Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1222 The whole world is shocked

In the southern part of Dali Jianzong, three rays of light were almost close to the top of the sky, speeding towards the south.

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration behind them, followed by an extremely dazzling bright light shooting from behind, which stung the three people who were driving the escape light several times so that they could not see the scene in front of them.

The three rays of light immediately stopped, and suddenly looking back, I saw stars floating all over the sky, and huge star spheres clearly appeared in the sky.

Similar scenes can only be seen occasionally when they are traveling in the ninth highest heaven.

But this place is obviously within the first level of the sky, and such a strange scene actually appears. This was something that was impossible in the past.

"It seems that he really did it..." Ancestor Zhaoyun said with infinite emotion.

These three people were the three Tiangang ancestors who had just been taken away by Lu Yu from the Dali Sword Sect.

"With my own power, I can restrain the spiritual pulse explosion of the peaks from spreading further. I didn't expect that I could actually do it!" Ancestor Huitang also said with the same emotion.

Ancestor Gunlong silently observed the strange scene behind him for a moment, and then said quietly: "Two Taoist brothers, do you still doubt his words now?"

Ancestor Zhaoyun and Ancestor Huitang looked at each other, with a wry smile appearing on their faces involuntarily.

Ancestor Gunlong continued: "Now it seems that both Ancestor Yunxiao and Ancestor Shanwen are people we cannot mess with. Even if we get the accurate information about Ancestor Yunxiao, it will be difficult to get it out of his hands." Even if we take away that batch of divine treasures, it will be difficult for us to hold them with our strength..."

"What Lu Yu said just now, although he said it in a cryptic way, also had the intention of knocking us down. He also saw the covetousness of the two Taoist brothers for the Yunxiao Ancestor... Are we going to commit the crime against the wind, or are we going to do it? According to what he said, everything will be subject to his arrangements, and you will eventually get a share of the pie. The decision is now. "

After Ancestor Gunlong finished speaking, he looked at his two fellow disciples with sharp eyes.

The two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang smiled bitterly again.

They had known for a long time that Patriarch Gunlong had actually been completely impressed by Lu Yu.

Looking at the posture in front of him, if the two of them say no, he is afraid that he will be cut off from him first and part ways.

"That's it! The situation is irresistible. We should not continue to force it. Maybe destiny has never truly fallen on us..."

Patriarch Huitang sighed: "In this case, we can only judge the situation and take advantage of it... Brother Zhaoyun, what do you think?"

Zhaoyun smiled bitterly and nodded.

In fact, everyone wants to dominate the Tianji Avenue, become the real protagonist in the Nine Heavens, break the void and soar into the sky, but in fact, most people can only be reduced to supporting roles in the end. There are only a few hundred or so who have truly become the protagonists throughout the ages. Just bits.

"Fortunately, we did not make wrong choices before, and now we have formed a good relationship. Although we did not grasp the destiny itself, we kept up with its direction..."

Ancestor Zhaoyun said.

"Okay, let's not continue to lament here, let's hurry up and complete what he told us! Judging from his tone at the time, this matter seemed to be quite serious, and he didn't seem to be joking!"

Suddenly, the three escaping lights continued to move forward quickly, no longer paying attention to the violent shock behind them.

Luoguang Strait.

This place is thousands of miles away from the homeland of Dali Jianzong, but we can still see the strange sight of stars appearing in the distant sky.

When the vision occurred, there was a fierce quarrel going on here. The reason was that the ancestor of Hong'an of Shenhuo Xuanzong came here.

After the troops besieging the Dali Sword Sect were defeated, the main force of Shenhuo Xuanzong led by Ya'an Ancestor stopped here. At this time, they already knew that Huoshen Mountain had completely fallen into the hands of the Dali Sword Sect, and they were planning how to counterattack and regain it. Lost ground.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Hong'an came up at this time. He poured cold water on everyone at the beginning, saying that various places in Shenhuo Xuanzong had been conquered one after another, and the troops from Daluo Holy Land were stationed in Huoshen Mountain in an endless stream. He hoped Everyone was able to give up their plans to continue the counterattack and enter into peace talks with the Dali Sword Sect.

To put it nicely, it was a peace negotiation, but to put it worse, it was actually surrender. This was the main reason why the senior officials of Dali Sword Sect let him leave and came to compete with the main force of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

As a result, the two sides fell into a fierce dispute.

Ancestor Ya'an is a staunch leader of the war faction. He feels that surrender will not have any good results, and the Dali Sword Sect will never spare Shenhuo Xuanzong lightly.

Moreover, although they lost the first wave of offensive, the overall situation was not at the bottom, because there was a huge Bixiao Shrine behind them that never joined the battle group. As long as they took action, the Dali Sword Sect would There is no advantage at all in joining forces with Daluo Holy Land.

Ancestor Hong'an is a firm advocate of peace, because the people of the Dali Sword Sect have already offered him a price. As long as Shenhuo Xuanzong is willing to provide logistical assistance to the Dali Sword Sect, then after this war is over, , the Dali Sword Sect will return the foundation of Shenhuo Xuanzong and release all the disciples captured in the battle of Huoshen Mountain.

Of course, it is inevitable to be exploited by Dali Sword Sect and Daluo Holy Land in this process, but for the sake of the inheritance and continuation of Shenhuo Xuanzong, peace negotiation is undoubtedly the best choice.

As for the other two, Ancestor Xin Yan and Ancestor Zhuozhen, their attitudes were ambiguous and they did not express clear opinions.

And at the moment when the debate was at its most intense, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky, and even the entire Luoguang Strait could not help but sway faintly.

Thus, the quarrel ended abruptly.

"This is……"

"It seems to be the home area of ​​Dali Sword Sect!"

"Could it be that Ancestor Shanwen took action again? Another war broke out in the Dali Sword Sect?"

"No, Ancestor Shanwen has been far away for a long time, and he sent us a letter not long ago... Moreover, looking at the location of the stars, it seems that it is the western border of the Great Li Sword Sect..."


Several ancestors have already eaten.

Naturally, they all know what the current situation is like in the western realm of the Dali Sword Sect, where almost the entire Wuya Immortal Pavilion was buried...

This can only explain one problem...

"Could it be that the Dali Sword Sect is communicating with the power of the stars outside the sky to calm the chaos caused by the spiritual veins of the Western Realm?"

Several people were silent, and they all felt incredible.

But if you think that all this has something to do with Ancestor Yunxiao, it doesn't seem so impossible...

"Brother Ya'an, do you think it is necessary for us to continue arguing now?" Ancestor Hong'an said abruptly.

Ancestor Ya'an sighed softly, as if all the strength in his body was drained away.

"That's all...then prepare for peace talks!"

In another distant sea area, Ancestor Shanwen suddenly opened his eyes.

The stars in the sky were faintly floating, and a kind of outrageous power made him feel palpitated.

After a long time, he quietly said: "Go and find Jun'er for me!"

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