Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1196 Rumors

So, Meng Ting followed Lu Yu back to the ship.

The crew members who followed from Qingshi City were shocked, but they did not dare to have any questions. The mighty fleet set sail again.

Lu Yu's move was not to help Meng Ting deal with Ye Fei.

Because of his mother's relationship, he has always had a very special feeling for Meng Ting, but he will not be unable to distinguish right from wrong because of this. In any case, Bixiao Shrine is his number one enemy at this time, and Ye Fei and the Supreme Immortal Sect behind him are allies that he may have to interact with closely in the future.

The main reason why he agreed to let Meng Ting go with him was because of Ye Fei's factors...

Maybe bringing Meng Ting here is one of Ye Fei's plans. The purpose is to take advantage of the situation where several Tiangang powerful men from the Dali Sword Sect gather at this time to capture the Tiangong Saint of Bixiao Shrine alive... …

If this is the case, I have absolutely no reason to reject this plan... No matter what the relationship between Meng Ting and his mother is, I don't want to see the other party continue to be used by Bixiao Shrine.

To take a step back, Ye Fei and Meng Ting have been in a fight to the death for a long time. He has long expressed strong murderous intentions towards Meng Ting... Even if it is for the purpose of protecting Meng Ting, it is best for him to personally intervene in this matter. wonderful.

While thinking about it, the mighty fleet has slowly turned into the main channel of the Yuanjiang River system, started to spread its sails, and moved forward at full speed.

At this time, Meng Ting's eyes were quickly attracted by the sacred wooden king tripod on the ship, and he asked in surprise: "I heard that you were summoned by the Yunxiao ancestor of the Dali Sword Sect and were taken into a palace in the sky... Is this the treasure you brought out from there?"

"It is said that?"

Lu Yu's eyes immediately became suspicious.

Although she has always acted without any scheming, she is a member of the Bixiao Palace after all. The suspicion in Lu Yu's heart has never been completely eliminated... Could it be that she came specifically to find out the news about the Yunxiao ancestor?

"Who did you listen to?"

Meng Ting's face turned slightly red and said: "Actually, I heard what Ye Fei said. It was because your ancestor Yunxiao showed up that he decided to come here... However, he wanted to see your ancestor Yunxiao directly. It was obviously impossible for Ancestor, so he decided to come to you first, hoping to get in touch with Ancestor Yunxiao through you..."

Lu Yu nodded suddenly and said with a faint smile: "It seems that you have talked a lot between you... How many times have you fought against each other along the way?"

Unknowingly, Lu Yu changed the topic easily.

Meng Ting, however, was still confused and answered honestly: "Three times!"

"Really?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully.

Can this kind of thing still count?

Meng Ting said seriously: "That guy's fighting ability is only ordinary, but his ability to escape is first-class. Although I caught him several times, I never really fought hard, so I don't know if it is considered a frontal attack." Fight..."

All right……

Seeing the serious expression on her face, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

I didn't expect this girl to be so upright. It was in vain that I had doubted whether she was here specifically to spy on the news...

But then again, as the number one on the Golden Sunflower Ranking, Ye Fei has long been famous all over the world, and various deeds about him are well known in the cultivation events...

Only Meng Ting, a saint from the Heavenly Palace, dared to say that the opponent's fighting ability was just ordinary.

However, considering Ye Fei's scheming, Lu Yu somewhat felt that this was actually just Ye Fei's deliberate show of weakness. Taishang Wangqingdao was famous, and it was definitely not only used for escape. The other party had already laid out a series of plans against Meng Ting. It was a trap, but she was still unaware of it.

"What happened between you and Ye Fei? How did you get here all the way? Can you tell me in detail?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Okay!" Meng Ting replied: "This is actually what happened..."

Next, Meng Ting really began to describe it in detail.

After some narration, Lu Yu roughly understood the whole story.

It turned out that when the Dali Sword Sect planned to join forces with the Daluo Holy Land to break out of the siege, and the offensive was in full swing, the Bixiao Shrine originally planned to intervene, but at this moment, the Taishang Xianzong suddenly launched an attack on the Tianshu Palace. attacked.

Bixiao Shrine was naturally extremely angry, but for Meng Ting, it seemed that he was relieved.

Because of her relationship with Lu Yu, she originally did not want to start a war with the Dali Sword Sect. Now that the Taishang Immortal Sect came to the door, she used all her strength to kill the invading disciples of the Taishang Immortal Sect.

Perhaps because her offensive was too fierce, Taishang specially designed a strategy to target her. Every time they fought, the disciples of Taishang Immortal Sect made rude remarks to her. Meng Ting was extremely angry about this. After interrogation, it was discovered that the source of these rumors was Ye Fei.

So, Meng Ting found him, and the pursuit didn't end until he got here.

After the narration, Lu Yu became more and more curious as he listened: "Then... what did they say?"

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