Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1233: Going after the tiger to devour the wolf

Lu Yu was stunned. What the ancestor Gunlong said was indeed something he had not had time to consider in the future.

The move of the Bixiao Palace was indeed more symbolic than practical. Just as Lu Yu and others had gone through great efforts to shock the fence-sitters by the surprise attack on Huoshen Mountain, now the Bixiao Palace has won the support of the fence-sitters again with just this one move.

They don't even need to have amazing results. As long as everyone can see the tip of the iceberg of their strength in this battle, they will automatically gain many supporters, and these supporters will eventually become obstacles for Lu Yu and others in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to fight back now.

But now that the reinforcements have not arrived, the people of the Daluo Holy Land are completely in a strategic passive position. How can they fight back?

Lu Yu fell silent.

He waved his hand and unfolded a map in the air. This map was extremely huge. The Divine Fire Xuan Sect, Huoshen Mountain, Layer Smoke Island, the opposite Star Chain Fortress, the reinforcements of the Dali Sword Sect, the reinforcements of the Taishang Immortal Sect, and various important places around were all shown one by one.

He just pondered over this map.

The three Tiangang ancestors on the side did not disturb him, but watched silently.

They were also looking forward to what kind of method this head that could deduce the combination of Taoism and comprehend the divine punishment spell would come up with.

Half an hour later, Lu Yu finally raised his head again, with a ray of determination in his eyes.

"In this case, there is only one way, that is to besiege Wei to save Zhao!"

The three ancestors were stunned: "Besiege Wei to save Zhao?"

Obviously, they could not keep up with Lu Yu's thinking after thinking.

Lu Yu nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed on the map, and said: "If we deploy a main force in the area of ​​​​Yuanshan, what do you think will happen?"

The three ancestors were stunned.

Yuanshan is a huge and ancient mountain range with dense forests, steep peaks, and numerous ferocious beasts.

More importantly, its location is right on the route of the Bixiao Palace's expedition to Huoshen Mountain. It can advance directly to the hinterland of the Bixiao Palace headquarters, and retreat to support Huoshen Mountain, forming a two-sided attack, making the main force of the Bixiao Palace attacked from both sides.

If this place falls into our hands, I am afraid that the Bixiao Palace will be like a thorn in the back, unable to sleep or eat, and will not dare to attack with all its strength. At that time, the crisis of Huoshen Mountain will naturally be solved.

This is indeed a good strategy, which can be called Wei to save Zhao...

But there is also a very obvious problem...

"But where can we dispatch such a main force to station in Yuanshan?" Huitang Patriarch frowned and asked.

Not to mention that the troops here are already stretched to the limit, even if there is a strong mobile force, how should it be used and which route should it take to successfully penetrate into the Yuanshan area?

You know, the importance of the Blame Mountain is known more clearly by the Bixiao Palace. They will never sit back and watch the enemy move in and out at ease. This is simply an impossible task.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, they simply do not have such a mobile force...

Lu Yu said: "It is impossible to implement this strategy in other ways. The only way is to use local resources."

"Use local resources?"

Lu Yu said: "The three ancestors might as well take a look. Who in the whole world can put together such a main force? Who can enter the Blame Mountain without anyone noticing?"

The three ancestors were stunned.

In fact, the answer has long been on the horizon.

The only forces that can make the Bixiao Divine Art feel threatened are the forces in the eight major sects. The Dali Sword Sect and the Supreme Immortal Sect are out of reach, the Yuhai Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion are definitely hostile, and the Daluo Holy Land is unable to split up, and the only forces left are the Shenhuo Xuan Sect and the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

The Divine Fire Xuan Sect is just a remnant of the sect, which is isolated in the Luoguang Strait. It is not suitable from the geographical point of view, so there is only one answer in the end.

"You mean Hunyuan Qi Sect?" said the old ancestor Huitang in surprise.

From the geographical point of view, the distance between Hunyuan Qi Sect and Yuanshan is thousands of miles, but because Yuanshan is one of the trial sites of Hunyuan Qi Sect, there is a stable transmission array passage directly to Yuanshan in the sect of Hunyuan Qi Sect, so the actual distance between the two is far less than it seems.

They do have unique geographical conditions.


"Will they agree?"

The old ancestor Huitang shook his head, obviously he was not optimistic about this answer.

"Everything depends on human efforts!"

Lu Yu said: "Didn't the three old ancestors just say that Hunyuan Qi Sect is still waiting and watching, which means that we still have a chance..."

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly became murderous.

"I'm going to go to Hunyuan Qi Sect in person... They just invaded our Dali Sword Sect. If you don't want to be held accountable by me, then you have to go to Yuanshan to forgive your sins!" The three ancestors were silent. In fact, this is not a strategy of besieging Wei to save Zhao, it is clearly a strategy of luring the tiger to devour the wolf! But, are tigers and wolves so easy to deal with?

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