Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1198 A suggestion

"Lu Yu, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Meng Ting suddenly lowered his head and asked quietly again.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

This tone... always made him feel that something was not right about the atmosphere.

"Why do you suddenly ask like this?" Lu Yu said, "Actually, you don't have to think too much. No matter what kind of rumors are spread by the Taishang Immortal Sect, it will not change your image in my mind... Even if you and I are two The sects are already hostile, and you will always be my friend, Lu Yu."

Meng Tingdao: "Of course I know you won't believe rumors easily...but what if I really did something very bad?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Yu asked in surprise: "You haven't always stayed in Tianshu Palace. If I guessed correctly, this should be the second time you left Bixiao Palace, right? What kind of things can you do? bad thing?"

Meng Tingdao: "This is indeed my second time to go out. The worst thing I have done so far is probably to destroy the cultivation of dozens of disciples of the Supreme Immortal Sect... But I am not talking about now. But in the future..."

"I often have a dream. In that dream, my experience is very similar to that in Ye Fei's forged image. I kill without blinking an eye, and I deny my relatives, but in the dream, I kill more people, mountains and rivers. , the sky and the sea all turned blood red, and even the stars in the sky were bleeding..."

"In the end, nearly half of the creatures in this world died in my hands... This kind of scene has appeared in my dreams countless times, and with every improvement in my cultivation, The images in the dream have become clearer, as if this is my destiny as the Saint of the Heavenly Palace..."

At the end, Meng Ting's voice became lower and lower, almost inaudible.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "So, do you think this is something that may happen in the future? Is this the mission of your Tiangong saints? Are you coming to this world just to kill?"

Meng Ting showed a struggling look: "It's not for killing, but for redemption... In my dream, only by killing half of the living creatures can half of the living beings survive. Otherwise, all living beings will eventually be destroyed." The end of destruction..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but was startled again.

Seeing the tangled look on Meng Ting's face, he suddenly felt something in his heart...

Could this dream of Meng Ting be related to the secrets of the eighteenth floor of Jiuyou underground?

Senior Tianjian once said that the huge plan under Jiuyou Underground would be played by the Saint of Heavenly Palace. Her mother had once shouldered this part of the important task, but she finally chose to give up and fight...

Could it be that this is the essence of the secret plan, to kill half of all living things in the world?

As for whether the other half will be redeemed... Lu Yu doesn't believe such nonsense. If Bixiao Shrine had not come to this world, then all living creatures would have survived well and would not have faced such a difficult choice at all. If it was really about redemption, then it shouldn't appear in this world at all.

The words of Senior Tianjian also proved this. He did not hesitate to castrate himself and came here precisely to prevent the implementation of the opponent's plan.

If Bixiao Shrine is really for the purpose of justice, is it necessary for Senior Tianjian to do this?

"If all this is true, what do you think I should do?" Meng Ting turned sideways and looked at Lu Yu and asked.

"I can't tell you exactly how to do it..."

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said, "But I can give you a piece of advice... Meng Feiyan must have faced a similar situation to you back then, but do you know how she chose in the end? "

"How did she choose?" Meng Ting couldn't help but become curious.

"She chose to ignore that dream and control her own future... because the future that belongs to you is not controlled by anyone, even if that person is the supreme god, let alone a mere dream?" Lu Yu replied in a deep voice. .

Meng Ting couldn't help but be stunned: "Ignore the dream... dominate the future..."

She began to mutter to herself and kept repeating the two sentences Lu Yu said.

Lu Yu looked at her silently from the side without saying a word.

He firmly believed in his mother's choice back then, even if she had to pay a very high price for it.

Now, he has sown the same seeds in Meng Ting's heart. As for what kind of flowers will bloom in the future, it is unknown.

After a while, Meng Ting seemed to suddenly have a brighter mind, and smiled at Lu Yu: "Thank you, your suggestion is very effective, it made me think about a lot of things clearly... It seems that I came to see you this time. It is indeed a very correct choice.”

After a pause, she continued: "Can I ask? That Meng Feiyan, you have always said that she is a very important person to you. What is the relationship... between you two?"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "She is actually my mother..."

Now that the topic has reached this point, Lu Yu feels that there is no need to hide this secret from her anymore.

Besides, the Earth Seal God has already ordered Lord Chiyue to collect his soul, so this is no secret at all.

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