Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1236 See you soon

Yudie was immediately speechless.

A real strong person is not qualified, but he is a high-level person in the Hunyuan Qi Sect. What a big statement! I don’t know which family ancestor I thought it was coming... In fact, this guy is not even a real person at all...

Even the encirclement of several powerful real people could not limit the combined areas of the two sisters. The Spring Conch quickly passed through the sky above the harbor city, causing the tourists and merchants below to scream and look shocked.

Then, the Spring Conch entered the hinterland of Hunyuan Qi Sect.

However, without the blessing of the water at this time, the dragon fish black tail no longer has the previous top speed on the sea, and the speed is obviously slower. The escaping light of the real strong people behind him can barely keep up.

At the same time, there were more escaping lights flying up from the ground around them. It was obvious that their intrusion had completely alarmed the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect.

The entire Hunyuan Qi Sect was like a ignited fireworks warehouse, with dazzling brilliance erupting everywhere.

Even the Yang family sisters couldn't help but be shocked by this scene.

Perhaps the Hunyuan Qi Sect's defense on the front line is indeed a bit lax, but their internal structure is very tight, which at least proves that they have a very efficient internal communication mechanism.

Of course, there may also be a reason why the commotion caused by Lu Yu and others is too big... Not to mention the merged areas of the two sisters, just the full force of the dragon fish black tail is equivalent to ten giant dragons running wildly , was invaded by ten giant dragons, and no one could remain indifferent to such news.

Not long after, looking around, the Spring Conch was surrounded by escaping light in all directions.

"Don't you care now?" Yudie asked again.

Lu Yu simply sat down and said: "Where are we now? At least we have to wait until we see Yuandu... Just move forward. If you can't rush through, don't wait!"

Yudie had no choice but to bite the bullet and act as a pioneer together with her sister.

Those powerful real people who surrounded them later also knew that Lu Yu and others were not easy to mess with.

The combined domain of the two sisters encountered greater resistance than before. Even the Spring Conch began to tremble violently, but they still managed to get through without any danger.

This journey is really full of sparks and lightning...

The four of them have experienced almost all the wonderful Taoist methods of Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Finally, Yuandu, the political center of the Hunyuan Qi Sect, was already in sight.

This also means that there will be stronger resistance ahead.

The defensive formation system at the core of the Tangtang sect is naturally different from that of Kaitian Port. Even when they made a surprise attack on Huoshen Mountain, they relied on the five Tiangang ancestors to suppress the defensive formation system of Huoshen Mountain at the same time. The floating warship was able to break in smoothly, and the difficulty can be imagined from this.

At this time, the two sisters were almost reaching their limit.

Jade Die immediately withdrew, panting slightly and said: "No, if we continue like this, I won't even have the strength to help you collect the bodies... I'll leave it to you!"

Lu Yu nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

With that said, he finally stood up, walked forward, and took over the duties of the two sisters.

As he passed by, he put an object directly into Yang Chudie's hand.

Yang Chudie picked it up and saw that it was the Lingxi Pot from the Dali Sword Sect, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Lu Yu explained: "Before departure, I specially took it from Mr. Zhu Ge, and asked Brother Ding to adjust the position of the Star Gathering Pearl and inject divine power into it... Don't worry, it is now a full pot! "

Yudie said dissatisfied: "You are so biased. It is obvious that I have the same effort as her, and my effort is obviously greater. Why did you only give this to her and not to me?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Don't you have a method that can quickly restore your vitality? But Senior Sister doesn't know anything... Besides, she is my sister after all, so of course I have to give it to her!"

Yudie gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "Adulterer and adulteress, you don't have a good thing, so you just know how to bully me!"

Yang Chudie said: "Can you handle it?"

Lu Yu smiled: "That's why I gave you the Lingxi Pot. I just hope you can come back quickly and help me!"

Seeing his tone, Yang Chudie understood that he was actually confident.

So, she put the Lingxi Pot into her palm, turned to Yudie and said: "Seize the time to recover your energy as soon as possible! At worst, I can give it to you to use when I am almost fully recovered!"

Yudie said: "Why can't I use it first and then hand it over to you when I'm almost recovered?"

"Because I'm the sister."

After Chudie finished speaking, she turned around and opened the transmission channel, entering the inner cave of the Spring Conch.

Yudie looked depressed, but her expression finally softened a lot.

She also opened the teleportation channel. Before entering the cave space, she couldn't help but tilt her head and look back: "Hey, can you do it? Don't let me wake up suddenly when I'm halfway through my exercise." "

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "Don't worry! Even if I can't do it, can't Ancestor Yunxiao also do it? No matter what, I will let you have a period of undisturbed recovery time!"

After speaking, he raised his hand.

Suddenly, a strange light and shadow gathered on the palm of his hand, and it was a mark of a palace in the clouds.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand again, and the mark on his palm was immediately thrown high and suddenly expanded in the air.

A huge cloud palace appeared between heaven and earth.

Lu Yu then became angry and said in a loud voice: "Lu Yu, a disciple of the Great Li Sword Sect, is here specially on the order of the ancestor of Yunxiao. Please send a strong person from the Tiangang Realm to meet you as soon as possible!"

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