Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1234 Go straight to the point

Soon, Lu Yu set off again, spending less than two hours on Layer Yan Island, and then embarked on the journey to Hunyuan Qi Sect.

At this time, Yang Chudie and others were still at Huoshen Mountain and had not yet rushed back. Arowana Heiwei was also with them, so Lu Yu used the shuttle boat to go ahead and communicated with the three women using the messenger talisman.

Not long after, there was a sudden storm on the sea.

The dragon fish's black tail rolled up the overwhelming water and arrived in front of Lu Yu in the blink of an eye.

Before Lu Yu could see the appearance of the Spring Conch, a loud curse came over him: "Did you take the wrong medicine? How could you think of it all at once? You actually thought about going to the Hunyuan Qi Sect to convince the other party?"

The only one who would speak to Lu Yu in such a tone was Yudie.

Lu Yu put away the shuttle boat, jumped up, landed firmly on the Spring Conch, and then said: "Have you taken the gunpowder? Can't you speak properly? The first real person in the world should pay attention to his self-cultivation!"

Yudie choked and said: "Don't change the subject... Why should I listen to you if I am a big sect?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "How will you know if you don't try? When you went to Daluo Holy Land before, did you ever think that Daluo Holy Land would be pulled into a chariot by us in the end?"

Jade Die said: "That's not necessarily true. Daluo Holy Land relied on your deceit and deception, and also relied on the influence of your immortal concubine...Do you still want to deceive and deceive in Hunyuan Qi Sect?"

Lu Yu said: "What kind of deceit and abduction, it sounds so ugly... In fact, we just gave Da Luo Holy Land a chance to make a new choice. Now it is the same with Hunyuan Qi Sect, providing them with a chance to make a new choice... said Maybe they chose us?”

Yudie was speechless and rolled her eyes.

Chudie looked at him straightly, her gentle eyes full of affection: "Will there be any accidents?"

Ye Weilan on the side also stared at him without blinking. Although he didn't say a word, his worries and concerns were clearly visible.

Lu Yu immediately understood what the two were thinking.

He knew that the two of them were worried that they would encounter danger. This danger did not come from the Hunyuan Qi Sect. The talks with the Hunyuan Qi Sect collapsed. It's not that easy to leave yourself alone.

They were worried about the danger from the Bixiao Palace. There was a precedent for the ambush in the Chaos Realm. Not long ago, Ye Fei also mentioned that there was a pair of eyes silently spying on the top of the head... After learning this After everything, they will be in danger.

Even Lu Yu himself couldn't guarantee that there would be no accidents during this trip.

"Even if there is an unexpected situation, we have to take this risk."

Lu Yu took a deep breath, looked back at the two women equally affectionately, and said solemnly.

"It's impossible for me to hide and be a coward because of the threat of Lord Earth Seal God. This step must be taken after all. Otherwise, how can we accomplish more difficult goals in the future? Now... at least we are still Occupying an advantage, they would not have thought that I would encourage the Hunyuan Qi Sect to block their retreat."

With that said, Lu Yu pulled open his clothes, revealing his strong and smooth chest muscles, to prove that his whereabouts were not under the control of the other party.

At least Yue Xiujun didn't know his whereabouts...

"I see."

Yang Chudie nodded slightly: "Since you have already considered these issues, let's accompany you to break into this dragon's pond and tiger's den."

As she spoke, she held Ye Weilan's hand, showing her determination.

"Yang Chudie, aren't you?"

Yudie watched this scene from the side, and the boss suddenly became unhappy.

"Why are you so obedient? Why do you listen to him on everything? You are going to the Hunyuan Qi Sect to persuade others to do their best!"

"Unless there is something wrong with the Hunyuan Qi Sect, he will agree to such a request! I think it is more likely that the Hunyuan Qi Sect will tie this guy up directly and send him to the Bixiao Shrine!"

"Yang Chudie, you can't be so worthless. Are you still my sister?"

Chudie said calmly: "No matter what you say, I have made up my mind. Since he insists on going, we will not flinch even if it means mountains of swords, seas of fire, dragons, ponds and tiger's dens!"


Ye Weilan held Chudie's hand tightly and nodded.

"Crazy! You are simply crazy!"

Yudie bowed her head depressedly, and then said angrily: "Okay! You husband and wife are of the same mind! Your love is stronger than gold! I'm the only one who's guilty, okay? I'll follow you and guard your body. Let's see what happens to you in the end." What kind of end will it be!”

After saying that, he angrily opened the entrance to the passage and hid directly in the cave space.

Seeing her stubborn figure disappear, the three of them couldn't help laughing.

She usually makes others feel embarrassed in her weird way. It's rare to see her feel so frustrated. I have to say, it feels really good...

Lu Yu adjusted the direction of the dragon fish's black tail, causing the Spring Snail to fly away, cruising rapidly in the direction of the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Then, he turned around and opened his arms at the same time towards the two beauties in front of him.


The two women looked shy, and with a cry, one on the left and the other on the right leaned into his arms very meekly.

After the confession just now, they no longer have to worry about Yudie's gaze.

The three of them just sat on the green shell, shoulder to shoulder, rubbing their ears together. Although they didn't say a word, the tenderness like water flowed silently between each other's hearts.

Lu Yu put his arms around their waists, feeling the astonishingly graceful curves, inhaling the alluring aroma of orchid in his nose, watching the majestic sea in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel the overwhelming pride in his heart.

At this time, even if the Earth Seal God appeared in person, he would not frown.

With two beauties accompanying him like this, what's the harm in taking chestnuts from the fire and dying generously?

However, he did not have time to enjoy such a quiet time for long.

After a while, the jade butterfly went back again and returned to the outside.

"Hey, don't just care about your personal relationship. Even if you want to die, it's better to die in a worthwhile way... You might as well tell me what strategy you plan to adopt when going to Hunyuan Qi Sect?"

She stared at Lu Yu with a pair of big flashing eyes and asked.

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't have any strategy."

"No strategy?"

Yudie couldn't help but be surprised, this was totally unlike this guy's style...

"Strictly speaking, there is no overly complicated strategy, because the timing no longer allows us to make any more complicated arrangements in such a small amount of time..."

"We must convince the other party in the most direct and straightforward way. If anyone dares to refuse our proposal, then just send him to death! Anyway, a Hunyuan Qi Sect who refuses to cooperate will eventually Become our enemy!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of unruly wildness.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan clung to him tightly, not surprised at all that he said such words.

Yudie, on the other hand, opened her mouth slightly and looked at the three of them blankly for a long time. Finally, she swallowed hard and said, "Then... you should seize the time and hug each other for a while!"

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