Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1226 Red Moon Trial

The red moon in the temple gradually became clear.

I saw the Earth Seal God sitting in front of the light, suddenly reaching out and shaking his hand in the air. Suddenly an extremely huge palm appeared, and it penetrated deeply into the red moon and stirred it up, seeming to be picking up something. Similar.

Immediately afterwards, a figure fell from the void.

Yue Zijing couldn't help but feel shocked.

He knew that this person should be the mysterious Lord Chiyue...

By now, he has long known the close connection between his sect and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect. There is even a close relationship between the Lord of the Scarlet Moon and his ancestor Shanwen, but he has never been able to see each other. His true face... Now, are we going to see his true face in Lushan soon?

However, what made Yue Zijing regretful was that Lord Chiyue who fell from the void was just like the Earth Seal Lord in front of the lamp. They were just a blurry black shadow, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

However, his panic can be seen from his body movements. It was obvious that he was suddenly dragged in here without any precautions. He even looked more embarrassed than the previous five people. …

Lord Chiyue lay on the ground, first looked at the five people sitting in the corner, and then got up and said: "What a big battle... Do you want to conduct a three-session trial on me?"

The Earth Seal God said calmly: "Chiyue, if I don't take the initiative to find you, you won't come to see me, right?"

Lord Chiyue lowered his head, spread his hands and replied: "Chiyue did not complete the task assigned by the Lord last time, and indeed he failed the Lord's trust, but this is not the reason why I refuse to show up to meet you... You also You see, since the last battle with Lu Yu failed, my body has become like this. Even if I want to come to visit, I am unable to do so..."


Lord Earth Seal sneered: "But why do I feel that you are deliberately avoiding me? How many times have I sent people to contact you? But you didn't respond even once?"

Lord Chiyue said: "I don't want to, but I really can't! In the previous battle, Lu Yu directly killed a ray of my spiritual thoughts, which seriously injured my vitality. I also recovered silently for a long time. , and then regained my spiritual consciousness..."

"Besides, you, Lord God, also understand my situation. The Red Moon Divine Sect has made too many enemies. Even within our Divine Religion, there are many forces that want to resist me at any time. Naturally, I will not be able to resist me until I have enough power to protect myself. I dare to expose my whereabouts easily, please forgive me for this..."

The Earth Seal God said calmly: "Then you don't plan to return the things you borrowed from me, do you?"


Lord Chiyue smiled bitterly and said: "Is the set of Chaos Armor that the Lord is referring to? That set of armor was worn on the Ice King Island Master at that time. When the Chaos Realm was captured, even my Divine Mind If you don’t have time to escape, how can you take the armor away?”

"But please rest assured, Lord God, at the last moment of the annihilation of the domain, I have destroyed the armor in advance. At least it did not fall into Lu Yu's hands."

"So, do I still have to thank you?"

The Earth Seal God suddenly sneered: "Chiyue, I can forgive your incompetence, but I cannot forgive your stupidity! Do you think you can fool me with all your tricks?"

"That ambush at that time, if you strictly followed my orders and used Chaos Armor 100%, how could it have resulted in failure?"

"It was because you took the initiative and took apart a part of the Chaos Armor, hoping to use it as a basis for returning to the starry sky and the Tianlu Realm that Lu Yu was able to escape from that battle, and then it led to A series of changes happened..."

"Not only did the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land unite to break through the tight siege, causing the defeat of all major sects and the near-annihilation of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, it also made our Bixiao Palace almost unable to cope with it... all of this is because of you. It arises out of selfish thoughts, do you know?"

The five people in the corner couldn't help but be startled.

He had heard about the previous interception and killing of Lu Yu in the southern waters of Dali Sword Sect. Yue Xiujun even directly participated in it and provided Lu Yu's exact location. Originally, they thought that the interception failed because of Because Lu Yu and the helpers around him are too powerful.

I didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns... The real reason was because Lord Chiyue secretly released the water!

The five people couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in their hearts.

If Lu Yu could have been knocked down directly in that ambush, there would not have been the hardships they experienced later, let alone the predicament they are facing now...

If everything God Earth Seal said is true, then Lord Chiyue is truly unforgivable!

Lord Chiyue argued: "If you want to inflict a crime, why bother? At that time, Lord God, you had promised to send me back to the starry sky as long as the matter was accomplished. Why should I bother to add any unnecessary extravagance? Besides, what does that Chaos Armor look like? It’s a sacred object. With my little skills, how can I dismantle it and steal its power?”

The Earth Seal God snorted coldly: "I say you are stupid, but you are really stupid! If there is no evidence, do you think I would say such a thing to you?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly.

Suddenly, the outline of the red moon appeared again in the hall, but this time the Earth Seal God struck directly with a heavy punch, hitting the strange and vast red moon with one punch.

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