Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1191 Starlight Fire Body

I don't know how many times he rolled back and forth in the clouds and mist before Lu Yu finally stabilized his posture.

Looking back, he discovered that Fuyun Palace was breaking through the boundaries of the sky and returning to the ninth level of the sky. His position was below the sky, only a few miles away from the Tiangang gas layer above his head.

Lu Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that in the chaos, Li Fuyun would throw himself into the Tiangang Qi layer if he wasn't careful. With his current strength, he would never be able to withstand a head-on collision with Tiangang.

Fortunately, Li Fuyun was still measured after all, and was not completely carried away by the interests. Even though he was roughly driven out of Fuyun Palace, he still sent himself back to the first level of heaven safely.

However, this only glimmer of goodwill did not last long.

Soon, he complained again with a look of regret on his face: "This Li Fuyun is so stingy! He clearly said what he said, but he didn't count it, and he resorted to such insidious and cunning methods!"

Lu Yu had a heartbroken expression.

You must know that after he dismantled the vermilion gate and discovered those hidden cave spaces, he was equivalent to discovering the biggest treasure of Fuyun Palace. With the accumulation of thousands of years of experience by the ancestor of Yunxiao, there must be a lot of good things in it.

Maybe there will be a treasure even greater than the Star-Gathering Pearl!

It's a pity that before he could take a look at the situation inside, he was driven out by Li Fuyun in such a rough way. Wouldn't this be the same as entering a treasure mountain but returning empty-handed? Lu Yu was naturally full of resentment over this...

Now, it can only be regarded as a consolation prize...

As for the consolation prize, it's not yet certain whether he got it or not... He saw the sacred tree king tripod swallowing the Star-Gathering Pearl in one gulp, but it is unknown whether he successfully took it away in the end.

"Brother Ding...Brother Ding..."

Lu Yu spread his thoughts and consciousness to the surroundings and silently recited the name of the sacred wooden king tripod.

Soon, there was a response in the mind and consciousness, and the two sides quickly determined each other's positions.

But after the position was determined, Lu Yu couldn't help but froze, because the position of the Divine Wood King Cauldron was above his head, located in the second level of the sky, with a thick layer of Tiangang Qi between the two sides.

Lu Yu was thinking about what method to use to "fish out" the sacred wooden king tripod from inside.

But at this moment, a burst of sky fire struck, like a falling meteorite. The raging flames instantly penetrated the Tiangang Qi layer and flew towards Lu Yu.

The blazing flames gradually extinguished, and when it flew in front of Lu Yu, his dark body was revealed.

"Brother Ding?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look stunned.

Unexpectedly, this sacred wooden king tripod is so powerful that it can directly cross the barrier of Tiangang. You must know that even for a strong Tiangang, it is not that easy to cross the barrier of the sky. You must be prepared and ready. …

But just now, the Divine Wood King Cauldron rushed over without any preparation...

"Are you... actually so powerful?" Lu Yu said in disbelief.

Logically speaking, if this sacred wooden king tripod is powerful enough to run rampant in the Tiangang Qi layer, then he should kill the Tiangang strong men at will... because the most powerful thing about the Tiangang strong men is that they can Directly calling on the power of Tiangang, if he is not even afraid of the Tiangang Qi layer, how can he care about the methods of Tiangang's strong men?

"It's not me that's great, but it..."

The Divine Wooden King Cauldron spit out a stream of steam from its opening, completely extinguishing the flames on its top, and immediately revealed the appearance of the Star Gathering Bead.

I don't know what kind of method he used. At this time, the Star-Gathering Bead was deeply embedded in the center of his tripod lid, and it seemed that the two merged into one.

"It was with the help of its power that I passed through the barrier of the sky just now... It was also with the help of its power that I drove away that annoying guy!"

"A nasty guy?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment: "You mean Li Fuyun? Did he attack you again later?"

Shenmu Wangding said lightly: "Of course he was unwilling to give up control of this bead, and shamelessly asked me to keep this bead. But since we have taken this bead off, is there any reason to return it? So, I immediately reconnected with the traction field of this bead, and with a few tricks, I forced him to run away with his head in his arms."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel dumb for a while.

Although Brother Ding speaks lightly, it is not that easy to force Li Fuyun away. This means that the entire Fuyun Palace has also been forced back by him... I really don’t know what this old man is doing. What could have caused the other party to leave so simply?

No wonder, in such a short time, the entire Floating Cloud Palace has disappeared...

"So, this Star-Gathering Pearl has become one with you now, right?"

Lu Yu said with a suspicious look on his face.

"This is only temporary." Shenmu Wangding said: "Don't look at me like that. I didn't break my promise to swallow it... This bead is a supreme divine object, and ordinary methods cannot contain it at all. I am also distorted. Having lost its own structure, it was difficult to find a place to place it.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the previous experience when his hands were burnt and blackened after just a slight touch. This thing was indeed not that easy to get along with. Now that it can be placed on the lid of the divine wood king tripod, it has become This is a very good result.

"What's going on with this thing?" Lu Yu looked at the Star Gathering Pearl intently and asked again.

The Divine Wood King Ding said: "It's difficult to explain the state of this thing in words, it's better for you to feel it yourself!"

As he spoke, the sacred wooden king tripod slowly flew up, as if to indicate to Lu Yu that he could sense it with his hands.

Lu Yu was suddenly surprised: "Is this okay?"

He had not forgotten that he had only touched it slightly before, and his hands were immediately burnt to black. He was still frightened by this.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron said with certainty: "No problem."

So, Lu Yu took a deep breath and reached out to hold this strange bead again.

Only then did I realize that its surface was no longer as hot as before. I don't know if it was because the Divine Wood King Cauldron had tamed it, but its tentacles were actually cold.

Lu Yu activated his senses to the extreme, carefully sensing all the details inside the bead.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling filled his body.

In a trance, he seemed to have entered the interior of the bead and saw individual crystal structures. The crystal structure was filled with countless and endless beams of starlight... Its internal environment was a It was an extremely rich and complex world. As his senses continued to deepen, Lu Yu actually saw a brilliance as brilliant as a galaxy in it!


Lu Yu took a long breath and took his hand back from the Star-Gathering Pearl.

In an instant, he completely understood the nature of this Star-Gathering Bead.

As Li Fuyun said, this object is specially used to gather the power of stars.

Lu Yu has already been exposed to similar functions. For example, Wei Zhihan's Nine Lives Divine Coffin has a special magic circle at the bottom of the coffin to gather starlight and absorb energy. Lu Yu also specially adjusted and improved it for him...

Another example is the ruins formation in Oracle Continent, which is also a huge formation system used to gather the power of stars...

But no matter where the starlight array is, its effectiveness is far inferior to that of this star-gathering bead.

Even compared to a crystal particle inside the bead body, it is far inferior.

This is an object that exists specifically to gather the power of the stars. Every minute structure and every tiny particle inside it is designed for this purpose, as if it was tailor-made.

Its interior itself already contains countless bright galaxies.

This is a natural starlight flint body.

"Starlight Fire Body..."

A name suddenly appeared in Lu Yu's mind...

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