Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1215 Complaint

Soon, people from all walks of life rushed back.

Not only were the real masters from each mountain peak, but also the many disciples and deacons under their command, forming a mighty army. For a while, Wulao Peak returned to its former busy scene.

Some of these withdrawals of manpower were notified personally by Mr. Shangge and others, and some were conveyed by deacons on their behalf.

Due to the rush of time, there was no time to explain the specific situation clearly, so most people just received the order to withdraw and had no idea what was going on.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why did you suddenly withdraw them all?"

"We finally gained a firm foothold on Dam Ridge. If we suddenly withdraw now, wouldn't all our previous efforts be in vain?"

"Who says it's not the case? We worked so hard on the Yundong Mountain side. Seeing that the situation had just improved, we suddenly issued an urgent order to retreat..."

"It's such an emergency. Could it be that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is calling again?"

"Even if there is an enemy situation, we shouldn't withdraw them all like this... Wouldn't it be confusing the situation?"

"It's not the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. It's said that Lu Yu is back..."

"Go wild! Even if Lu Yu got some advice from Ancestor Yunxiao, he can't go wild like this!"

Everyone was puzzled by the sudden retreat order and kept complaining.

After a while, Ancestor Hongyi and Tailing also rushed back.

"Even Patriarch Tiangang has come back..."

“It seems like I’ve really given up completely now!”

"We discussed it for so many days and finally decided on the plan..."

"A few ancestors are equivalent to the Dinghai Shenzhen of the entire cleanup plan. Even if there is a better plan, it can be slightly adjusted on the original basis. Why bother to call the ancestors back?"

"I want to see what clever tricks this Lu Yu has up his sleeve!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, several pavilion elders had already moved towards Patriarch Tiangang.


Mr. Qin Ge stood at the forefront and shouted in a low voice.

"What exactly is going on?"

Ancestor Hongyi said calmly, his face as calm as an ancient well, making it impossible to tell his true inner thoughts.

"It was Lu Yu who requested it. He said that this was the order of Patriarch Yunxiao, and he also showed Patriarch Yunxiao's exclusive mark." Elder Qin Ge replied.

Hongyi said nothing, but his eyes seemed to become deeper.

Ancestor Tailing asked from the side: "What about Lu Yu? Where is he now?"

"He took the initiative to inform the three Tiangang ancestors of the Da Luo Holy Land. They have not returned yet, and the three ancestors of the Da Luo Holy Land have also not appeared." Elder Shang Ge said.

Ancestor Tailing couldn't help but look at Ancestor Hongyi and exchanged glances with each other. Obviously, he didn't think Lu Yu was just simply informing.

Ancestor Hongyi shook his head gently: "Let's wait until he comes back to talk about everything!"

Ancestor Tailing smiled. On this matter, he had a completely different stance from Ancestor Hongyi.

Previously, when Ancestor Hongyi came back, he used the banner of Ancestor Yunxiao to seize his power. Now Lu Yu also used the banner of Ancestor Yunxiao to seize his power. Deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a bit happy.

"Then let's wait until he comes back!" Tailing Patriarch said.

However, people from all walks of life rushed back one after another, but Lu Yu was still missing.

Everyone couldn't help but gradually lose their patience, and their complaints against Lu Yu became more and more fierce, especially those who came from the peaks of the Western Region. They already had a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, and this time only added fuel to the fire.

In the end, even the sisters Chudie and Yudie, who were sent the farthest away, led a group of disciples from Jade Butterfly Peak back.

"Sister Die, Sister Yudie..." Ye Weilan took the initiative to greet them and timidly said hello.

Lu Yu did not take her to find the three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land. According to him, there were "more important tasks" for her here.

"Xiaolan, why are you here too?" Chudie was slightly surprised.

But Yudie turned her eyes and said: "Since you are here too, it means that guy must be back... Is this another trouble caused by that guy?"

Ye Weilan smiled and said: "It is indeed Yulang who asked to call you all back. It seems that he has other plans..."

Yudie raised her eyebrows and showed an expression that was indeed true.

Chu Die had a solemn expression: "What on earth is going on? Where is he now?"


Ye Weilan was about to speak, but at this moment, a large group of powerful real people gathered towards her, interrupting her answer.

"Where's Lu Yuren?"

"Why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Why call everyone back?"

"Do you want so many people to stop doing business and just wait here for him?"

"We need a reasonable explanation!"

It turned out to be a group of real people who had been dissatisfied for a long time. When they saw the people from Jade Butterfly Peak appearing, they immediately came over to vent their dissatisfaction.

Most of these people come from the western peaks. Although Lu Yu has made great military exploits, and although Lu Yu is favored by the Yunxiao Ancestor, for them, Lu Yu is also the initiator of their displacement. Infected by this emotion Below, even many real people from Wangyue Peak and Tianxiang Peak appeared in the crowd.

However, Li Wangji and Chen Zifu did not appear. The leader at this time was the leader of Zixia Peak, Huanyuan Zhenren.

"What's it called! I'm not the one who made you homeless. Do you still want me to explain it to you? Didn't you see that we just came back?"

Jade Die's face turned cold, and she directly used Die Shuangfei.

"Okay! As long as any of you can defeat the sword in my hand, then I will explain to you. Even if I give up Jade Butterfly Peak to you, it is not impossible!"

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