Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1210 A two-pronged approach

Ye Fei glanced at Lu Yu strangely and smiled nervously:

"In fact, just before we met just now, those eyes had been secretly watching your every move. It seems that they did not leave with Meng Ting, but followed you back here..."

"That's why I came to meet you in this way. Frankly speaking, I also have secrets hidden in me, and I don't want them to see through my truth..."


Lu Yu was shocked and felt the hair on his back stand on end.

There was actually a pair of eyes hidden in the dark that silently peeped at me all the way, but I didn't notice it at all. It was really terrifying to think about it!

He didn't know how many secrets he had exposed along the way... At least the in-depth conversation with Meng Ting must have been completely leaked.

No wonder Ye Fei was so cautious. Before, Lu Yu was curious about who he was guarding against, but unexpectedly he was guarding against a pair of eyes that he was completely unaware of.

"no need to worry."

Ye Fei said lightly: "At least now, those eyes are no longer there. Before I came to meet you, I had already found a way to drive them away."

Lu Yu took a deep look at him and said, "Isn't there any problem if you do this?"

Ye Fei said: "Don't worry, I used the power of the ancestor of our sect Tiangang to erase it from the Tiangang level. The people behind the scenes will probably think that this is the hand of the ancestor Yunxiao. After all, you are his Not everyone can peep at personal disciples."

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Lu Yu was slightly relieved.

A pair of eyes that he couldn't sense at all, and he couldn't erase them with his own strength. If he was stared at by such a pair of eyes all the time, it would make him sit on pins and needles and feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, he immediately started to murmur in his heart.

Who could be behind these eyes?

Could it be the Earth Seal God who has been quietly hiding for 200,000 years?

"So, Junior Brother Lu, as I just said, it is not that easy to kill Meng Ting. We have already thought of the ways to do it... Now the only way is to use your influence on Meng Ting. Let her take the initiative to put down her guard and divert her attention, and maybe we will have a chance of success!"

Ye Fei said again.

"Although Meng Ting has left, this place is tens of thousands of miles away from Bixiao Shrine. It is not that simple for her to go back. As long as some twists and turns happen on the way, it will interfere with her schedule at any time, and even make her It’s not impossible to have to go back the same way…”

"As long as Junior Brother Lu is willing, we can arrange and take action immediately!"

After Ye Fei finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yu with piercing eyes, his eyes full of heat.

From what the other party said, Lu Yu knew that Meng Ting's whereabouts were actually still under their control. Although he didn't know exactly how Ye Fei did it, Ye Fei's move was equivalent to the entire Supreme Immortal. The unified action of the sect, gathering the strength of the entire Taishang Immortal Sect, does not seem surprising in wanting to achieve this.

"No, I won't do that. I won't use Meng Ting's trust in me to target her."

Without too much consideration, Lu Yu quickly rejected the other party's proposal.

There was deep doubt in Ye Fei's eyes, and his gaze gradually became sharp: "Did I not say it clearly enough? Junior Brother Lu still doesn't understand the serious situation we are facing now?"

Lu Yu showed no sign of weakness and looked back at him with the same sharp eyes: "Just because I don't take action against Meng Ting does not mean that I will sit back and watch Bixiao Shrine's evil plan continue to be implemented. If you want to stop their plan, there are more than just one……"

"Brother Ye said it himself just now. I have a huge influence on Meng Ting. As long as I can make her change her mind and stop her from working for the evil plan of Bixiao Shrine, I can even make her fight against it in turn. Bixiao Palace, wouldn’t this be more effective than getting rid of her?”

Ye Fei looked at Lu Yu in surprise: "Junior Brother Lu...are you kidding?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"Bixiao Shrine has cultivated her for decades. Her ideas and concepts have been assimilated by Bixiao Shrine in a subtle way. Do you think that just by your influence on her, you can completely make her Change?" Ye Fei said in a stern tone.

Lu Yu said: "Fortresses are often breached from within. Bixiao Shrine has been working hard for tens of thousands of years for this plan. If there are no people like Meng Ting who are familiar with the inside story, do you think we can rely on our external strength alone?" Strength, what are the chances of success? Even if it’s just for this, I think it’s worth trying!”

Ye Fei was startled, thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head and said: "No, the risk is still too great. Bixiao Shrine's control over the Saint of Tiangong is far beyond your imagination, even if you can persuade her temporarily Meng Ting cannot guarantee that she will not rebel again. As long as she exists in this world, she will always be a threat. It would be safer to eliminate her completely once and for all..."


Lu Yu smiled coldly: "How to completely erase it? After erasing this Heavenly Palace Saint, there will be no new Heavenly Palace Saint? Do we have to keep erasing like this?"

"It's useless to talk more! Brother Ye, if the Supreme Immortal Sect still wants to cooperate with me, then you can only obey my arrangements on this point, otherwise we should just part ways!"

Ye Fei was stunned.

He didn't expect Lu Yu's attitude to be so tough. Taking the overall situation into consideration, he finally compromised and swallowed the words he spoke.

Lu Yu then smiled slightly and said: "However, if Brother Ye feels that this method is not safe enough, I also have a two-pronged method, which may make this matter more safe!"

"What can I do?" Ye Fei asked quickly.

A sharp cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes: "Since the key to Bixiao Shrine's plan is on the 18th floor of Jiuyou Underground, how about we go in together and take a look?"

"What did you say?" Ye Fei was suddenly shocked, "Do you have a way to enter the eighteenth floor of Jiuyou Underground?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I can't guarantee the eighteenth floor yet, but at least the seventeenth floor will be no problem!"

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