Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1206 Plan of Destruction

Ye Fei's expression changed involuntarily.

Although Lu Yu on the opposite side has not shown any offensive moves, this move alone is enough to explain the problem.

He knew that naturally, he was not really dragged into the starry sky by Lu Yu. All this was just the effect of the changing light and shadow.

But this level of light and shadow changes can only be achieved by changing the surrounding laws.

In other words, he actually fell into the opponent's exclusive territory.

This level of field has far exceeded that of ordinary Jindan strongmen, and only Tiangang realm strongmen can achieve it.

Ye Fei really couldn't figure it out. The Lu Yu in front of him was just in the Guihai realm. He hadn't even condensed the golden elixir yet. How on earth did he do all this?

No matter how powerful Yunxiao Ancestor is, he can't cultivate water without a source or a tree without a root out of thin air, right?

Lu Yu ignored Ye Fei's surprise and calmly stretched out his hand in a "please" gesture: "Brother Ye, please make a move! Don't have any scruples... In short, my strength is recognized by the ancestor of Yunxiao! "

To a certain extent, Lu Yu was not boasting. After all, the entire Floating Cloud Palace was almost demolished by him. There is no more hard-core "recognition" than this.

This sentence became the last straw that broke Ye Fei's psychological defense.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No need, this is enough... Junior Brother Lu, I recognize you, just disappear if you don't see me!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and waved his hand gently. Suddenly, the mysterious clones dissipated on their own, and the Buzzing Palace reappeared in front of the two of them.

When everything was restored to its original state, Lu Yu turned around again, only to find that Ye Fei was looking directly at him with a strange look on his face.

"Brother Ye, what's wrong?"

Ye Fei hesitated and said, "Are you...really Lu Yu?"

It turned out that he actually began to doubt whether the Lu Yu in front of him was possessed by the ancestor of Yunxiao...

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. He shook his head and said, "Although I really want to give you the answer you are looking forward to, Brother Ye, but you must be sincere when treating your friends, especially if this friend will be our long-term ally in the future...Brother Ye , I am indeed Lu Yu, I guarantee it.”

After a pause, he continued: "However, no matter who I am, it seems that we should get down to business now, right? What is the important matter that Brother Ye wants to interview with the ancestor? I am already all ears!"

Ye Fei nodded with difficulty, took a deep breath, and said: "This matter is related to Bixiao Shrine... Do you know that Bixiao Shrine has been plotting a big plan for tens of thousands of years. Once they succeed, Everyone in the Nine Heavens will suffer catastrophe, and no one will be left out! Even Ancestor Yunxiao will be the same!"

"Therefore, we must gather all our strength as soon as possible and wipe out the entire Bixiao Palace in one fell swoop. Only in this way can all the people in the world be saved from disaster!"

Lu Yu thought to himself, as expected, the Supreme Immortal Sect knew something about the secrets of the Bixiao Palace...

But he said calmly: "Brother Ye, what are you talking about? Aren't we already fighting against the Bixiao Shrine? Although our Dali Sword Sect has not officially started a war with them yet, this They were also involved in the first round of the Dali Sword Sect, and we will never forget this."

Ye Fei said: "Time, the most important thing is time... what Bixiao Shrine is brewing is actually a plan to destroy the world. Now this plan is imminent. We must stop them as soon as possible, otherwise all of us will... Gotta die!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but was stunned: "What did you say? A plan to destroy the world?"

I remember that when she was on the Yuanjiang boat, Meng Ting told herself about her nightmare. She thought that her mission as the saint of the Tiangong was to kill half and save the other half, but when Ye Fei told her, it turned out to be a nightmare. Plan for the world?

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Yes, despite the appearance of Bixiao Shrine's benevolence and morality and the appearance of the leaders of the eight major sects, in fact they are the most hypocritical and the most insane! Secretly, what they are brewing is exactly a plan. An evil plan to destroy the entire world!"

"That's why I asked to see Patriarch Yunxiao in person, hoping to persuade him to abandon his prejudices, temporarily put down the affairs in his hands, and use all his strength to resolve this matter first! Because this matter is indeed something that none of us can escape. A catastrophe!”

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ye, you just talked like this without any beginning or end. Even if I am willing to believe you, how can I convince Patriarch Yunxiao? Please carefully explain the specific situation you know. Talk about it!”

Ye Fei sighed and said: "The ancestor of Yunxiao is well versed in the secrets of heaven and has invincible calculations. If I meet him, he can tell whether what I said is true or false by just counting with his fingers. Now that I can't see him in person, I can't see the specific situation for a while. I don’t even know where to start…”

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Let's start with the most important part. The world-destroying plan you mentioned is a plan carried out on the eighteenth floor of Jiuyou underground?"

Ye Fei was shocked and looked at Lu Yu in surprise: "How do you know?"

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