Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1232 Countermeasures

After receiving the elixir treatment provided by Yang Chudie and others, the condition of the disciples of Xuanwu Holy Altar improved significantly.

However, after all, they were traveling in a hurry this time, and the pills they carried were limited. There was no problem in providing them to the Xuanwu Holy Altar for the time being, but in addition to the Xuanwu Holy Altar, there were more disciples of the Xuanwu Holy Altar who were burdened with Serious injuries require urgent medical treatment.

At this time, we can only rely on Jin Xiangzhen, who is in charge of the Vulcan Mountain.

Although Jin Xiang has not been in charge of the Fire God Mountain for a long time, the Shenhuo Xuanzong is famous for its prosperous alchemy, so there must be some inventory in the warehouse, and he can prepare it first.

Furthermore, if you want Shenhuo Xuanzong to restore productivity as soon as possible and arrange manpower in various links, only he can do these things for the time being.

Therefore, Lu Yu asked the three women to make a special trip to Huoshen Mountain to contact Master Jin Xiang to coordinate these matters, while he himself went deeper into the sea to meet with Patriarch Zhaoyun and others.

Lu Yu was floating on the sea, frowning in thought.

Not long after, he came to a brand new sea area. This sea area was completely different from the surrounding area. The sea surface was very calm. Even when the sea wind blew, there was no wrinkles on the water surface. It was so calm that it was a bit strange.

He knew that this was the place he was looking for.

However, before he could ask, the calm sea surface in front of him suddenly began to stir, forming huge whirlpools that kept rising upwards.

Each vortex is a huge water column, towering majestically in front of Lu Yu.

Within a moment, a huge frame composed of water pillars formed in front of Lu Yu, which vaguely looked like a palace.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This scene made him feel as if the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom had reappeared.

Obviously, these three ancestors were greatly inspired by the previous battle in Jiaohai, and to a certain extent, they imitated the way of opening up the territory of ancestor Shanwen... This also proves from the side that the three Tiangang elders Zu's intelligence is so great that no one who can cultivate to the Tiangang realm is a simple person.

Soon, the figures of the three ancestors appeared from the "frame".

Lu Yu immediately raised his voice and said: "Lu Yu has met the three ancestors!"

"I've seen you for a long time, come in and talk!"

Ancestor Huitang waved his hand, and a wave suddenly rolled up, automatically sending Lu Yu into the "frame".

Lu Yu glanced at the three of them one by one and said, "I heard that the three ancestors were all injured in the previous battle. I wonder how serious the injuries are? Are they serious?"

"A small injury is nothing serious. You don't need to worry about it. At least it's not to the extent that it will affect your combat effectiveness..." Ancestor Zhaoyun waved his hand and said, "Since you came from the Xuanwu Holy Altar, you must be roughly The situation is now clear, what are your plans for the current situation? "

Lu Yu didn't expect that he would jump right into the topic. Although this was the style he admired, it also illustrated the seriousness of the current situation.

He said sincerely: "To be honest, whether it is the reinforcements from the Dali Sword Sect or the support from the Taishang Immortal Sect, it will take some time to arrive... Before that, I hope that the three ancestors can stabilize the morale of the army. , hold the line and wait for reinforcements to arrive. "

"Unless the situation is absolutely unavoidable, it is best not to retreat to Huoshen Mountain to affect the operation of the rear. Huoshen Mountain cannot afford another baptism of war..."

"As for the formation fortress of the Bixiao Palace, I have carefully considered it. Once it is formed into a star chain, it will indeed make it difficult for people to start, but such a powerful formation must consume a lot of money. Xiaoshen Palace is just a vanguard traveling thousands of miles, and it is absolutely impossible to carry enough resources to support its endless deployment of star chains..."

"Building up to four or five fortresses is their limit. Otherwise, why would they bother to bluff and tell us to give up resistance as soon as possible?"

"And if it's just a blockade of this level, we'll still be able to solve it after the reinforcements arrive."

The three ancestors couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

In fact, Lu Yu only just understood the situation. He was able to see the problem so profoundly in such a short time, which is enough to prove his deep resourcefulness and accurate judgment.

Ancestor Gunlong said: "Actually, we were caught off guard by the opponent's Tianshang Vientiane Formation at the beginning. After these few days of exploration, we have gradually become familiar with its offensive routines. We must continue to persevere. A few days is not impossible, the problem is that now there is a more difficult problem..."

After a pause, he continued: "The main force of Shenhuo Xuanzong is hanging alone in the Luoguang Strait. They had already begun to contact us to prepare for peace talks. However, with the attack of Bixiao Shrine, the peace talks have come to an end. Even Ancestor Hong'an, who was completely surrendered by Taoist Brother Hongyi in Huoshen Mountain, no longer paid attention to our summons. Obviously, they have a wait-and-see mentality..."

"Although because the Vulcan Mountain is still under our control, they dare not act rashly for the time being, as the situation continues to change, they may rejoin the battle group at any time... The same goes for the Hunyuan Qi Sect who is sitting back and watching in the northeast... "

"Perhaps the biggest gain from Bixiao Palace's move is not to break through our defense line, but to allow these wallflowers to return to their embrace... When the Jade Sea Immortal Sect regains its strength, Wuya Immortal The remnants of Ge Ye have also been reunited, and they will still be at an absolute advantage at that time!"

"Therefore, simply holding on is probably far from enough... Our disciples of the Daluo Holy Land can hold on, but I'm afraid these fence-sitters can't!"

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