Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1224 A gathering of lords

Yue Zijing couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu.

I remember that when he was invited to Biyun Stream, he encountered the oncoming Nine-Life Divine Coffin as soon as he got off the boat.

He and Wei Zhihan had never dealt with each other. Now that they met here, old and new hatreds surged into his heart. Dangjie shouted angrily: "How dare you, a bastard from the Dali Sword Sect, come here to act wild!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and struck out with a sword, slashing towards the oncoming Nine-Life Divine Coffin.


Yue Xiujun hurriedly wanted to stop, but in the end it was a step too late. Yue Zijing had already followed the sword's movement and rushed out with one sword.

The black coffin suddenly opened, and Wei Zhihan walked out. He also raised his hand and struck out with his sword, catching Yue Zijing's sword forcefully.

Huge waves erupted on the sea, as if a mountain was falling, and the wave almost submerged the entire horse's head.

"Yue Zijing! You are looking for death!"

Wei Zhi said in a cold voice.

As soon as he arrived here, he was hit head-on for no reason, and he couldn't help but feel angry for a while.

Yue Zijing sneered: "Then let's see who died?"

As he spoke, brilliant feathers shining with colorful rays of light floated on his body. They were the dazzling feathers he used to escape when he was in the Holy Land of Da Luo.

Obviously, compared with before, his control of the dazzling Liuyu has reached a whole new level. Not only are there more, but he can also integrate Qi into his offensive.

After his whole body was surrounded by dazzling light flow feathers, his figure suddenly transformed and turned into countless identical clones.

Suddenly, the entire sky was enveloped in brilliant light.

In the face of such a powerful offensive, Wei Zhihan remained calm. He calmly pressed the Nine Lives Divine Coffin behind him, and the sword in his hand unfolded. It was a Great Mist Hidden Sword Technique.

However, this Great Fog Hidden Sword Technique is different from the others, because he has transformed the sword intention into the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, which means that this sword is actually supported by the Nine Lives Divine Coffin. cast.

There is an obvious benefit of doing this, that is, as long as the Nine Life Divine Coffin is not breached, the offensive of the Great Mist Hidden Sword Technique will continue endlessly.

This scene is very similar to the scene when Patriarch Shanwen and Patriarch Yunxiao fought.

Although Yue Zijing's dazzling Liuyu incarnation is far inferior to Ancestor Shanwen's Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, and Wei Zhihan's Nine-Life Divine Coffin is far inferior to Ancestor Yunxiao's Fuyun Palace, the battle mode between the two is It's similar. Yue Zijing can drive the clones continuously, while Wei Zhihan can constantly divert the attack.

In the fight between Patriarch Shanwen and Patriarch Yunxiao, it was Patriarch Yunxiao who persisted to the end. As for the two of them, I don’t know who can persist to the end.

There were countless shouts of silence coming from all around.

Yue Zijing turned a deaf ear.

In fact, it was not that he didn't know that Wei Zhihan had parted ways with the Dali Sword Sect a long time ago. The last time they attended the wedding of Ming King Fa Zun in the ancient city of Woyun, there was a quick glance between the two...

However, during this period of time, the front line was defeated, Ancestor Shanwen was defeated, the major alliance sects were at odds, and there was also Lu Yu who gathered the power of the stars to show off his power... It can be said that everything was not going well, and Yue Zijing was in a very depressed mood. , in urgent need of venting, so he deliberately pretended not to know the details of Wei Zhihan, just because he wanted to use him as a weapon.

It just so happened that he had made some new progress in his cultivation recently and was looking for a suitable place to show off his skills. Due to various reasons, he would indiscriminately take action as soon as he came up.

Originally, he thought that the opponent would be caught off guard by him, but unexpectedly, the kick hit the iron plate. He did not expect that Wei Zhihan could actually incorporate the secret of the Hidden Mist Sword Technique into the Nine-Life Divine Coffin. , this way of imitating the battle between Patriarch Shanwen and Patriarch Yunxiao seemed to him to be a mockery and provocation to himself, no more than a slap in the face.

Therefore, at this time, he could no longer listen to the dissuasion of others, and could only see Wei Zhihan holding the coffin in his hand.

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

In the dazzling light floating in the sky, phantom clones rushed towards Wei Zhihan, like the most magnificent fireworks exploding between heaven and earth.

However, just before the fireworks were about to explode, a big bird suddenly fell from the sky and landed between the two of them. Its huge wings fluttered continuously, and the strong wind rolled back, sucking in the attacks from both sides. in the belly.

The sky-swallowing golden roc!

Yue Zijing was stunned. He didn't expect such a change, and the offensive came to an abrupt halt when he was caught off guard.

On the other hand, it was the same with Wei Zhihan. The Hidden Mist Sword Technique activated by the power of the Nine Life Divine Coffin also disappeared.

"Okay! Don't mess around here! If you really have so much energy, you might as well use it to deal with our common enemy!"

On the back of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng, a tall and straight figure in a green robe appeared. It was none other than Master Kunpeng, the former leader of Tianlan Peak and the disciple of King Ming.

However, since the death of Ming Wang Fa Zun, his identity has become very embarrassing, and he cannot find his suitable position in Wuya Immortal Pavilion, so that he did not participate in this encirclement and suppression operation... Because of this, perhaps He was able to escape, but I don't know why he appeared here?

Could it be that he also wanted to meet that mysterious big shot?

"You didn't listen to what I told you before, did you?" Yue Xiujun's stern voice sounded from behind, "Prince Wei is no longer a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, don't you understand?"

Yue Zijing quickly lowered his head and took the initiative to admit his mistake: "Aunt, my nephew realizes his mistake. I was too impatient..."

Yue Xiujun said: "Immediately apologize to Prince Wei!"

Yue Zijing hesitated, squirming in place for a long time, but still did not speak, obviously because he was still unwilling in his heart.

"Forget it!" Master Kunpeng jumped down from the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng, waved his hand and said, "Mrs. Zhong doesn't have to be so polite about a trivial matter. This will make her look angry! As long as Mr. Yue can remember, Just don’t point the sword at our own people in the future!”

Yue Zijing immediately said obediently: "Thank you Master Kunpeng for your teachings. I will definitely keep them in mind!"

In short, it is okay for him to be submissive to others, but it is impossible for him to bow his head to Wei Zhihan and admit his mistakes.

Yue Xiujun obviously saw what his nephew was thinking. He shook his head helplessly and turned to say hello to Master Kunpeng: "Brother Kunpeng, long time no see... My nephew has been spoiled since he was a child and is too naughty. I’m causing trouble for you!”

After saying that, he turned to the side of the Sky-Eating Golden Peng, bowed slightly, and said: "Yuehai Immortal Sect Yue Xiujun has met Ancestor Xueyun!"

Suddenly, another sickly pale face appeared on the back of Tiantian Jinpeng.

Only then did Yue Zijing know that the ancestor Xueyun, one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya, had also come here. Judging from her appearance at this time, it was obvious that she had not recovered from the injury caused by the burst of spiritual veins.

At this moment, Yue Zijing was certain that there were not many occasions when Wuya Seventh Ancestor could go out with injuries. It seemed that their goals were consistent with his own.

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