Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1199 Does it still count?

Lu Yu began to tell Meng Ting about his mother-related deeds, but his understanding of his mother was very limited, and most of them came from his guesses.

Meng Ting, as a Celestial Saint, analyzed and judged for him how reliable his guesses were.

After an in-depth conversation, Meng Feiyan's image became clearer in their minds.

In the process, the fleet continued to slowly move northward along the Yuanjiang waterway.

Such a large fleet caused a lot of commotion along the way, but nothing unexpected happened.

Within the scope of the Yuanjiang water system, the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has already been a golden sign. Now these fleets have been equipped with a huge magic circle, and their momentum is spectacular. At first glance, it looks like they have a very important background. Naturally, they will not Someone comes up to cause trouble.

Even Ye Fei, whom Meng Tingyan had been secretly looking forward to, has never shown his whereabouts.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little conflicted.

He not only hopes that Ye Fei will come to him soon so that he can solve the mysteries of many problems, but at the same time he is worried that if Ye Fei really comes to find him, the two people will definitely fight. Who should he help?

After this in-depth exchange, Lu Yu naturally did not want to confront Meng Ting emotionally. However, considering the situation and position, helping Ye Fei capture Meng Ting was undoubtedly the right choice.

Fortunately, Ye Fei never showed up until he was about to reach the border of Dali Jianzong, so the dilemma that made Lu Yu not arise.

"Okay, the Dali Sword Sect is ahead. I think it's time for me to leave!" Meng Ting suddenly stood up and said on the big ship.

Lu Yu was startled and said, "Are you leaving now? Are you going to stop waiting for Ye Fei?"

Meng Ting shook his head: "There's no need to wait any longer. Even if he does show up here, I can't do anything to him, right?"

As she said that, she turned around and gave Lu Yu a meaningful look in her eyes.

Lu Yu understood her meaning instantly and couldn't help but feel stunned.

Well, this girl is just upright and has no scheming intentions. In fact, she is not stupid...

In fact, she had already seen it. According to the current situation, if she and Ye Fei fought in front of her, at least she would definitely stop her from killing Ye Fei.

She expressed this point so frankly that Lu Yu didn't know what to say.

"Don't feel embarrassed..."

Meng Ting continued.

"In fact, I knew this from the beginning, but at that time I felt that even if you were there, you couldn't stop me from doing anything..."

"However, after traveling together like this, I have seen your trump card. If you want to stop me, I will have no chance at all."

As she said that, Meng Ting turned to the side and glanced at the sacred wooden king tripod. Apparently, even though Lu Yu had not explained the origin of this object to her before, she still saw how extraordinary it was.

Indeed, the Divine Wood King Cauldron, combined with the Star-Gathering Pearl, already has the ability to challenge Tiangang head-on, so it is no problem to use it to suppress her.

Even if she controls the Tianshu star chart, she has no chance at all.


"Actually, based on the current situation of our two sects, you should just call for helpers to capture me. But now that Dali Sword Sect is so close, you haven't notified any helpers. This shows that in your heart, Sure enough, he still regards me as a friend. Knowing this, I am already very satisfied," Meng Ting said again.


Lu Yu always felt that he was quite articulate, but when faced with such a guy who directly confessed his feelings, he really didn't know what to say.

Everything has already been said by the other party...

"Actually, if you are willing, you can come back to Dali Sword Sect with me..."

In the end, Lu Yu still spoke out the truest voice deep in his heart.

"There must be some misunderstanding between you and the Supreme Immortal Sect. I think I have the ability to eliminate the misunderstanding between you... In addition, there are many hidden secrets waiting for us to figure out. I believe we can figure these out. After the secret, it will also be of great help for you to understand your true mission.”

"And the most important thing is that I will absolutely guarantee your safety in the Dali Sword Sect, even if our two sects are at war... Originally I was not qualified to say such things, but this time I came back from Fuyun Palace, I have changed There are many things that I can guarantee you with my life.”

Lu Yu looked into her eyes and said sincerely.

He knew that if he took Meng Ting back to Dali Sword Sect like this, he would definitely be under tremendous pressure, but he was willing to bear such pressure, but it was also an opportunity to pull Meng Ting out of the abyss.

No matter what happens, it is better than letting her continue to stay in the Bixiao Shrine to help others and continue to be used by the Earth Seal God.

However, Meng Ting rejected his kindness.

"Let's forget it... I have been chasing Ye Fei so far. It can be said that it is excusable. But if I follow you back to Dali Sword Sect, wouldn't it be the same as the opponent under the current circumstances? Bixiao Shrine’s betrayal? Although I have doubts about the fate I bear, it’s not to the extent that I need to betray..."

Meng Ting said.

"Besides, you don't know the nature of the Heavenly Palace Saint. A Heavenly Palace Saint has absolutely no chance of betrayal..."

Lu Yu was stunned and subconsciously wanted to say that his mother had done it back then.

But then I thought about it, and my mother was finally captured by the Bixiao Shrine, and her whereabouts are unknown to this day... The palace on the seventeenth level underground was just a wishful guess on my part. In fact, it has not been confirmed at all.

From this point of view, Meng Ting's statement is indeed correct.

"If those secrets really exist, the closest place to these secrets is the Bixiao Shrine. I hope to use my own power to find out the truth of all this."

After saying that, Meng Ting jumped off the bow of the boat, and his graceful figure landed on the river.

At this moment, Lu Yu naturally could no longer say any words to save her, and could only watch her graceful figure leave.

But what Lu Yu didn't expect was that when she walked gracefully into the river, she suddenly turned around.

"Hey, Lu Yu! Do the words you said to me last time at the Wulaofeng Sutra Pagoda still count?"

The crisp voice was wrapped in the whistling river wind. Others around him couldn't hear it clearly at all, but Lu Yu heard it clearly.

He couldn't help but replied: "Are you talking about taking you with me to find my mother? I don't care... But now that you know her true identity, to do this is also to do this with you. Bixiao Shrine is our enemy, do you dare?"

Meng Ting smiled slightly: "Didn't you just tell me that you have to control your own destiny? I can't promise you other things, but in this matter, I hope I can make the decision myself!"

After saying that, she turned around and walked on the waves. In an instant, she disappeared on the vast misty river surface and never looked back.

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