Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1214 Stop by and take a look

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown and looked at Mr. Ge named Qin.

Although he didn't have much interaction with the other person, he still knew something about this person.

This person was originally the right-hand man of Qingyang Peak's first Jianlong Zhenren, and he was an extremely shrewd and capable figure.

However, in Lu Yu's impression, the last time they left the Dali Sword Sect and went to the ancient city of Guoyun, this person was only a real elder of Qingyang Peak and had not really entered the high pavilion.

Now, he has become a pavilion elder, and has been entrusted by Patriarch Hongyi with the important task of staying behind. Obviously, it is because of Patriarch Hongyi's promotion that he became the pavilion elder here.

In this case, it is not surprising that he would vigorously maintain the authority of Ancestor Hongyi.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said unceremoniously: "Mr. Qin Ge, are you questioning my order? Do you know what this means?"

Mr. Qin Ge suddenly suffocated and felt a huge pressure coming from his chest, which made him almost breathless.

After going through Fuyun Palace, Lu Yu's whole temperament was completely different. Just the momentum contained in his eyes had already made Mr. Qin Ge feel great pressure.

"Lu Yu... I know that you were summoned by Ancestor Yunxiao this time. You must have received personal guidance from Ancestor Yunxiao in Fuyun Palace, but..."

Mr. Qin Ge said with difficulty as his face turned red from holding back.

"No matter what happens, you are just a junior after all. Maybe you do have a better way to change the current mess, but this matter must be approved by the Hongyi Ancestor before any changes can be made..."

"Without rules, there is no rule! This has been the ancestral law of the Dali Sword Sect for tens of thousands of years. How can it be easily changed? If we obey your request, we will all be the eternal sinners of the Dali Sword Sect!"

By the end of the sentence, his voice was hoarse, but still sonorous and powerful.

Hearing what he said, the other elders who were already a little moved suddenly became serious again.


Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Mr. Qin Ge, you have such a big hat! But don't worry, this hat can neither be placed on my head nor yours...I Lu Yu is indeed a junior. If there is no special reason, he should not change the fate of Patriarch Hongyi at will. But what if this matter is the order of Patriarch Yunxiao? Will this destroy the tens of thousands of years of ancestral law of the Dali Sword Sect? ?”

Several pavilion elders were suddenly startled.

Mr. Shangge, who was in charge of King Wu Palace, took a step forward, looked directly at Lu Yu's face with his sharp eyes, and said, "Lu Yu, is this serious? Ancestor Yunxiao really asked you to bring back the will?"

Lu Yu showed no timidity, and looked back at him without blinking, and said: "Mr. Shang Ge, do you think I am someone who would make fun of the rise and fall of the Dali Sword Sect?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly, and suddenly a piece of light and shadow condensed on his hand, forming a pattern of a palace in the clouds.

This is the exclusive mark of Ancestor Yunxiao.

Although Lu Yu has never been granted a mark by the Yunxiao Patriarch, his red lotus power can even imitate the mark of the demon god from outside the world. After the previous experience in Fuyun Palace, he has a better understanding of the Yunxiao Patriarch's Taoism. He already has a considerable level of understanding in cultivation, and it is no longer a problem to imitate his exclusive mark.

However, he cannot be considered as deliberately deceiving Mr. Shangge and others, because the ancestor of Yunxiao did give him the power to act cheaply. In fact, the experience in Fuyun Palace was just to prepare for such a situation.

Seeing the exclusive mark that appeared on Lu Yu's hand, the elders no longer had any doubts, but showed an expression of relief on their faces.

Obviously, even though Patriarch Yunxiao has never officially appeared, he still has an irreplaceable position in the minds of everyone in the Dali Sword Sect.

Only Mr. Qin Ge's expression became more solemn.

"Okay! Since Ancestor Yunxiao has new instructions, what's the point of hesitating? Follow them immediately!" Mr. Shang Ge said firmly.

He is in charge of the King Wu Palace and has a higher level of vision than everyone else. He understands that the crisis in the Dali Sword Sect has not really been resolved at this time. It is impossible for them to focus on this one thing all the time. Now they can have Better solutions are indeed a good thing.

Several pavilion elders nodded and dispersed one after another.

Even Mr. Qin Ge did not raise any objection this time.

Due to the violent shock caused by the burst of spiritual veins, the communication talisman could not be accurately conveyed to the front line of the "fire scene", so they had to organize people to go to the notification in person.


Lu Yu suddenly stopped a few more people and said, "Where are the three Tiangang ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land now? Let me go and inform them personally!"

"Are you going to inform the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang and Gunlong?" Elder Shangge asked doubtfully.

His intuition told him that the matter might not be as simple as Lu Yu said.

Lu Yu said: "I have nothing to do anyway. It just so happens that I can drop by and see how bad the situation is..."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, several pavilion elders almost fell down.

Seeing how he asked to recall everyone when he came up, and acted so confidently, I thought he had already figured it out. Unexpectedly, after working on it for a long time, he still hadn't even figured out what was going on outside...

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