Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1227 Returning the Property to Its Original Owner


Lord Chiyue let out a heart-rending roar.

The five people watching from the corner felt an unprecedented shock, as if all the blood in their bodies was flowing backwards.

The next moment, the red moon suddenly shattered, and countless blood burst out.

The Earth Seal God's fist turned into a huge palm shadow again, stirring again in the thick blood.

After a moment, he retracted his hand, and it seemed to be holding an iron piece-like object.

The piece of iron was badly damaged, and the original appearance could not be underestimated at all, but there were still waves of heart-stopping chills coming from it.

"What else do you have to say now?"

The Earth Seal God threw the piece of iron directly in front of Lord Chiyue, making a crisp sound, and Lord Chiyue's body also trembled violently.

He knelt directly on the ground, his head pounding, and said: "God, please forgive me. It's all my fault. I was obsessed for a moment..."

"I am willing to do my best to make amends for my fault. I still have hundreds of demons lurking around the world, and they all have my Blood Moon Eclipse in their bodies..."

"As long as I recall all these powers, I will definitely be able to kill Lu Yu and capture his soul for the god!"

Lord Chiyue kept begging for mercy.

But the reaction of the Diyin God was very cold: "No need, I already have a better strategy to capture Lu Yu's soul, no need to waste any more effort..."

"As for you, Chiyue, I originally thought that after thousands of years of accumulation, you would have become more sensible. I didn't expect that you are still so ignorant and unwilling to surrender... I only give you one chance. It’s a pity that you have missed it!”

"Don't you want to return to the starry sky? Once we meet, I will eventually help you!"

After speaking, he gently covered his hands.

Suddenly, the scene in the hall changed again, and an extremely bright starry sky appeared again. The huge stars continued to circulate, emitting bursts of strong light, and constantly attacking Lord Red Moon.


Lord Chiyue immediately let out a shrill wail.

Yue Zijing and others who were watching from the side did not dare to look directly at these bright lights and closed their eyes, but the smell of burnt flesh and blood could clearly be heard in their noses.

"Diyin! You are so cruel! If you dare to do this to me, the Lord will never let you go!"

"Do you think that if you kill me like this, your plan will succeed? Stop having such wishful thinking!"

"Do you think your opponent is only me? Do you think the people on Emperor Yaotian's side will let you go? In fact, they have already intervened in this world, but you are still ignorant!"

" seal! Even if I die here, you won't have an easy time either!"

"Only if you and I join forces can we truly complete our mission here...ahhh!"

"Don't be stubborn anymore... How about we join forces from now on... Okay, okay?"

Lord Chiyue kept pleading, but Lord Diyin remained unmoved.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the wailing finally gradually subsided.

Feeling that the bright light in front of them seemed to be no longer so dazzling, Yue Zijing and others slowly opened their eyes.

I saw that the starlight, blood, and Lord Chiyue's body had all disappeared, and the hall returned to its original appearance, as if nothing just happened.

Only a drop of blood that was constantly floating and twisting above the fingertips of the Earth Seal God proved that everything just happened really happened.

The five people in the corner all felt a familiar aura on that drop of blood, as if it contained the essence of Lord Chiyue's power.

The once mysterious and arrogant generation of heroes turned into a drop of blood on the fingertips of the Earth Seal God.

The five people couldn't help being shocked, and they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Although none of them had a good impression of Lord Chiyue, they did not expect that he would end up in this way.

"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold... Do you think I don't know that there are many resistances lurking against us in the dark?"

Lord Earth Seal stared at the blood drops on his fingers, as if saying his final farewell to Lord Chiyue, and spoke slowly.

"It is precisely because of enough hard work that when the plan finally succeeds, the brilliance of our bodies will completely amaze the world!"

"Besides, the only person who really knows this plan deeply, apart from me, is you... Therefore, you are the biggest threat to our plan!"

After saying that, the Earth Seal God seemed to be no longer nostalgic, and waved his hand decisively.

Immediately, the drop of blood flew out, and the direction it projected was none other than Yue Xiujun, who was sitting in the corner.

Yue Xiujun was startled, then stretched out his hand to take it.

The drop of blood immediately fell into her palm, dancing rapidly in her white palm, seemingly full of infinite power.

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what this meant.

But I heard the Earth Seal God say: "Eight hundred years ago, it was Yue Xishan who released this person, and this led to the resurgence of the Red Moon Demon Sect... Now this thing can be regarded as returning to its original owner. I think this This is the purpose why Yue Xishan asked you to come here to see me, isn’t it?”

Yue Zijing's eyes widened immediately.

I didn’t expect that the relationship between my ancestor and Lord Chiyue would be like this...

He still felt incredible, but saw that his aunt on the side had already stood up, bowed to the Earth Seal God and said, "Thank you, God, for your help! However, this is just one of them..."

Lord Earth Seal waved his hand: "I'm not busy with that matter. I roughly know Yue Xishan's intention..."

After a pause, he turned his attention to Ancestor Xueyun and others: "We might as well tell you first, what is the purpose of you coming here to see me?"

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