Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1225 The God Lord Appears

Soon, people from Bixiao Shrine came to meet him.

The person responsible for the introduction is called Kuhe Zhenren. It is said that he comes from the Fuyu Palace, one of the twenty-seven palaces. His movements reveal extremely amazing cultivation. If placed in other sects, he must be the number one famous figure. .

But Yue Zijing had never heard of this figure at all.

It can be seen that the Bixiao Shrine has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and has a profound foundation. It is not a lie. There is no telling how much existence such as Kuhe Zhenren is hidden in the dark.

Master Kuhe ignored the previous dispute between the two parties on the dock and did not exchange too many greetings. He flew hundreds of miles in the air and brought everyone to a dark canyon.

"Everyone, please wait here. The Lord God has a lot of things to deal with recently, and there may be delays. Please wait patiently."

After saying these words, Master Kuhe left and disappeared into the void, leaving only the crowd facing a lonely forest.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little awkward.

Although Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion are allies of each other, this is based on the premise that Ming Wang Fa Zun is still alive. Ever since Ming Wang Fa Zun fell and Chonghua Patriarch began to take power, the gap between the two sides has begun to take shape... ...Now Wuya Immortal Pavilion is almost destroyed, and Jade Sea Immortal Sect has also suffered heavy losses. However, the two sides have no contact and no communication. It was not until they bumped into each other here that they knew each other's existence. Naturally, it was awkward.

Patriarch Xueyun was meditating on the sidelines as an excuse to recuperate his injuries, without paying any attention to the crowd.

Master Kunpeng and Yue Xiujun chatted incessantly, each carefully avoiding sensitive topics.

As for Yue Zijing and Wei Zhihan, they stared at each other without saying a word.

Time passes gradually.

Until night fell, stars appeared in the sky, and there was still no response in the quiet canyon. During the whole process, no one came to greet or explain to them, as if they had been forgotten here.

Even Yue Xiujun and Shi Zhiquan had no topic to talk about. They each sat in an open space with their eyes closed to relax.

At this time, it was Yue Zijing who couldn't bear it any longer. He walked up to Wei Zhihan and asked proactively: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Wei Zhihan glanced at him, turned his face away, and ignored him.

Yue Zijing smiled and said, "I guess you don't know what you are here for?"

Wei Zhihan rolled his eyes at him and sneered: "Do you just know that?"

Yue Zijing suddenly became speechless.

Indeed, neither of them knew what they were waiting for, otherwise they would not have looked irritable because of the long wait, but would have closed their eyes and rested their minds like Shi Zhiquan and Yue Xiujun beside them.

This realization couldn't help but create a vague feeling of sympathy between the two.

After being silent for a long time, Yue Zijing suddenly said coldly: "One day, I will kill Lu Yu with the sword, and his head must be mine!"

Wei Zhihan said: "Really? Don't be too confident! I admit that your previous offensive was very powerful, but if you want to deal with Lu Yu, you cannot rely on powerful offensive alone... If we talk about my personal understanding of him, I Far better than you, so he will definitely die by my sword in the end!"

The two looked at each other again, and sparks seemed to burst out between their eyes. Neither one was convinced by the other.

At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly became strangely distorted.

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned.

The other three people on the side also opened their eyes immediately, but before they could make any reaction, they suddenly felt their feet were empty, and then they escaped into the boundless darkness.

No one knows how far it fell after the darkness.

Several people felt that their bodies seemed to have passed through twisted spaces. After more than ten breaths, they finally landed on solid ground.

The surroundings are the same pitch black and gloomy, and the sky is the same starry sky, but this is a completely new area.

Yue Zijing was still uneasy and anxiously looking for Yue Xiujun's location.

At this time, Shi Zhiquan's voice was heard praising: "The Little Kunlun Mirror is indeed worthy of its reputation. It is indeed the most precious treasure of the Bixiao Shrine. It can not only teleport people thousands of miles away, but also pull people back from thousands of miles away." By my side...if this artifact is properly arranged, it will definitely have miraculous effects when the two armies are fighting!"

Yue Zijing was startled, and then he realized that they had just been teleported thousands of miles away and arrived at an unknown mysterious area.

"Are you the disciple cultivated by King Ming?"

A voice sounded in the void, suddenly far and suddenly near, seeming to come from all directions, making it impossible to distinguish its specific location.

"It seems that he really cares about you, but he has made you understand a lot in just a few hundred years."

The words fell.

An oil lamp suddenly lit up.

A faint halo illuminated the surrounding scenery, and Yue Zijing realized that he was in a sealed stone room.

But inside the sealed stone chamber, how could we see the stars all over the sky?

Yue Zijing raised his head in confusion, but the sight above his head did not make his blood freeze instantly.

It turned out that the starry sky was not a normal night sky scene at all, but an extremely huge eye. It was staring at him unblinkingly, but what was reflected in the pupils was clearly a brilliant starry sky. .

It seemed that what he held in his eyes was an extremely vast world, and he was not even a speck of dust in his eyes.

Yue Zijing felt as if his scalp was going to explode, and he was extremely frightened.

He has never faced such a terrifying existence, and even Ancestor Shanwen has never given him such a feeling.

The huge eyes gradually narrowed and fell back, and finally fell in front of the light, turning into a blurry black shadow sitting in front of them.

Under the illumination of the bean-like oil lamp, his whole body was shrouded in darkness, making it impossible to see his facial features clearly, but his terrifying aura was undoubtedly revealed.

Everyone immediately understood that this person was the real owner they were looking for.

Everyone, including Patriarch Xueyun who was dragging his sick body, immediately knelt down on the ground. Even Yue Zijing, who was still in a daze, was pushed from behind by Yue Xiujun and knelt down.

"See the Earth Seal God!"

Xue Yun, Shi Zhiquan, and Yue Xiujun said in unison.

Only then did Yue Zijing wake up from a dream.

It turns out that the name of this mysterious big man is the Earth Seal God...

The God of Diyin sat in front of the lamp, waved his hand gently and said: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, but there is another person in front of you, and you need me to meet him immediately... I would like to ask you to sit aside for a while. Bar!"

After speaking, several stone benches automatically appeared around everyone. At the same time, the entire stone room expanded rapidly, and soon became the size of a palace.

And everyone, along with the stone benches, were moved to a corner of the palace, like a special viewing seat.

They just sat down in their seats.

Suddenly, the outline of a huge red moon suddenly appeared in the middle of the palace.

At this time, Yue Zijing and others finally understood why the Earth Seal God suddenly expanded the stone chamber into a palace, and also understood the identity of the person in front of them...

It turned out to be Lord Chiyue!

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