Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1223 Crossing the Ocean

The afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the sea surface golden.

A huge ship was slowly advancing amidst the sparkling waves.

A graceful and beautiful woman stood alone on the bow of the boat, with a melancholy look on her face. The sea breeze blew the corners of her blue floral skirt, as if an elf was flying in it. In the afterglow of the setting sun, she The silhouette is extremely beautiful.


A handsome man suddenly appeared behind her and called softly.

This person is Yue Zijing, the eldest disciple of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and the beautiful woman standing on the bow of the boat is none other than Yue Xiujun, the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Yue Xiujun turned around.

Suddenly, Yue Zijing felt as if there were countless clouds falling in front of his eyes, and the beautiful aura coming towards him made him swallow hard involuntarily.

"It's Jing'er...have you finished your evening classes?" Yue Xiujun said calmly.

Yue Zijing nodded and said with difficulty: "Auntie, since you came back this time, I feel like you are a new person... Even the saint of Bixiao Shrine is probably far behind you. …”

Yue Xiujun said: "Don't talk nonsense. What kind of identity is the Saint of the Heavenly Palace? The best resources, the most powerful magic weapons, and the most mysterious techniques in the world are all concentrated on her. How can my aunt be able to match her?" People?"

She said this, but her heart couldn't help but move slightly.

In a sense, the baptism she experienced in the Holy Land of Daluo was indeed like a new life for her, but all of this was paid for with countless lives and blood...

"The Saint of Heavenly Palace is uniquely endowed, but aunt, you are no worse than her... Anyway, in my nephew's heart, aunt is always the best, and she has been like this since childhood!"

Yue Zijing said with a smile as he walked forward and leaned on the railing side by side with Yue Xiujun.

"You are the only one who is sweet and glib!"

Yue Xiujun shook his head helplessly, but a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

The scene in front of her reminded her of Yue Zijing when she was a child. Ever since Yue Zijing started practicing the "Disillusionment Method", this was a feeling she had not seen for a long time.

"I just don't know if I will see the Saint of the Heavenly Palace when I go to the Bixiao Shrine this time. If you, aunt, can stand with her, the world will know that even the Saint of the Heavenly Palace can't stop my aunt at all. Limelight!" Yue Zijing said again.

Yue Xiujun smiled softly: "Do you want to see your aunt show off in the Bixiao Shrine, or do you prefer to see Miss Meng?"

Then he immediately faded his smile and said seriously: "However, our ancestors did not ask us to go to Bixiao Shrine this time just to show off. We have an important mission... You must not go to Bixiao Shrine. You know, don't you speak rudely to the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace or flirt with others casually?"

"Auntie, don't worry, my nephew can understand the seriousness of the matter..." Yue Zijing replied with an obedient face, "But, auntie, what is the purpose of our ancestors sending us to Bixiao Shrine this time? This has already been done You've been gone for three days, can you finally tell me everything?"

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but think of the scene when she met Ancestor Shanwen three days ago, and recalled the worried look on his face at that time. She had never seen that look on his face before.

And all of this seems to be related to the shock that occurred not long ago on the mainland of Dali Sword Sect.

She was in seclusion at the time and did not witness the scene with her own eyes, but when she heard people mention it afterwards, she still couldn't help but feel a thrill.

"The ancestor asked us to go to Bixiao Shrine to meet a big shot." Yue Xiujun replied.

"What kind of big shot?" Yue Zijing asked curiously: "So mysterious...doesn't he even have a name? Is his status higher than that of Caitong Zhenren?"

Yue Xiujun's eyes were deep and he said quietly: "Although Yin Juntong is the real person in charge, he is not necessarily the highest-ranking person in the Bixiao Palace. Just like your uncle, he is not the highest-status person in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect... In short, when Bixiao Palace arrives, Xiao Shen Palace, you will understand everything!”

Yue Zijing couldn't help but become more and more curious, and said: "Even if you don't tell me, aunt, I can somewhat guess... We went to Bixiao Shrine here to discuss jointly dealing with the Lu Yu of the Dali Sword Sect. wrong?"

Yue Xiujun looked at him in surprise.

Yue Zijing continued: "Not long ago, the Dali Sword Sect gathered the power of the stars from outside the sky to quell the spiritual rebellion in the Western Region. At that time, the ancestors were closely monitoring the movements of the Yunxiao ancestors, knowing that the Yunxiao ancestors were not in the country at that time. Li Sword Sect, on the contrary, Lu Yu just left Fuyun Palace and returned to Dali Sword Sect..."

"So, that shock that gathered the power of the stars in the sky was actually caused by that Lu Yu, right?"

As he spoke, Yue Zijing's eyes gradually became sharp, with the flames of hatred dancing in them.

Yue Xiujun said calmly: "Your analysis is correct. Ancestor also believes that the shock a few days ago must be related to Lu Yu who just returned from Fuyun Palace, but the purpose of our visit to Bixiao Shrine is not the same. Not to target him..."

Yue Zijing was stunned: "What's that for?"

"When you get here, you will understand everything!" Yue Xiujun repeated what he said before.

Yue Zijing sighed softly, looked at the sparkling sea in front of him, and said: "Auntie, if you tell me this, I really want to rush to Bixiao Shrine immediately... But having said that, auntie, don't you think our boat can go easily? Is it too slow? Even freighters in this world are probably faster than us, right?

Yue Xiujun said: "You don't know something. The big man we are going to meet this time is extraordinary. He will only show up at a specific time. It will be useless even if we go early. With the current situation, The speed is just right when we arrive at Bixiao Shrine..."

A few days later, the big ship stopped at a pier under the jurisdiction of Bixiao Shrine.

When Yue Zijing and Yue Xiujun walked down the side steps hand in hand, preparing to enter the interior of Bixiao Shrine.

But at this moment, the tide suddenly surged on the sea and the waves were surging.

I saw a dark object, pressing down on a long water line, riding the wind and waves from a distance, and arrived in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was a dark coffin.

Yue Zijing's expression suddenly changed.

Wei Zhihan...why is he here too?

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