couldn't stand anymore.

He raised one hand and began to draw circles back and forth on his chest.

"Junior brother Lu Yu, the three days are up. You have successfully passed the test. It is time to leave!"

Every time he completed a circle gesture, the entire Floating Cloud Palace also rotated in a circle.

Li Fuyun actually wanted to drive him out of Fuyun Palace in advance to prevent him from seizing the Star-Gathering Pearl!

Suddenly, Lu Yu felt that the world was spinning.

Torn by a huge centrifugal force, he was quickly thrown out of Fuyun Palace.

In the misty clouds, the last scene he saw was that the Divine Wood King Cauldron swallowed the Star-Gathering Pearl completely into his stomach...

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