Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1237 Full of confidence

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Perhaps with the passage of time, many people are no longer familiar with this mysterious strong man who has a lifespan of three thousand years. However, with the unprecedented battle that took place on the corner of the sea not long ago, which shocked everyone, his illustrious Prestige returned to everyone's attention.

Even Patriarch Shanwen, who had infinite mysterious clones and opened the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, was suppressed by him in one fell swoop, and was eventually forced to flee far away. This shows how tyrannical his strength is.

It was only then that everyone finally woke up. No wonder the major sects were reluctant to give it a go when they besieged the Dali Sword Sect. There is probably a reason for this...

At this time, seeing Lu Yu announcing the name of such a powerful person and releasing his exclusive mark, those surrounding Hunyuan Qi Sect practitioners who were still very energetic suddenly couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.

It is indeed outrageous that foreign forces have invaded and treated the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect as a no-man's land, but if all this is connected with a powerful man like Yunxiao Ancestor, it seems so unacceptable. …

Moreover, everyone knows the subtle relationship between the Hunyuan Qi Sect and the Dali Sword Sect. Ancestor Yunxiao will send his disciples to the door at this time, but I am afraid that things will not be simple.

No matter what, let's observe the situation first before talking...

So, Lu Yu just hovered over the outer perimeter of Yuandu's defense formation, quietly overlooking this magnificent city.

The composition of Hunyuan Qi Sect is slightly different from that of other major sects. In addition to the sect disciples, there are many secular non-staff members who also live together with the sect disciples.

It adopts a political and religious management method. Externally, they are one of the eight major sects. But compared to their internals, the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect is like a highly centralized national dynasty, and this Yuandu is the right one. It is their dynasty and imperial capital.

At this time, Lu Yu was overlooking his colleagues in this magnificent city, and there were thousands of pairs of eyes below silently looking up at him.

The surrounding real-person experts who were besieging him all spontaneously hovered around the shadow of the palace in the clouds, and did not dare to approach too closely.

The situation couldn't help but become deadlocked for a while.

After a while, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile lightly and said, "What? Is it possible that such a large Hunyuan Qi Sect doesn't have one person who can take charge?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of light and shadow in Yuandu below, and the city gate that had been waiting for him suddenly opened. A real strong man wearing a golden robe walked out of it, flew straight to Lu Yu, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, come from afar. Come on, how about we go into the city and talk about it?”

When he said this, he stared at Lu Yu closely, not letting go of any subtle expression.

Because once they enter this city, the opponent will be completely on their home court. No matter what purpose the opponent has, they will never be able to pull off any tricks... He just wants to see if Lu Yu has such confidence. .

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu didn't even think about it, he smiled and said: "Since I dare to come to you, how can I be afraid of your mere capital city! Forget it, even if you Tiangang refuse to show up, then I will be the only one to come to you personally. "

After saying that, he quickly put away the Spring Conch and flew towards the city gate below without hesitation.

The movement was so fast that the golden-robed master couldn't help but be stunned.

Unless this guy is really not afraid of death, or he has full confidence... But where does he have such confidence?

Jinpao Zhenren was still in a daze, but Lu Yu had already turned around in front of the city gate and asked, "Your Excellency, aren't you here to guide me?"

The golden-robed master hurriedly followed up and said, "Your Majesty, please wait for a moment... This way, please..."

Lu Yu, however, stood still and continued to look back at the powerful real people hovering in the sky behind him, and said, "Don't they also come in together?"

The golden-robed master could not help but be shocked again.

It seems that this guy is really not afraid of death. It's not enough for him to enter the city alone. He also has so many real strong people surrounding him. Doesn't this mean he doesn't want to die quickly enough?

"Our sect is free to act according to its own rules. Your Majesty, you don't need to worry." Jinpao Zhenren responded.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said loudly: "I am here to discuss an important matter this time. This matter may determine the future fate of Hunyuan Qi Sect and is closely related to each of you. Therefore, it is best for everyone to come in!"

Although the sound was not loud, it was just right for all the powerful real people hovering in the sky to hear clearly.

After saying that, Lu Yu entered the city gate.

The face of the golden-robed master changed again, he pondered for a moment, and finally said to everyone: "That being the case, all Taoist brothers, please come into the city together!"

As a result, a group of powerful real people followed Lu Yu into the city in such a mighty manner. The scene looked extremely grand. If an ignorant person saw it, they would probably think that it was a distinguished guest coming to the door, but only everyone I knew in my heart that this person was definitely coming with bad intentions.

Jinpao Zhenren quickly followed Lu Yu and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, there seemed to be two other companions who were traveling along the way. I don't know who they are. Why didn't they show up together?"

Lu Yu replied: "They are the two real people of our sect, Chudie and Yudie. They came here specifically to protect me this time. The situation just now was a bit complicated, so they showed up to clear the way for me..."

After saying that, Lu Yu paused and looked at Jinpao Zhenren with a smile: "Why, do you still want them to show up and continue to clear the way for me?"

"This..." Jinpao Zhenren was stunned for a while.

Lu Yu smiled, unabashedly revealing the Spring Conch on his waist, and said: "Don't worry, sir, they are with me and can show up at any time. If you want to see them, you will definitely not You will be disappointed!"

The golden-robed master's complexion suddenly changed.

He understood Lu Yu's subtext. As long as the two sides really started fighting, the two previous helpers would appear immediately...

This guy has clearly entered the scope of Yuandu, but he still dares to make such nonsense and be so unscrupulous... This is really arrogant!

But the more this happened, the more cautious Jinpao Daoist became.

After all, even if he didn't mention this incident, he was already familiar with the name "Lu Yu". He had killed King Ming Fa Zun, conquered the Yuhai Immortal Sect, fought against the Seven Ancestors of Wuya, conquered the Great Luo Holy Land, and attacked the Divine Fire Xuan Sect... These glorious achievements one after another cannot be treated carelessly.

At this moment, he just felt that the Lu Yu in front of him was indeed worthy of his reputation. He was so sharp and confident!

Originally, he wanted to continue to make insinuations as to why Lu Yu came here this time. Seeing this situation, he thought it would be better for him to shut up and avoid provoking this thorn for the time being.

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