Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1213 All Recall

In fact, Lu Yu did not plan to go to Wulao Peak so urgently at first.

It is true that many people in Wulaofeng are looking forward to meeting him, but correspondingly, there are also many people who do not want to see him appear.

Although when he was in Fuyun Palace, Li Fuyun said that he would lead the overall situation as a closed disciple in the future, this was just a deliberate attempt to put themselves on stage to attract firepower. Although Lu Yu didn't know who the enemy he faced was, But he also knew that this matter was not simple, and he didn't want to rush out and be cannon fodder in such a hurry.

What he prayed for was just to stabilize the situation between Dali Sword Sect and Daluo Holy Land, so that these two sects could become his solid backing. To do this, he didn't actually have to rush to the stage. The front line grabs power and hides behind the scenes to keep a certain distance from the ancestors of Hongyi and others. On the contrary, it is more helpful to ease the relationship between them.

But this in-depth conversation with the Supreme Immortal Sect completely changed this.

In order to control the situation faster so that the forces of the two major sects can be used by him, he must appear in the strongest posture. Even if the Tiangang Patriarch stands in front of him to oppose him, he must force the opponent to make sure that he Unique leadership position.

Only in this way can all the forces be combined as soon as possible, so that everyone can work together to fight against the Bixiao Shrine.

As for the risks he will bear because of this, Lu Yu can no longer control so much...

Anyway, aren't there two great conspirators, Patriarch Yunxiao and Li Fuyun, hiding behind it? They spent so much effort to dig out their own chess piece, and they would never abandon it casually.

Of course, it is not easy to occupy a dominant position in front of a group of Tiangang strong men. Fortunately, he already has more capital at this moment, so he is not completely unsure about it...

Soon, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan arrived at Wulao Peak.

Wulao Peak is located in the middle of the territory of Dali Sword Sect.

The Wulao Peak used to be majestic and majestic, with a bright mirror in the hall, but now due to the influence of the burst of spiritual veins in the West, it was still dark even though it was almost the end of the day.

The spiritual energy that originally surrounded Wulao Peak is constantly escaping. If this trend continues, Wulao Peak will eventually become an extremely dangerous place and will no longer be suitable for cultivation.

The situation here is indeed precarious. No wonder the elites from various mountain peaks have been mobilized for so long and still have not come up with a solution.

"I'll just stop here!" Ye Weilan suddenly slowed down and said.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu turned around in surprise.

Ye Weilan said: "Although the situation here is not as good as before, it is still the sect's holy land after all. After all, I am not a member of your Dali Sword Sect, so it's better to keep a distance... I will wait for you outside!"

Lu Yu knew that she was worried that she would get into trouble.

It seemed that she had also keenly sensed the subtlety of the situation.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Although you are not from the Dali Sword Sect, you are mine... You don't have to think too much, just follow me in!"

"Then...I'll quietly hide behind your shadow?" Ye Weilan said hesitantly. In fact, she didn't want to separate from Lu Yu.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. You just follow me so openly. We will have a lot of things to do in the future. Maybe sometimes you will be needed to convey instructions on my behalf. You must adapt to your own situation as soon as possible." Just a new identity..."

"New identity?" Ye Weilan asked in surprise.

Lu Yu blinked: "Just like Chu Hongling's status in Jade Butterfly Peak, although she is not a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak at all, all the disciples in the entire Jade Butterfly Peak except the master aunt listen to her."

"Is this possible..."

"Why not?" Lu Yu shrugged: "No matter what, just listen to me. I just want to see who dares to make a fuss about this matter!"

At the end of the sentence, there was already a murderous tone in his tone.

It just so happens that he needs an opportunity to establish his authority now. If someone really gets into trouble in this matter, he will indeed not be polite.

So, at Lu Yu's insistence, Ye Weilan followed him into Wulao Peak.

It's a pity that the entire Wulao Peak has been deserted, and it is no longer as busy as it used to be. Only a few deacons responsible for guarding stay here.

These people had long known that Lu Yu's identity and strength were not what they used to be. Although they were surprised by his arrival, they did not dare to be disrespectful in any way.

As for Ye Weilan who was following Lu Yu, none of the deacons dared to take a second look, let alone raise any objections.

The two went directly to the High Council.

Here, Lu Yu saw a few real elders who stayed behind, but they only glanced at Ye Weilan behind Lu Yu and didn't say much.

It seems that his plan to use this as an excuse has completely failed...

After a brief exchange of greetings, Lu Yu knew that all the elites gathered here had been dispatched. At this time, they were like a group of firefighters, rushing to various fire scenes, trying to put down the violent fire. The spiritual energy of the Western Realm is suppressed outside the defense line.

Even the few Tiangang powerhouses were not idle, they had all been dispatched.

Lu Yu did not ask about the specific situation, nor did he care about the specific location of everyone. He immediately said to several pavilion elders directly: "Please call everyone back immediately!"

"What? Gather them all back?"

Several pavilion elders couldn't help but be stunned.

"We have deployed for several days and finally achieved the current results. It seems that the situation is gradually improving. If all the craftsmen are called back now, all the previous results will be wasted..."

Lu Yu said: "The current method may indeed be effective, but the efficiency is too low. How many days have passed since I was called into Fuyun Palace? I don't want such results!"

Several pavilion elders were immediately speechless.

This is a chain reaction caused by the explosion of more than ten underground spiritual veins. Is it so easy for you to restrain it?

In fact, it is good to have a way to clean it effectively. How can anyone dare to think that the efficiency is too low?

That is Lu Yu. If anyone else had said this, he would have been angrily reprimanded by these elders.

Because of Lu Yu's special avatar, several pavilion elders who stayed behind suspected whether he had received advice from Patriarch Yunxiao, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

However, there is an elder named Qin from Qingyang Peak who has a very firm attitude:

"No, the current governance strategy was decided by Ancestor Hongyi. Unless Ancestor Hongyi agrees, no one can change his destiny!"

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