Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1212 Just Beginning

After that, the two had a more detailed discussion on how to attack the palace on the seventeenth floor, mainly about how the two sides should cooperate and how to make the Bixiao Shrine paralyzed and unprepared.

The Dali Sword Sect will eventually cooperate with the Taishang Immortal Sect, and Bixiao Shrine has long been aware of this. Now, the biggest advantage of our side is that Bixiao Shrine has no idea that they have quietly attacked the third party. If this point of the seventeenth floor plan can be fully utilized, it may also be able to achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

Under such a general premise, the two people quickly reached a consensus that they could no longer carry out the assassination plan against Meng Ting for the time being, because once Meng Ting was assassinated, it would most likely alert the snake and give Bixiao Shrine something to do. Be on guard.

Without Meng Ting, the most they can do is suspend the plans of the Bixiao Shrine for a while. Then they will immediately start cultivating a new Tiangong Saint and protect them more carefully.

Instead, it would be better to let Lu Yu deal with Meng Ting and adopt a more gentle and gentle strategy, which might even yield miraculous results.

As for whether Meng Ting will play the role of the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace during this period, communicate with the dark starry sky, and once again occupy the already precarious life span of heaven and earth... This matter will continue to be closely monitored by the Taishang Immortal Sect. Once such signs appear, Taishang Immortal Sect will immediately notify Lu Yu, and at that time Lu Yu will use his influence to do everything possible to prevent this from happening.

After everything was discussed, Ye Fei finally left.

He transformed back into the image of a rugged big man and left Jade Butterfly Peak quietly.

At this time, it was already a cool night outside the Buzzing Palace, with the moon and stars sparse. The two had been discussing in secret for half a day and the entire night.

Seeing Ye Fei's figure disappear into the night, Lu Yu felt sad for a moment.

Unexpectedly, we have come to this point after all...

The plan to capture the 17th floor of Jiuyou can indeed be used as an outpost to attack the 18th floor, but at this time, for him personally, there is a more obvious benefit.

That is, he can finally know the exact whereabouts of his mother, and whether she is dead or alive at this time...

Lu Yu couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart.

In order to find this answer, he went through all kinds of hardships, life and death... He originally thought that this matter would take a longer time to wait, but now it suddenly took a turn.

However, he is also very clear that this matter has only temporarily seen a glimmer of hope, and its overall difficulty has not been reduced.

All this has just begun...

I don’t know how many rounds of consultations like this will go through in the future...

But no matter what, at this time, he already had a clearer direction in his heart.

"Senior Brother Qi!"

There was complete silence all around, and Lu Yu suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

Time had passed so long that he didn't know whether Qi Yunkai was still waiting, but even if Qi Yunkai was not there, there must be other disciples waiting. He could always attract people by calling him.

"Have you finished talking?"

A gentle voice came, but Ye Weilan appeared beside him.

When she saw that Lu Yu was the only one in the palace, she couldn't help showing a little surprise on her face: "Where is Ye Fei? Has he left already?"

"Already gone..." Lu Yu also said with some surprise: "Why are you here? Where is Senior Brother Qi?"

Ye Weilan said: "Senior Brother Qi saw you talking to someone alone inside, and there was no response after a long time. He didn't dare to disturb you, so he asked me to come over and have a look... I saw that it was Ye Fei who was staying with you. Inside, let him leave first.”

Lu Yu nodded clearly and said, "So, you have heard everything I talked to him about just now?"

Ye Weilan said: "I only listened to the beginning. When I saw that what you were talking about was related to the seventeenth floor, I quickly quit and warned. This matter is of great importance and we must not leak any information... However, After all, I was negligent and didn’t even know when he left!”

As she said this, she couldn't help showing an annoyed look.

Lu Yu said: "There is no need to blame yourself. That guy is a very thief. Even Meng Ting slipped away under his nose several times. You can't detect his whereabouts, which is nothing... Besides, you can You came in quietly under my nose and his nose without being noticed by us, which fully proves your power!"

Ye Weilan stood in front of Lu Yu with her little head lowered, not saying a word, and she looked quite cute and childish like a child being praised.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

After a pause, he asked again: "Has there been any news from Senior Sister and Yudie?"

"Not yet, there has been no news..." Ye Weilan replied.

"In that case..." Lu Yu pondered, "Then let's go talk to Senior Brother Qi, and then set off for Wulao Peak! Let's go and see what the situation is like there?"

"Now?" Ye Weilan said in shock, "You just came back from outside and had a deep conversation with someone all night, and you haven't rested for a moment..."

Lu Yu shook his head and sighed: "It's not the time to rest yet..."

"Besides, I just came back from Fuyun Palace. I guess many people are looking forward to meeting me... I also want to see if the identity of the closed disciple given to me by Patriarch Yunxiao is good or not!"

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