Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1204 Mysterious Organization

Qi Yunkai took the name card from Lu Yu and looked at it carefully.

But he wasn't very clear about such a trivial matter, so he handed the name card to Junior Brother You next to him.

After Junior Brother You took one look at it, he said, "Oh, this is a greeting card from the Bai family in Jiaokou Mountain. The person who delivered it has been here for several days..."

"Jiaokou Mountain is the place where warm red grass is produced. The warm red grass used on our peak has always been provided by them. The cooperation between us was going well, but for some reason, this time they suddenly said that we were in arrears. Payment..."

"The payment for our purchased materials has always been settled on time and on a quarterly basis, and there has never been any arrears... Besides, our material purchases are all completed through the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. Even if they are in arrears, it is between them and the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce." Things between..."

"But this Bai family actually came to our Jade Butterfly Peak. We kept in mind the teachings of senior brother to be kind to others, and we have patiently explained to them, but they just didn't listen, and kept clamoring to see senior brother in person. Confrontation, isn’t this nonsense?”

Junior Brother You showed an annoyed look.

Lu Yu ignored his complaints and asked directly: "What about the person who delivered the post? Where is he now? Can he still be found?"

Junior Brother You said: "It's at the inn at the bottom of the mountain."

Lu Yu said: "Let's go, take me to see it immediately!"

After saying that, he was about to stand up, but suddenly paused, sat down again and said, "Forget it, you should go and bring the person here!"

His current identity is different from what it used to be, and every move he makes attracts countless eyes. Since the other party uses this method to send greetings, it means that the other party does not want to expose his whereabouts, so it is best not to act rashly.

Junior Brother You took the order and went out immediately.

Qi Yunkai came over and asked cautiously: "Elder brother, is there something wrong with this person?"

Lu Yu looked at the greeting card and smiled coldly: "There's a big problem!"

After a pause, he added: "However, you don't have to be too nervous. This is not necessarily a bad thing..."

Qi Yunkai was stunned for a moment, feeling confused.

He believed that the person who submitted this greeting card was not just trying to collect payment, otherwise the senior brother would not pay attention to such a trivial matter. And judging from the words used by the other party, it was obvious that he had bad intentions... In this case, why Senior brother, do you want to say it's not a bad thing?

Lu Yu smiled lightly and did not explain too much.

In fact, the biggest problem with this famous post is not the greetings above, but the date on which it was finally signed.

The seventh day of the fifth lunar month in the year Yi Mao...

If Lu Yu remembered correctly, this was the day last year when his aunt borrowed a bag of raw crystal cores and gave it to him through special channels.

Through a batch of original crystal nuclei, he was promoted to a new level, which gave him the capital to enter the ancient city of Guoyun.

Now, this date appears on a greeting card.

Lu Yu didn't believe that this could be as simple as a coincidence.

This means that it is very likely that a debt collector is coming...

According to what the aunt said at the time, the loan lenders were mysterious organizations lurking among the eight major sects, and the original crystal core was originally only in the hands of the eight major sects. Indeed, only the insiders of the eight major sects could obtain so many original crystals. nuclear.

Lu Yu had been speculating before about the origin of this mysterious organization.

Now the answer is ready to come out...

Because the Dali Sword Sect has been under martial law for this period of time, and apart from the people from the Daluo Holy Land, there is only one Ye Fei who can enter here during this period.

And Da Luo Holy Land is now his ally, and the suspicion that they are a mysterious organization can be eliminated. In this way, there is only one suspicion left... Only this Ye Fei is the debt collector of the mysterious organization.

From this perspective, the true source of the mysterious organization is the Supreme Immortal Sect.

This was indeed beyond Lu Yu's expectation, but when he thought about it carefully, everything seemed reasonable.

The Taishang Immortal Sect obviously did not just come up with the idea of ​​​​confronting the Bixiao Shrine now. They had already made arrangements in secret and made small moves in secret.

This also shows that the true foundation of Taishang Immortal Sect may be far deeper than I imagined...

But this is a good thing... Nothing makes Lu Yu happier than seeing a powerful opponent in Bixiao Shrine.

Lu Yu had been troubled for most of the day since he entered the Dali Sword Sect. Until this moment, there was finally one thing that really made him feel happy.

As for how deep the Taishang Immortal Sect is, what kind of secrets are hidden behind them, and why they want to go to war with Bixiao Palace... we will only know after meeting the true master.

Lu Yu was full of curiosity about this.

Not long after, Junior Brother You left and returned, bringing with him a young man in his thirties.

Lu Yu didn't ask too much, and waved his hand directly, signaling Qi Yunkai, Junior Brother You and others to leave the Buzzing Hall. Only he and the young man opposite were left in the huge palace.

Lu Yu carefully examined the young man in front of him.

He had a beard all over his face and bulging muscles all over his body. He clearly looked like a burly man, which was completely different from the elegant and free-spirited Ye Fei in his impression.

But Lu Yu still smiled at him: "Long time no see, Senior Brother Ye Fei!"

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