Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1229 The resurgence of the army

Lu Yu didn't know that somewhere in the darkness somewhere in the distance, his actions triggered a series of chain reactions. A more powerful enemy was quietly brewing in the darkness.

Even if he knew it, he had no time to worry about it at this time.

Since the power of the Star Gathering Pearl was used to temporarily isolate the spiritual vein burst in the Western Territory, a crisis that could sweep the entire Dali Sword Sect was resolved, but various new problems followed one after another.

The most urgent issue is the placement of the disciples in the Western Region.

To fight against the outside world, one must first settle the inside. If the internal problems cannot be solved first, so that the entire Dali Sword Sect can become a clenched fist, it will not be able to exert its due power.

There are more than 100,000 disciples in the twelve peaks of the Western Region. Solving this problem is not an easy task.

The core contradiction lies in the territory. After all the spiritual veins of the Western Realm were detonated, the Dali Sword Sect lost nearly a quarter of its territory. Without the output of these territories, the resources of the entire Dali Sword Sect will be reduced. The supply seems to be stretched thin, and it is impossible to carve out a brand new territory for these disciples from the Twelve Peaks of the Western Region to live and work in peace and contentment.

Some people proposed to simply disband these twelve peaks, break their original disciples into pieces, and scatter them to the various peaks in the east, south, and north. In this way, it seems that the problem has been solved, but how could the original mountain top officials agree?

Are people like Master Huanyuan and Master Zifu allowed to go to other mountains to become elders? Or should they go to other mountains to be the leader? As a result, the other peaks will not be happy...

Some people suggested that they simply move the people from these twelve peaks to Shenhuo Xuanzong. Anyway, they have been completely conquered, and there is a lot of territory...

But there will still be problems in this way. First of all, the geographical environment of Shenhuo Xuanzong is completely different from that of Dali Jianzong. The main practice there is fire-based exercises, and not all disciples can adapt to the environment there.

Secondly, the territory of Shenhuo Xuanzong is not enough to be divided into twelve places. If they really seize all the territory there, it will also cause problems, which will not be conducive to allowing Shenhuo Xuanzong to continue to play its logistical role.

Besides, Patriarch Hong'an is currently working hard to win over the remaining members of the Shenhuo Xuan Sect. If he suddenly massacres their disciples and seizes their territory, wouldn't it be like destroying the Great Wall?

Because it is unrealistic to ask Shenhuo Xuanzong for advice...

Then someone brought it up, since Shenhuo Xuanzong can't do it, can Wuya Immortal Pavilion do it?

The main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion has been completely buried in the outbreak of spiritual veins in the Western Realm. At this time, Wuya Immortal Pavilion headquarters is only an empty shell. There are a large number of fairy mountain treasures there. With the current military front of Dali Sword Sect, With such strength, he can wipe out the opponent in one fell swoop...

But this still doesn’t work…

After all, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is too far away, and they are an enemy force. Although they no longer have their main force, they still have allies. It is not easy to take root in an enemy environment. At least there is no time. It's not mature yet, because we don't know when the army from Bixiao Shrine will attack.

They argued for a long time, but no final resolution was reached.

In the end, it was Lu Yu who put forward his own opinion...

"Since twelve peaks are too difficult to place, how about merging these twelve peaks into one?"

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu continued: "Twelve mountain peaks require twelve pieces of land. With our current situation, we simply cannot find so many places. How can we combine twelve mountain peaks into one? Let all parties adjust and adjust. I can barely scrape together such a piece of territory..."

"However, the total number of people in the twelve peaks in the Western Territory exceeds 100,000. If it were an ordinary mountain, it would be impossible to accommodate so many people?"

Lu Yu said: "If it can't be accommodated, it won't be accommodated. In terms of the current situation, the elites from each mountain peak cannot safely enter the headquarters for the time being. There is still a tough battle to be fought, not only the twelve peaks of the Western Region, but also other peaks All the elites must be deployed outside. In the meantime, we only need to keep some of the disciples from the top of the twelve mountains behind!"

"As long as we survive this period, everything will be easy to handle!"

"Everyone, we are now in a world of great strife! Do you think that after this catastrophe, the world will still be dominated by the eight major sects?"

"The current situation is also urgent. It is also urgent for our sect to establish a sharp knife force to deal with various complex situations that may arise in the future. Since the Twelve Peaks of the Western Region have been temporarily displaced, we will now merge them It’s the perfect time to be one…”

"After all, the fat meat everywhere will need such a sharp knife to cut it..."

After Lu Yu's explanation, everyone immediately understood that he was using future spoils to make promises to the peaks of the Western Region.

As long as the war is victorious, then they will have priority in choosing the territories everywhere. As for now, it is better to find a place to stay temporarily.

Everyone fell silent for a while.

However, after a while, someone finally questioned this opinion.

Lu Yu didn't bother to explain any more and just laid out the story, saying that this was Patriarch Yunxiao's idea. If he disagreed, it would be tantamount to questioning Patriarch Yunxiao's decision.

He will establish a peak department according to the decision of the ancestor of Yunxiao. If he agrees to join, then all future allocations will be given priority. If he does not agree, then he will have to fend for himself. Anyway, this is his plan.

Now, no one dared to object anymore...

As a result, the twelve peaks of the Western Region began to merge vigorously.

However, before the merger was officially completed, another urgent report came from afar.

The main army of Bixiao Shrine has been dispatched and is approaching Shenhuo Xuanzong.

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