Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1207 The Lifespan of Heaven and Earth

Lu Yu smiled faintly and pretended to be mysterious: "Regarding Bixiao Divine Art's plan to destroy the world, we do not know the specific situation, but we are not unaware of their secret actions... So, Brother Ye, what do you have to say? You can speak freely, there is no need to hide it from us.”

Ye Fei stared at Lu Yu blankly for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "Junior Brother Lu, I am completely convinced now... Anyway, these words should have been said in front of Patriarch Yunxiao. Since you even know the secrets of the eighteenth floor of Jiuyou, there is really no need to hide it from you!"

Lu Yu thought this was indeed the case...

He knew that Ye Fei was deliberately hiding it just now, and he was just talking about the ancestor of Yunxiao who was invincible and could discern the secrets of heaven with just a few calculations.

Ye Fei said seriously: "Junior brother Lu, do you know how long the life span of heaven and earth is?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

How long is the life span of heaven and earth?

There is an old saying: the sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast, the sun and the moon are waxing and waning, and the stars and constellations are spread out.

What it means is that heaven and earth were born in the chaos of the universe. First there was heaven and earth, and then everything evolved and even gave birth to life.

And as the creatures multiplied and multiplied, it was unknown how many generations passed before humans appeared.

Then from slash-and-burn farming to literacy, and then to the mastery of Taoism, I don’t know how many long generations have passed in between...

The history of human existence is far shorter than the birth of heaven and earth. How can human beings know the life span of heaven and earth?

However, since Ye Fei raised such a question at this time, he was obviously not discussing it with himself...

So Lu Yu humbly asked for advice: "Brother Ye, please give me some advice..."

Ye Fei said: "Except for the nine heavens, the lifespan of this world alone has been 4.686 billion years!"

Lu Yu was greatly surprised: "Why do you see it?"

Ye Fei said: "This is related to the supreme way of forgetting love that we have practiced... What is forgotten by love must be found. If a person only seeks to forget love without showing love, he will eventually become a cold-blooded person without emotion. Monster, so Taishang Wangqing is not obsessed with forgetting, but is obsessed with emerging. If you look at the world in front of you with a mind that transcends the world, you will get a completely different understanding."

As he said that, Ye Fei couldn't help showing a hint of pride: "This is exactly why we, Taishang, usually understand the heart of heaven and earth and calculate the life span of heaven and earth as the reason for our passion. The attainment of the Tao will be higher."

"In fact, a senior expert from our sect once asserted that if one could calculate the lifespan of heaven and earth to an exact number of years, one would gain the power to sing in unison with heaven and earth!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look surprised.

After frowning and thinking for a while, he gradually understood what Ye Fei meant...

In fact, Taishang Wangqing is not Wangqing in the true sense. The "being in love" mentioned by Ye Fei should refer to a kind of empathy.

According to what Ye Fei said, the core purpose of Taishang Wangqing is to separate one's emotions and view the world in a completely different way.

This is just like when Lu Yu switches his sight to the special field of view of the Medical Scripture Stars, what he sees is a completely different scene... And the disciples of Taishang Xianzong may accurately see it in this way. The laws of heaven and earth hidden under the surface of the world gave them incredible power.

In order to better achieve this "detachment" effect, disciples who practice the Supreme Way of forgetfulness will eventually transfer their emotions to calculate the life span of the world. In this way, they can achieve the ultimate goal of the Supreme Way of forgetfulness. Extreme.

This seems to be a very boring method, but it is in this repeated and uninterrupted boredom that practitioners of the Supreme Forgetfulness gain the power to steal the creation of heaven and earth.

In short, the final result is that the process of cultivating the way of forgetting love is actually a process of constantly calculating the life span of heaven and earth. The more accurate the calculation results, the more powerful the power gained...

At least, Ye Fei in front of him is a living example.

"These are my Supreme Immortal Sect's undisclosed mysteries, but now in order to explain them to Junior Brother Lu, I have to tell them truthfully. Please just listen to these words here, Senior Brother Lu, and never do it again. Turn outward, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble to our Supreme Immortal Sect," Ye Fei said again.

Lu Yu nodded.

He can understand Ye Fei's instructions. The cultivation methods of each sect are mysteries that are not spread. Once spread, they may be used by interested people. For example, Wuya Immortal Pavilion uses the "Little Zhoutian Secret" to Specifically for Ancestor Yunxiao...

However, Ye Fei's words really opened his eyes. He didn't expect that there were such incredible cultivation methods in the world.

Sure enough, the vast world is full of surprises. Just within the eight major sects, it has given me so many surprises.

"So, the current lifespan of the world is 4.686 billion years?" Lu Yu repeated in disbelief.

Ye Fei said: "This is just a rough number. With my ability, I can only estimate it to this point for the time being."

"But what does all this have to do with the conspiracy and plan of Bixiao Shrine?" Lu Yu asked again.

Ye Fei smiled coldly: "Of course it does matter, because their plan is constantly eating away at the life span of the world!"

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