Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1209 Peeping Eyes

Ye Fei's sonorous and powerful tone revealed a strong murderous intention.

Lu Yu was not surprised by this.

Not to mention that Ye Fei had already shown great hostility towards her, Lu Yu himself already knew that the Saint of Tiangong played an extremely important role in the secret plan of Bixiao Shrine.

If she is removed, it will indeed affect the overall plan of Bixiao Shrine. Just like her mother's defection back then, it can at least greatly delay the other party's time.

But Lu Yu didn't know the specific details.

How did the Saint of Heavenly Palace influence the plans of Bixiao Shrine? What role does she play in this?

So, Lu Yu followed his words and said: "Is Meng Ting so crucial? Can a mere saintess influence the world-destroying plan that Bixiao Shrine has spent thousands of years painstakingly planning?"

Ye Fei said: "No matter how huge the plan is, it will ultimately need to be implemented by people, and the Holy Maiden of Tiangong is the person specially trained by Bixiao Shrine to carry out this task..."

"We, the Taishang Immortal Sect, have been observing carefully, trying to find out how the Bixiao Palace embezzled the lifespan of the heaven and earth, but for thousands of years, there has been no result. We just know that the laws of heaven and earth have disappeared discretely. The direction is exactly at the end of the Jiuyou Underground. Based on this, we know that the core of the Bixiao Shrine’s world-destroying plan is exactly at the end of the Jiuyou Underground..."

"It wasn't until the past few decades that we learned by chance that the Saint of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine has the ability to communicate with the stars outside the sky. This ability of hers is the reason why the laws of heaven and earth are constantly being separated. The key to longevity is to disappear..."

"You can understand her as a special key, but this key is not used to open a certain lock, but to open a special passage. Once this passage is opened, the laws of heaven and earth will collapse. It seems like it is flowing endlessly to an unknown dark starry sky, which is equivalent to ringing the death knell for the end of the life of the world! "

Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked.

If what Ye Fei said is true, then Meng Ting's role is indeed very important...

Ye Fei continued:

"I know, Junior Brother Lu, there is a huge connection between you and Saint Meng Ting, but for the sake of the world's livelihood, this is not the time for women to be kind..."

"Last time at Biyun Tianmen, did Junior Brother Lu know how much you helped them by rescuing her and helping her break the Samsung connection? What you did at that time just strengthened her relationship with Dark Starry Sky The ability to communicate is tantamount to helping others do evil! That’s why I told you that sooner or later you will regret it..."

"However, it's not too late to make up for it! This matter is not irreversible now... Junior Brother Lu seems to have had a huge influence on Meng Ting because of his good deeds. This is just the right thing to do now. use!"

"I hope that Junior Brother Lu will not be confused again this time and can focus on the overall situation!"

At the end of the sentence, Ye Fei was somewhat sincere.

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said: "So, the real purpose of Taishang Xianzong's surprise attack on Tianshu Palace is to kill Meng Ting, the saint of Tiangong?"

"It can only be considered part of the reason!"

Ye Fei replied: "The Holy Maiden of Tiangong has always lived in seclusion, especially after the Biyun Tianmen incident last time, Bixiao Shrine's awareness of prevention has improved a lot, and we don't have the charm of Junior Brother Lu to be able to do it at any time. Inviting her to the Dali Sword Sect is the only way to lure her away from the Bixiao Shrine..."

"Within the sphere of influence of Bixiao Shrine, it is absolutely impossible for us to take her life. Only by luring her away can we possibly succeed..."

"Therefore, you may not think that our attack on the Bixiao Shrine this time has been huge, but in fact we have only one real intention, and that is to lure them away, and the rest are just pretexts. "

Lu Yu asked curiously: "In this case, Brother Ye has obviously succeeded, why has he not taken action yet?"

Ye Fei glanced at Lu Yu silently.

Lu Yu said in shock: "Is it because of me? Ye Fei thinks I will take action and help her instead?"

Ye Fei said: "It is indeed because of your appearance that we temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking action, but it was not because we were worried that you would help her, but because you let us see a detail that we have always ignored... "

"As a saint carefully cultivated by Bixiao Shrine, Meng Ting shoulders a huge mission. Her strength is not as simple as what we see. In fact, there is always a mysterious power hidden in her body. Unless she can Just like the last time at Biyun Tianmen, let her escape from the scope of the Nine Heavens Universe, otherwise the mysterious power will always be guarding her secretly... It is precisely because of the existence of this mysterious power that we cannot be in Biyun Tianmen. Xiao Shen Palace takes action.”

"After entering the sphere of influence of the Da Li Sword Sect, although the mysterious power has not disappeared, it has also been greatly restricted. It is far less than when it was in the Bixiao Shrine... Originally, we were planning to The one who did it may be because of your appearance, but at this time we suddenly discovered that behind Meng Ting, there was actually a pair of quietly prying eyes hidden..."

"Maybe Junior Brother Lu, you didn't notice it, but in fact, when you and Meng Ting were boating on the Yuan River, and the two of you were kneeling together and sighing, there was a pair of eyes above your heads silently watching you..."

"It is precisely because of the existence of these eyes that we gave up the idea of ​​taking action. This shows that even in the sphere of influence of the Dali Sword Sect, the mysterious power hidden behind Meng Ting has not relaxed its vigilance at all!"

"What did you say?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but break into a cold sweat: "You mean, ever since I met Meng Ting on the road, there have been a pair of eyes secretly watching us?"

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