Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1192 Everything is determined

"Where did this thing... come from?"

Although Lu Yu already understood its nature, he still knew nothing about its origin.

He felt that such a thing could not be made by man, because its internal structure was so exquisite that even if it was truly made, it must have been made by a supreme being that surpassed the gods.

"Shouldn't you ask the owner of that palace this question?" Shenmu Wangding said.

Lu Yu was silent for a moment.

Indeed, regarding the origin of this Star-Gathering Pearl, the best way is to ask Patriarch Yunxiao or Li Fuyun...

But looking at the cautious and mysterious behavior of the two of them, they even refused to tell themselves the truth behind it, let alone the origin of the bead.

What's more, the entire Fuyun Palace has disappeared and is completely missing. Even if Lu Yu wanted to ask, there was no way.

The only thing Lu Yu can be sure of is that this Star-Gathering Pearl is definitely not produced in this world, but must come from a world beyond Jiutian.

Moreover, it is probably inextricably related to the secrets carried by the ancestor of Yunxiao...

"Then with this appearance now... what can you do with it?" Lu Yu asked again, "Does it mean that you can use it to gather the power of the stars anytime and anywhere."

"It's just a little bit..."

The Divine Wood King Cauldron replied: "Those powers are too powerful. With my body, I can only withstand a little bit, otherwise there will be a risk of being shattered to pieces again... If I have your help, I may be able to sustain it even more." It will take a while, but in the end it is still the gap between Haoyue and Yinghuo.”

"The only thing I hope for now is that through the star force field on it, it can trigger more of my memories, allowing me to truly find out the exact origin of my life. At that time, I may be able to use its power to the best of my ability. More..."

Lu Yu fell silent again.

But I couldn't help but add silently: Maybe, I am the same...

The Star Gathering Bead can gather the power of stars from outside Jiutian, which is equivalent to a corner mirror that allows them to peek into Jiutian.

Just now, Lu Yu only had a brief touch, and the name "Starlight Fire Body" automatically appeared in his mind. He believed that with continued in-depth contact, he would definitely get more information.

Perhaps, from this new perspective, he can find the mystery of his life experience - the true origin of the lotus seed is not certain.

"Okay! Anyway, this thing is in our hands now, and if Brother Ding can still use it to call upon the power of the stars, then no matter who it is now, no one can ask us to hand it over again..."

Lu Yu glanced at the vast land below, distinguished the trend of the mountains and rivers under his feet, and then said:

"We will study it slowly in the future... Now we have to rush back immediately. As the successor appointed by the Yunxiao Patriarch and the strongest disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, we must go back as soon as possible to stabilize the morale of the army!"

There are thousands of miles in the sky.

This place is already an extremely hidden situation. Under the intertwining layers of heavenly gangs, even the most powerful cultivator in the world cannot spy on the reality of this place.

The Floating Cloud Palace floats slowly among the misty clouds.

Even though the interior was in a mess, the external force field was still extremely powerful, stirring up the surrounding Tiangang mist into chaos wherever it passed.

As the clouds and mist stirred, a ray of light suddenly flashed, and a figure rushed out of the clouds and mist like a white horse passing through the gap. It passed through the surrounding force fields and landed in front of Floating Cloud Palace.

The man stood still and turned out to be Li Fuyun from before.

Originally, he could return to the palace without anyone noticing through teleportation, but after the previous turmoil, the original teleportation rules had become ineffective, and he could only return to the palace in this way.

Li Fuyun slowly walked into the palace.

Looking at the torn vermilion gate and the shattered interior of the palace, he couldn't help but remain silent for a moment.

In the midst of the mess, after standing still for a long time, he finally sighed softly, then took up the magic formula with his hand, and bursts of brilliance surged out of his body.

The messy scene inside the palace began to gradually recover.

Obviously, he is using his supreme magic power to restore the entire palace.

After a lot of work, the interior of the palace finally took on a new look. It was no longer the messy scene it was before, but there were still many differences from its original appearance.

There is no way, after all, he is just a manager, not the creator of this place. He can only repair it to a certain extent. Some of the most core parts still require the intervention of the ancestor of Yunxiao himself.

However, repairing it to this extent is enough for Li Fuyun to implement his plan.

He raised his hands and formed a new magic formula. Suddenly bursts of light surged, and a strange magic circle began to form in the center of the palace.

After a moment, the image of an old man with white beard and white hair, and an immortal spirit appeared inside the magic circle.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be stars flashing in his eyes.


Li Fuyun lowered his head and shouted in a low voice.

This person is none other than the famous Ancestor Yunxiao.

Even though Li Fuyun had always called Li Hexiao by his first name when talking to Lu Yu before, when he was actually in front of Li Hexiao, he still had no choice but to be obedient.

After all, although he has a great identity, he is still not strong enough at this moment. He must rely on the protection of Ancestor Yunxiao to continue his life.

Ancestor Yunxiao glanced at him lightly.

Although Li Fuyun had already cleaned up, he could still see the changes in Fuyun Palace at a glance, and said directly: "Did Lu Yu do all this?"

"Yes..." Li Fuyun's face turned red from holding back: "In addition, he also took away the Star Gathering Pearl."

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled faintly: "Now, you should understand that heroes in the world should not be underestimated, right? I hope that after this incident, you can learn a lesson and calm down... The laws of heaven are impermanent, and you and I should both Always be in awe, understand?”

Li Fuyun raised his head and glanced at Patriarch Yunxiao in front of him in surprise. He couldn't believe that his reaction to this matter was so calm.

Patriarch Yunxiao ignored his surprise, paused for a moment, and then asked: "Has your whereabouts been exposed?"

"No..." Li Fuyun said: "But, Master, didn't you hear what I just said? That Lu Yu, he directly took away the Star Gathering Pearl..."

"So what?" Ancestor Yunxiao said calmly.

Li Fuyun couldn't help but be stunned.

The other party's indifferent reaction left him at a loss as to how to respond.

"I've already predicted this kid's potential, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen him as your cover. It's just that you don't believe in evil... you think your little thoughts can be hidden from my eyes. ?"

Ancestor Yunxiao said casually.

Li Fuyun's body trembled slightly, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"As for the Star-Gathering Pearl, this thing is indeed very crucial, but it is not indispensable. If he takes it, just take it! As the saying goes, you can't trap the wolf if you don't want to give up the child, so you have to do a complete set for a show... If not, so what? Can he confirm his identity?"

Ancestor Yunxiao said with a smile.

"Now that the Star-Gathering Pearl has fallen into his hands, those who originally wanted to target you will no longer have any doubts, right?"

When Li Fuyun heard this, he couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

Could it be that all this had been expected by the other party?

"Everything goes as planned! Don't contact me again, and don't cause any more complications! I will take the initiative to contact you if necessary!"

After the ancestor of Yunxiao said the last sentence, his figure turned into scattered streams of light and disappeared completely.

But the interior of Fuyun Palace began to be repaired again.

This time, it was completely intact.

Li Fuyun was stunned again.

He knew that the other party's real body was actually thousands of miles away, and it was impossible for the main body's magic power to affect this place.

This can only mean that he has already made plans in advance.

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