Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1238 Can’t be the master

Lu Yu passed through the majestic Haoran Palace and was led directly to the Yiqi Altar.

This is the highest decision-making place of the Hunyuan Qi Sect, equivalent to the high cabinet council of the Dali Sword Sect.

Many powerful real people took their seats one after another, but Lu Yu was left without any seat. He stood alone under the altar, looking like a prisoner on trial.

Lu Yu didn't care at all.

All this had been expected by him. If he came to his door like this, the people of the Hunyuan Qi Sect would naturally not look good on him.

Such a public occasion in full view of the public was actually what he expected. It was not a simple decision for the Hunyuan Qi Sect to turn their guns and fight against the Bixiao Shrine. If they could be "convinced" in one fell swoop here, This can save you a lot of intermediate steps.

A piece of golden light flooded the ground like mercury and landed in the center of the Yiqi altar.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome and powerful young man appeared in the halo. At first glance, this person looked like he was no more than thirty years old. Since in the entire vast Yiqi altar, he His appearance also seemed a little "immature", but Lu Yu knew that this did not mean that his qualifications were shallow, it could only mean that he had a long life and unlimited potential.

In fact, this person is the leader of Hunyuan Qi Sect, Zhenren Luiguang.

It was also the first time for Lu Yu to see this famous leader of a sect, and he couldn't help but secretly praise him.

Regardless of other things, judging from the appearance alone, this leader is indeed impeccable.

He is heroic and energetic, yet at the same time wise and steady. He perfectly meets all the requirements for the supreme leader of a sect. Among the eight major sects, judging from his image alone, he is the most outstanding leader. Not an exaggeration.

In the Qi altar, everyone immediately became quiet and became silent.

But the golden-robed master who had led Lu Yu the way before immediately ran over and whispered in front of Master Lei Guang. He was obviously reporting to Master Lei Guang the information he had just observed along the way.

In addition to the leader, Master Lei Guang, several other elder-looking masters also came over. While listening to what Master Di Jinpao said, they discussed in a low voice, and turned to glance in Lu Yu's direction from time to time.

Obviously, the center of the topic discussed by these people was Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't mind this at all.

At this point, his heart became more and more settled. No matter what tricks the other party used, he had only one way to deal with it, and that was to be tough to the end.

After a while, Jinpao Master finished his speech and silently stepped aside.

An elder wearing a blue crown strode over to Lu Yu's direction and shouted angrily: "How dare you, Lu Yu! You trespassed into the territory of our Hunyuan Qi Sect without authorization and disturbed the disciples and subjects of our sect. What are your intentions?" ?”

This Baoguan elder is menacing and has a fiery temper.

Lu Yu glanced at him and said lightly: "Your Excellency, are you the real person Xuan Chong?"


Lu Yu sneered: "If I remember correctly, you must be part of those who invaded our Dali Sword Sect not long ago, right? You sent tens of thousands of disciples to rush into our Dali Sword Sect's defense area and invade the core hinterland of our sect. I didn’t say anything, but you asked me what my intention was?”

"As the saying goes, it's impolite to come back without reciprocating. Compared with your previous behavior, my little fuss now is really 'discourteous'!"

"Since everything has come to this point, I would like to ask Master Xuan Chong to explain to me in detail what your Hunyuan Qi Sect's previous actions were and what your intentions were!"

As soon as Lu Yu came up, he was stern and full of firepower. Not only did he not pay attention to the real person Xuan Chong in front of him, but he also ignored all the powerful real people around him.

Master Xuanchong didn't expect Lu Yu to be so careless, and he couldn't help but became angry: "Good boy, so you come here deliberately to make trouble? Do you think our Hunyuan Qi Sect will be a place for you to run wild?"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "The Hunyuan Qi Sect should not be a place for me to run wild, but our Dali Sword Sect is not a place for others to trample on... I am not here to find trouble, but on the orders of the Yunxiao Ancestor. Come and ask your faction for an explanation!"

"Not only can you, Master Xuan Chong, not be able to give you this explanation, but Master Li Guang can't give it to you either. It's better for someone who can truly take charge come out and talk to me!"

"Otherwise, if the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect falls into a state of eternal disaster because of this, don't blame me for not announcing it in advance!"

Everyone was shocked.

He actually scolded him for being unqualified in front of the leader, Master Li Guang. This is really crazy!

This is simply lawless!

Master Xuan Chong said angrily: "What about Ancestor Yunxiao? Ancestor Yunxiao is not a god. He alone can uproot my Hunyuan Qi Sect's ten thousand years of foundation in one fell swoop... Today, I will I’ll kill you arrogant person first!”

Lu Yu smiled nervously and said, "Are you sure he can't do it? Do you want to take a gamble?"

Xuanchong's rebellious actions came to an abrupt end.

The smile the other party gave just now was so weird that it made him feel like his scalp was numb.

He subconsciously turned back and glanced at the real person Li Guang in the center of the altar.

Lei Guang Zhenren finally stood up from the center of the altar, walked down the stairs slowly, and came straight to Lu Yu, saying: "I can arrange for my sect's Tiangang Patriarch to meet you, but you must first explain to me the intention of Yunxiao Patriarch to send you here."

Lu Yu looked around and smiled: "Are you sure you want me to explain it here in public?"

Lei Guang Zhenren looked calm and said: "You can just say it."

Lu Yu shrugged: "Our Yunxiao Patriarch means that we hope your sect can immediately send troops to Yuanshan to cooperate with our Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, and Taishang Xianzong's military action..."

"If your sect is willing to comply, then the original grievances between you and my sect will be wiped out, and we will be brothers forever..."

"If your sect is unwilling, then we will calculate it carefully bit by bit, and then you will definitely bear his endless anger!"

Lei Guang Zhenren was stunned.

The many Zhenren powerful people around him couldn't help but be in an uproar.

"Send troops to Yuanshan?"

"Doesn't this mean that we have to go against the Bixiao Palace?"

"How is this possible!"

"Is he forcing us to take sides?"


As a force that had just retreated from the Dali Sword Sect, the people of the Hunyuan Qi Sect had naturally been paying close attention to the changes in the situation, and naturally knew what sending troops to Yuanshan meant.

In a short while, the entire altar was in chaos.

Lu Yu smiled at the Lei Guang Zhenren in front of him: "See, I told you that you can't make decisions, right?"

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