Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1195 Traveling Together

"Lord Immortal, there seems to be a situation ahead..."

In order to complete the task assigned by Lu Yu, the sub-rudder from Qingshi City also set off with the ship, not daring to make any excuses.

Soon, he also noticed the changes ahead, and cautiously asked Lu Yu for instructions.

Although Meng Ting just stood there lightly and did not show any hostility, the powerful aura on his body was naturally revealed, making these ordinary people who were only in the physical realm dare not approach him at all.

"Stop first and wait here. I will handle this matter myself."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he jumped off the boat and walked toward Meng Ting on the fork of the Yuanjiang River.

"How did you come?"

A kind smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

"Can't I come?" Meng Ting asked nonchalantly, but looked at him deeply.

"Of course you can come, but you should know that the current situation is very different from the past. This may be a very dangerous situation for you... Are you here specifically to see me?"

Lu Yu said and glanced in the direction of the Dali Sword Sect to the north.

Indeed, the Dali Sword Sect and the Bixiao Shrine have completely turned against each other, and this is the sphere of influence of the Dali Sword Sect. Several Tiangang ancestors may be not far from here. Meng Ting's move , it can be said that it is jumping under the noses of several Tiangang ancestors. This is a rather unwise approach.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be very curious. He didn't know what the reason was that made her suddenly come here to find him...

Could it be that just like Lord Chiyue before, Bixiao Palace sent her to capture his soul this time? The other party shouldn't be so unwise, choosing to take action in such a place... Don't look at Lu Yu's effort to transport the sacred wood king tripod back to Dali Sword Sect. This is because he doesn't want to disturb everyone too much. If there is an emergency, If it happens, as long as he makes some noise, reinforcements will arrive in an instant. Even if the Heavenly Palace Saint has superb cultivation and sharp methods, there is absolutely no possibility of her succeeding.

Moreover, the Holy Maiden of Tiangong is also an extremely important figure to the Bixiao Shrine. She plays an extremely key role in their plan that has been plotting for two hundred thousand years. Naturally, there is no reason for her to put herself in danger like this.

As for how she found her location accurately, Lu Yu knew this very well. As early as when he was at Biyun Tianmen, he knew that the skills between himself and the Heavenly Palace Saint had very similar characteristics. If he did it deliberately, she would indeed be able to sense his location.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that Meng Ting directly denied his guess...

"No, I'm not here to find you..." Meng Ting shook his head and said, "I was actually following another person. I happened to come here and suddenly sensed your breath, so I wanted to come over and fight with you. Say hello...didn’t you say that we are already friends?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned.

happen? This is a bit too coincidental, right?

However, what makes Lu Yu even more curious is, what kind of person can actually be tracked by the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace in person?

"Who are you tracking? Are they from our Dali Sword Sect?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

Meng Ting took a deep look at him and replied: "You actually know that person too. It was precisely because of his actions that you and I met for the first time like that on the Biyun Tianmen."

Lu Yu was startled: "You mean...Ye Fei?"

"It's him."

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Although he had known Ye Fei was extraordinary for a long time, he never expected that he was so extraordinary that he could let the Bixiao Palace release the Heavenly Palace Saint and track her directly here... There must be something behind this matter. Very special reason.

But then again, Meng Ting did have a very good reason to pursue Ye Fei...

Back when she was at Biyun Tianmen, Ye Fei plotted against her once. Now Taishang Xianzong stabbed her in the back of Bixiao Shrine again. It is completely normal for the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace in Xiaoshen Palace to hunt down the senior brother of Taishang Immortal Sect.

But Lu Yu couldn't help but ask: "What happened? Why are you chasing me here..."

Although the specific circumstances of the war between Bixiao Shrine and Taishang Immortal Sect are unclear, the main battlefield between them will not be in this area anyway. I don’t know why they chased here...

"Do you really want to know?"

Meng Ting looked at him again, with some complexity in his eyes.

" there any special reason for this that I can't know about?"

Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, it's not for any special reason... That guy went around talking bad about me, ruining my reputation, and even used some very offensive words. What's even more annoying is, He came to the Dali Sword Sect this time and came to you specifically... How could I let him succeed? "

At the end of the sentence, Meng Ting couldn't help but puff up his cheeks, looking like he was still angry and a little willful and cute.

Lu Yu couldn't help being completely stunned.

What on earth did Ye Fei say that was so disgusting that he was chased all the way here?

I didn’t expect that the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace, who is usually stern and seems a bit unworldly, would actually have such a willful and lovely side...

"So, coming here this time was entirely your own decision, not a task assigned to you by the Bixiao Palace?" Lu Yu asked as his brain raced.

Meng Ting said, "This was indeed my own temporary decision, but the palace is also aware of this matter."

After a pause, she continued, "Are you going back to the Dali Sword Sect now? Can I go with you for a while?"

"You want to go with me?" Lu Yu was stunned, "What do you want to do?"

Meng Ting's eyes were as clear as autumn water, and she looked at him deeply and said, "You should know that Ye Fei actually has only one purpose for coming here, and he will come to you sooner or later..."

The implication is that she wants to stay by her side and wait for the opportunity?

Lu Yu also looked back at her with deep eyes, and said slowly, "You should know that the relationship between you and me is very delicate now, and it is not safe for you to follow me..."

Meng Ting said, "It's just a journey together. When we reach the range of the Dali Sword Sect, I will leave on my own and will not cause you any trouble."

Lu Yu thought for three full breaths and finally nodded, "Okay!"

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