Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1230 A sudden turn of events

In fact, Lu Yu had already predicted that the Bixiao Palace would approach the Vulcan Mountain.

For the Bixiao Palace, their biggest enemies at present are the Dali Sword Sect and the Supreme Immortal Sect. Whether they want to attack the Dali Sword Sect or the Supreme Immortal Sect, the Vulcan Mountain is just on their route. If they leave it alone, there will be a risk of being surrounded at any time.

Once they control the area of ​​the Divine Fire Xuan Sect, they can not only suppress the Dali Sword Sect and the Supreme Immortal Sect respectively, but also prevent the two major sects from sending troops together.

Moreover, this move is also a powerful counterattack to the previous actions of the Dali Sword Sect to a certain extent.

Therefore, the next move of the Bixiao Palace will inevitably be to approach the Divine Fire Xuan Sect.

It’s just that Lu Yu didn’t expect that they would move so quickly.

At the moment, Lu Yu had no time to wait for the Dali Sword Sect’s troops to gather, so he rushed to the Divine Fire Xuan Sect first. Although the Gaoyang has no power resources and the Rainbow Light Bridge was destroyed in the shock of the spiritual vein explosion, fortunately there is still the artifact, the Dragon Fish Black Tail.

With its support, Lu Yu was able to cross the ocean at the fastest speed and reach the Divine Fire Xuan Sect. Even the Tiangang masters did not have such an advantage.

It was still the familiar combination. Lu Yu, Yang Chudie, Yang Yudie, and Ye Weilan formed the vanguard, using the water-loving properties of the Spring Conch and the Dragon Fish Black Tail to fly all the way.

With the current strength of the four people, they are not at all inferior even if they encounter the Tiangang masters.

As for the others, they have to wait until the army is assembled before setting off together.

"Are we setting off like this?"

Looking at the Spring Conch flying continuously under the impetus of the Dragon Fish Black Tail, Yudie still said in disbelief.

Lu Yu said: "Why? Do you still want to linger on the feeling of being the chief real person on Yudie Peak?"

"Tsk, I'm tired of being the chief real person..."

Yudie curled her lips in disdain: "I want to say that although the four of us are quite strong, especially the combination skills have become more and more proficient, even ordinary Tiangang strongmen are probably not our opponents..."

"But this time we are facing the main force of Bixiao Palace. Even if it is not convenient to bring more people, why not bring your brother Ding?"

Obviously, after the scene on Guyuntai, she has deeply realized the power of Shenmu Wangding.

Lu Yu said: "Brother Ding is too heavy after swallowing the Star Gathering Pearl. If we take him with us, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach the Divine Fire Sect in ten days or half a month. What's the point?"

"As for manpower, you don't have to worry too much. We have made arrangements in the Divine Fire Sect. The troops of the Daluo Holy Land and the three Tiangang ancestors have already taken their positions there."

"All we have to do is stabilize the morale of the army and let them hold on for a little longer. When we and the troops of the Supreme Immortal Sect arrive at the front battlefield, the crisis will naturally be resolved."

Yu Die was surprised and said: "The three Tiangang ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land have already taken their positions there? Could it be that, When you just returned to Dali Sword Sect, you had anticipated all this, so you asked the three Tiangang ancestors to rush over in advance? "

Lu Yu sighed softly: "I expected it, but I didn't expect the Bixiao Palace to act so quickly... I asked the three Tiangang ancestors to leave early, in fact, there were other things, but this time it was a blessing in disguise!"

Yudie said dissatisfiedly: "Since you have already made some arrangements, you can rush over by yourselves, why do you have to drag me... It would be better to let me stay at Yudie Peak to guard it. Aren't you afraid that someone will secretly take your Shenmu Wang Ding?"

These words made Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan blush slightly.

Although her words seemed to be meaningless at first, a closer look hinted that if she was not here, the three of them could have sex at will.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry about Brother Ding. It's not that easy to attack him. At least it takes a figure of the level of the Yunxiao Patriarch to make a move..."

"Although there are already three Tiangang Patriarchs in the Shenhuo Xuan Sect, the situation is still unclear. No one can guarantee that there will be no unexpected situations. In order to be on the safe side, it is better for the four of us to act together..."

"Besides, who said that the purpose of our trip this time is just to help the Shenhuo Xuan Sect?"

Yudie was stunned and said, "Do you have any backup plan?"

Lu Yu said, "It's not a backup plan, just some other plans... Let's talk about it after this matter is resolved!"

After speaking, Lu Yu closed his eyes and began to meditate and regulate his breathing, conserving his energy to cope with the possible successive battles that may occur next.

Seeing this, Yudie couldn't help but mutter, "Mysterious... Let's see what you are up to at that time..."

The sun and the moon alternate, and the stars change.

Dragonfish Blacktail flew all the way, and in just one day and one night, they crossed thousands of miles of sea and arrived at the Layer Smoke Island outside the Divine Fire Xuan Sect.

According to previous intelligence, this is where the Daluo Holy Land army gathered to fight against the front line of the Bixiao Palace.

However, when Lu Yu and others entered this sea area, they saw the several-foot-high sea tide swaying constantly, and the surrounding spiritual energy was violently vibrating. Looking closely, there seemed to be bursts of gunpowder in the distance... It was obvious that they had just experienced a great battle not long ago.

Lu Yu's heart suddenly tightened.

Could it be said that Bixiao Shrine has launched a general attack in advance?

But how is this possible?

When he received the news from the Dali Sword Sect, the army of the Bixiao Shrine had just been dispatched. It only took a day and a night. How could they advance so fast?

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