Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1205 Verify it

The burly man opposite was not surprised at all when Lu Yu revealed his identity. He smiled faintly and said, "As expected of the disciple of the Yunxiao Patriarch, your insight is really amazing. I knew I couldn't hide it from you!"

Lu Yu said, "There is no one else here now. Since Brother Ye knows everything, why do you still have to face me like this?"

The burly man smiled lightly, and without seeing how he moved, waves of light and shadow suddenly surged on his body, making him look as if he was in a distorted illusion of light and shadow.

After a while, his image had changed drastically, returning to the elegant and elegant image he had when he was in the Biyun Tianmen.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Not long ago, when he was in Fuyun Palace, Li Fuyun had just demonstrated various image changes in front of him. He couldn't help but compare the two people's transformation skills in his heart. He felt that the skills of the two were equally indistinguishable, giving him a feeling of being unable to find a trace.

In comparison, the disguise technique he learned from Fang Haoran was simply shoddy.

"Is this the way to forget emotions? It integrates the three elements of skills, Taoism and Taoism into one, and it is natural. It is worthy of being the most famous cultivation method of the eight major sects... No wonder he can fight against the Saint of the Bixiao Palace head-on without losing at all!" Lu Yu couldn't help but admire.

On the surface, he was praising the other party, but there was also a hint of questioning in it.

Ye Fei chuckled and said, "Junior Brother Lu, you are too flattering. Even if I, Ye, use all my skills, I can't do anything to the Saint. How can I compare with you, Junior Brother Lu, who can invite the Saint to travel with you with just a few words and let her escort you all the way to the border of the Dali Sword Sect... Compared with you, I am far behind!"

His words also implied a hint of questioning, and it felt like a tit-for-tat.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel moved.

It seems that Ye Fei was not unaware of his whereabouts before. He knew clearly that he and Meng Ting had traveled north together...

If it were before, Lu Yu might still be surprised, but now that he knew that the other party had the identity background of a mysterious organization, he was no longer surprised.

Lu Yu shook his head, took a step back and said, "Brother Ye has come all the way here with great effort, it shouldn't be to compare with me, right? Since it has come to this point, there is no need to beat around the bush, why don't we talk frankly and carefully?"

Ye Fei nodded and said, "I agree."

"Then please let Brother Ye express his intention directly." Lu Yu shrugged and said, "I don't think Brother Ye came here specifically to collect the original batch of crystal cores, right? If that is the case, then you have seen the situation, we just finished the war, now we are penniless, and temporarily unable to repay..."

Ye Fei said, "Junior Brother Lu is the direct disciple of the Yunxiao Patriarch, that little bit of resources is just a gift from us to Junior Brother Lu, don't mention it again in the future! Besides, Junior Brother Lu has actually repaid this debt with practical actions..."

Lu Yu's mind was like a mirror, knowing that what he was talking about was his action against the Bixiao Palace.

I remember that when I borrowed money, my master once said that this loan was equivalent to an investment by the mysterious group. In return, she would complete several things for the mysterious organization in the future, and no one could refuse. I think those things would mostly be against the Bixiao Palace.

After a pause, Ye Fei's eyes flashed, and then he said: "Then I will get straight to the point! I hope to meet the old ancestor Yunxiao in person, please arrange it for me, Junior Brother Lu!"

"Meet our old ancestor Yunxiao?"

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "Brother Ye, don't talk about you. Not long ago, there were more than a dozen Tiangang Realm strongmen surrounding our Dali Sword Sect, just waiting to see him, but they all had no chance... Why do you think you can?"

"I know that the whereabouts of the old ancestor Yunxiao are elusive and will not be easily exposed, but I do have something very important to talk to him face to face... If it really doesn't work, it can be connected through the communication array. In short, I need to talk to him directly!" Ye Fei said decisively.

Direct dialogue?

Lu Yu shook his head secretly in his heart.

He knew very well the attitude of the Yunxiao Patriarch and Li Fuyun towards the Supreme Immortal Sect. He hadn't even seen the real Yunxiao Patriarch, so Ye Fei wanted to talk to him directly? This was impossible...

Moreover, because he used the Divine Wood King Cauldron to rob the Juxing Pearl, he and Li Fuyun parted ways unhappily. The two sides had no way to contact each other now. Even if he wanted to find Li Fuyun, that idiot, to deal with him, it was impossible.

"That's impossible." Lu Yu said without hesitation, "Ancestor Yunxiao will not see you, nor will he see anyone else... The Ancestor summoned me to the Floating Cloud Palace this time, and it has been made clear that all matters of the Dali Sword Sect will be decided by me." "So, Brother Ye, no matter how important your matter is, you can only discuss it with me here!" "Discuss with you?" Ye Fei's eyes turned cold: "Junior Brother Lu, are you sure you can take on such a big responsibility?" Lu Yu straightened his waist and smiled casually: "It seems that Brother Ye still has some doubts about my strength. In this case, Brother Ye might as well verify it yourself?" As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his sword lightly. In an instant, the light in the Beehive Hall scattered, like flowing clouds.

A series of mysterious clones appeared, apparently using the skills they just learned from Fuyun Palace.

After a while, all the scenery in the Buzz Palace disappeared, leaving only the two of them as if they were in a vast starry sky.

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