Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1220 Facing the Starry Sky

After the scene was silent for a moment, Li Wangji asked: "Lu Yu, is this the friend you mentioned?"

Lu Yu reached out and patted Ding and said, "This is my brother Ding. Although he looks ugly, he is already a psychic being."

"If the records of the Saint of Fire Ruins in the Yunmeng Sutra are correct, then his birth may be traced back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, even the Fire God Mountain was not what it is today, far before the establishment of the eight major sects. History."

Everyone was in an uproar again.

It is older than the establishment of the eight major sects. Doesn't that mean he is even more powerful than Li Tian Jian Dian?

However, if he can really do what Lu Yu said, to a certain extent, he will indeed be better than Li Tianjian Dian.

Li Wangji was stunned and said: "I didn't expect it to be a senior Shen Ding with such a long history. I'm disrespectful... This time our sect encountered a disaster, so we have to work harder for our seniors to help. I only represent the entire Dali Sword Sect." Up and down, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to our seniors!”

Shenmu Wang Ding said: "There is no need to thank me. If little brother Lu Yu hadn't pulled me out from under the Fire God Mountain, I wouldn't have seen the light of day again. If you want to thank you, just thank him!"

Li Wangji turned to Lu Yu again and asked, "I wonder how you and this senior Shending plan to isolate the violent spiritual veins in the Western Region? What do we need to do?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple, just ask the master to open Guyuntai, and leave the rest to me and Brother Ding!"

Suddenly, everyone around them looked at Patriarch Hongyi.

Guyuntai is located above the Tiangong Treasure House. It is a place specially used to replenish the divine power of various treasures in the treasure house. Since the arrival and return of the ancestor Hongyi, Guyuntai has been controlled by the ancestor Hongyi and became his exclusive territory.

"Ancestor Hongyi, Lu Yu and this senior Shen Ding need to use Guyuntai to control the spiritual riots in the Western Territory. What do you think?" Li Wangji asked.

Everyone around was stunned.

Li Wangji was ostensibly asking for the opinion of Patriarch Hongyi, but his attitude was extremely strong. Ever since he was seriously injured, it had been a long time since he had seen such a strong leader.

In fact, according to the political structure of the Dali Sword Sect, the master is the supreme leader, and the Tiangang Patriarch only has the power to consult, and his role in providing foresight and guidance for the development of the sect is too great. However, in the past, it was rare for the Tiangang Patriarch to return. Compared with the powerful influence of the Tiangang Patriarch, even the authority of the head pales in comparison.

"I have no opinion."

Ancestor Hongyi replied calmly, with no trace of emotion on his face.

But everyone is keenly aware that all this is not as simple as it seems, because in a sense, Guyuntai has become a symbol, and the change of the person who occupies it means a change in power. Change.

"In this case, Mr. Zhuge, please open Guyuntai immediately!"

Li Wangji did not hesitate and immediately gave the order to Mr. Zhu Ge.

Zhuge Lao is the manager of the Tiangong Treasure House, and Guyuntai is a supporting facility of the Tiangong Treasure House, so it is naturally within his jurisdiction.


Mr. Zhu Ge agreed and immediately turned around and walked in the direction of the Tiangong Treasure House.

The large troops at the scene also followed suit.

Lu Yu patted the sacred wooden king tripod again and said, "Brother Ding, it's our turn! I've been working for so long, isn't it just for this moment?"

Shenmu Wangding lowered his voice and said: "Boy, it's not impossible for you to try to gather the power of the stars here, but let me make it clear first that this is my first time to try this. If something goes wrong or something happens, I’m not responsible for the trouble!”

"Brother Ding, you are too humble. Didn't you already taste it once when you left Fuyun Palace?" Lu Yu said with a smile: "I believe you can do it... Besides, don't you still have me protecting you? ? There won’t be any trouble!”

As he spoke, he winked at Yang Chudie who was standing aside.

Yang Chudie immediately understood and once again used the Spring Conch to evolve a suspended river that led directly to Guyuntai.

Soon, they arrived at the foot of Guyun Terrace and in front of the Tiangong Treasure House.

At this time, many of the powerful real people around them had stopped here and could only watch the huge black cauldron rising slowly.

Yang Chudie escorted Lu Yu and the sacred wood king tripod all the way to Guyuntai, where the mist was misty.

She looked at Lu Yu intently, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

But Lu Yu seemed to see through her heart at once, looking back at her and saying, "Many important things have happened in the past few days, which can't be explained in a sentence or two. I will tell you slowly after I get back."

"Yes." Yang Chudie nodded gently, but couldn't help but ask: "This time... nothing will happen to you, right?"

"Don't worry! What we are going to do next is not the first time for Brother Ding and I... for me personally, it may be the fourth time!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Four times? That much?"

"Yes!" Lu Yu smiled brightly, "The first time was when I had just awakened the Lotus Seed; the second time was on Scarlet Flame Island, when I was promoted to Return to the Sea; the third time was on the top of the Blue Cloud, When I rescued Meng Ting..."

"Next, it will be my fourth time to face the stars!"

A moment later, the mountains shook violently, and the sky was filled with extremely bright stars.

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