Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1219 Shocking Appearance

"It's Shenmu Wangding!"

Many of the people present had participated in the surprise attack on Huoshenshan. Although they didn't know his detailed origins, they knew his name.

However, there are many more people who have never even heard of this name...

"Shenmu Wangding? What is that?"

"You don't even know Shenmu Wangding? This thing comes from Huoshen Mountain. It is said that it is also related to Huoxu Saint, the founder of Shenhuo Xuanzong..."

"When attacking Shenhuo Xuanzong before, Lu Yu harvested this thing from the underground treasure house of Huoshen Mountain. At that time, Ancestor Hongyi wanted to pick it up to look at it, but was injured by it. Do you still remember the scar on Ancestor Hongyi's hand a few days ago? It was injured by this thing!"

"What? Even Ancestor Hongyi was injured by it. This treasure is so powerful?"

"Such a powerful treasure, why didn't Lu Yu use it during the previous battle?"

"Who knows... Maybe he just got the treasure not long ago and hasn't mastered the method of using it. This time he was summoned to Fuyun Palace, where he got the guidance of Ancestor Yunxiao!"


Lu Yu ignored the discussion of the crowd and went straight to the Shenmu Wangding.

At this time, the Divine Wood King Ding, due to the fusion of the Star Gathering Pearl, became extremely heavy. Only the support of the Dragon Fish Black Tail could allow him to rush all the way from the Jade Butterfly Peak to here.

However, even so, he was still out of touch with Lu Yu and Ye Weilan, so Lu Yu left Ye Weilan here to meet him when he left. He didn't expect that he would come after he came back.

"Brother Ding, you are finally here. Did you have a smooth journey?" Lu Yu said to the Divine Wood King Ding.

The Divine Wood King Ding laughed: "Boy, where did you get this treasure? If you have such a good thing, why didn't you take it out earlier? For the convenience of future actions, I think this thing should be handed over to me for fusion. I have already thought about how to place this little treasure, but this matter still needs your cooperation..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but blush.

Unexpectedly, this brother Ding actually wanted to integrate the Dragon Fish Black Tail into his body. Who said before that swallowing the Star Gathering Pearl had consumed all his strength?

However, on the other hand, this dragon fish black tail is said to be the treasure of the Dragon God. The appetite of the Divine Wood King Ding is so good that it can even swallow it?

"That won't do." Lu Yu refused directly, "This thing is still of great use to me, I can't just give it to you... But if you really want to swallow something, I can give you another choice..."

"What?" The Divine Wood King Ding asked curiously.

Lu Yu smiled lightly and directly offered his Feihong Sword: "How about letting you swallow this sword?"

The Divine Wood King Ding seemed to be startled: "This... Let's forget it, who will swallow whom between me and it... Little brother, I was just joking with you, I am actually very satisfied with the current situation, don't swallow anything..."

Lu Yu shook his head and couldn't help but have a headache for a while. He didn't expect that the two treasures around him were big eaters...

However, the Divine Wood King Ding was obviously very powerful, but he was still afraid of the Feihong Sword. Lu Yu couldn't help but be very curious, what would the complete Feihong Sword look like?

With the power of Lu Yu, the speed of the Divine Wood King Cauldron was obviously faster, and then Ye Weilan, Yang Chudie, and Yang Yudie also came to help.

Especially Yang Chudie sacrificed the Spring Conch, spewing out the power of the sea tide to form a ribbon-shaped river in the air, allowing the dragon fish Black Tail to use the power of the water, and the speed was immediately faster.

"Are you going to use this thing to suppress the outbreak of the spirit vein?" Yudie couldn't help but get close to Lu Yu and whispered: "But didn't you say before that this thing can only be used to make pills?"

Lu Yu said: "Today is different from the past. Don't you find that our brother Ding is different from the past?"

"What's the difference?" Yudie asked in confusion.

She actually only glanced at this treasure before, and was not familiar enough to keenly notice the changes in its details.

"Isn't it just a little bigger?"

Lu Yu smiled and blinked at her: "Guess!"

After that, he quickly chased forward. At this time, with the traction of the sea tide power of the Spring Conch, he no longer needed to push it.

"Tsk! What are you so proud of!" Yudie said dissatisfiedly: "Yang Yudie, don't you care about him? Is there anyone who talks to the first master like this?"

Chudie immediately turned his face away, concentrating on controlling the tide in the air, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

Yudie suddenly became even more crazy...

With the joint efforts of several people, the Shenmu Wang Ding was soon sent to the Wulao Peak and came in front of everyone.

At this time, the Shenmu Wang Ding was five feet high and five feet square, looking like a huge monster standing on the top of the peak.

Everyone looked at this huge monster quietly without saying a word.

"Brother Hongyi, do you feel that this thing seems to be completely different from before?"

Tai Ling Patriarch couldn't help asking the Hongyi Patriarch beside him.

After all, among all the people, except Lu Yu, he was the only one who had touched this treasure with his own hands, although the Shenmu Wang Ding at that time was far from being as huge as it is now.

Patriarch Hongyi stared at the Divine Wood King Cauldron without saying a word, with an extremely focused expression, as if he did not hear Patriarch Tailing's question.

Tai Ling Patriarch's eyes were deep, and he said quietly: "Anyway, I felt a kind of pressure from it, just like facing the Nine Heavens Barrier. I don't know what Lu Yu actually did to it... Now I really think that he might be able to do it!"

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