Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1211 The time is ripe

There are two main difficulties in entering the seventeenth floor of Jiuyou Underground.

First, lack of strength.

Bixiao Shrine has been operating on the seventeenth floor of Jiuyou underground for many years. It must be heavily guarded. The palace standing in it is proof. If you want to break into it, you must have strong power as support.

This kind of power is not just personal strength, but also a huge force, because once entering it, it means facing the entire Bixiao Shrine head-on.

Second, there is a natural barrier to isolate it.

You must go deep into the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords and cross the ends of the earth to enter it.

The Domain of Ten Thousand Swords is okay, but the Thunder Tribulation at the End of the Earth is an absolute realm comparable to the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, which even the powerful Tiangang cannot overcome.

But now, both of these difficulties have been solved.

Even the Taishang Immortal Sect dared to go to Tianshu Palace to look for trouble. Now, with the main forces of Dali Sword Sect and Daluo Holy Land, even a head-on confrontation with Bixiao Shrine was not in vain.

As for the second problem, Lu Yu had already thought of a solution when he was in the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, which was to use the complete version of the Turtle Breath Meteor Pill to survive the thunder catastrophe at the end of the earth.

The Tortoise Breath Meteor Pill contained in the "Lotus Pill Sutra" is originally a kind of elixir used to temporarily avoid heavenly tribulations. It can even conceal the past of heavenly tribulations, and it is natural to hide the thunder tribulation at the end of the earth. Down.

Lu Yu had been suffering from the lack of alchemy materials before, so this method could only be a luxury hope. But now with the acquisition of the material treasure house of Shenhuo Xuanzong, the situation has completely changed, at least there is a basis for its realization.

Of course, even with sufficient material support, it is not that easy to perfectly copy the first version of the Turtle Breath Falling Spirit in the "Lotus Pill Sutra"... However, Lu Yu is very confident in this, not only Not only because of his own cultivation, but also because he has an ancient artifact beside him - the Divine Wood King Cauldron. He believes that as long as he is given enough time, he can definitely refine it successfully.

Therefore, Lu Yu indeed felt that the time was ripe to attack the seventeenth floor.

As for the eighteenth floor, it depends on the specific situation of the seventeenth floor. He firmly believes that as long as he successfully captures the seventeenth floor, he will definitely obtain extremely precious information and even the overturned Bixiao God. The key information of the palace's evil plan... In short, this is a step that must be taken before attacking the 18th floor and uncovering all the mysteries!

However, although the time has matured, it does not mean that action is imminent. Attacking the seventeenth floor will be an unprecedentedly huge plan, even bigger than the battle that just ended on the Kakukai, so adequate preparations must be made.

Not to mention anything else, just preparing the Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill to cross the Earth's End Thunder Tribulation will take a long time.

There is also the mysterious power hidden in the seventeenth floor palace, which is the source of the secret of chaos. Lu Yu must also find a way to restrain it...

In addition, there is also the need to coordinate the forces of all parties and how to deploy them carefully so that they can quietly enter the seventeenth floor of the underground without disturbing the other party... These will also take a lot of time.

These are also the problems that Taishang Immortal Sect needs to face.

Lu Yu told Ye Fei his calculations without any concealment.

Ye Fei was extremely shocked, but in the end he accepted Lu Yu's proposal.

For a long time, the Taishang Immortal Sect has been suffering from the lack of a way to fight against the Bixiao Shrine. All they can think of is to make a fuss about the Tiangong Saint. But as Lu Yu said, even if this generation of Tiangong Saint Even if the girl dies, Bixiao Shrine will also cultivate a new Tiangong Saint. After all, this is not the fundamental solution to the problem.

Now, Lu Yu's proposed method of directly attacking the seventeenth floor underground, although it seems very radical and bold on the surface, is actually an effective strategy.

"Passing through the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, crossing the Earth's Ultimate Thunder Tribulation, and occupying the seventeenth level of Jiuyou Underground, in order to reach the final eighteenth level... Junior Brother Lu, how sure are you of this?" Ye Fei looked solemn. asked.

Lu Yu shrugged: "Brother Ye, what aspect are you asking about? If it refers to the reliability of the route, then I can assure you that you can definitely directly enter the Jiuyou Underground from the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords. Seventeenth floor, because I have walked through this one myself..."

"In fact, the people from the Bixiao Palace also crossed the Earth's End Thunder Tribulation from the Netherworld Palace, and then entered the seventeenth level. However, they relied on the Bixiao Palace's artifact, the Little Kunlun Mirror. We don't have the Little Kunlun Mirror. Mirror, so I can only think of some clever ways..."

"As for the final 18th floor, there has always been a saying that there are two secluded realms in the Nine Netherworlds. The 17th floor and the 18th floor both belong to the Ninth Netherworld. The two are originally connected. As long as we occupy the 10th Netherworld, You can naturally find your way to the eighteenth floor on the seventh floor.”

Ye Fei said nothing, frowned, and seemed to be still thinking.

Lu Yu added: "Brother Ye, frankly speaking, we cannot guarantee that this plan will go smoothly in the end. After all, what we have to face is a terrifying opponent that is unique from ancient times to the present. I cannot guarantee that there will never be any An accident..."

"All we can do is to do our best and obey fate. I can only promise that I will do my best for this, and I will not hesitate to fight for it. As for the final result, I can only leave it to God to decide!"

Ye Fei raised his head, looked at Lu Yu silently for a while, and asked: "I only have one last question... Junior Brother Lu, how do you know all this?"

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, then turned to look outside the door of Buzzing Hall.

His gaze seemed to have passed through the obstacles in front of him, across the vast mountains and rivers, and settled on a dark place.

"Brother Ye, you may not believe it when I say it, but in fact, in order to prevent the plan of Bixiao Shrine, you are not the only ones who insist on watching in the darkness, and some people have persisted for much longer than you. , some people also paid their lives for it..."

Ye Fei was shocked.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Lu Yu in front of him was filled with an indescribable sense of vicissitudes of life.

"I cannot make a decision on this matter alone, but I will forward the matter to our division commander and try my best to persuade them to agree to this plan."

Finally, Ye Fei said this.

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