Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1239 Precise Locking

Like the Shenhuo Xuanzong, there are also four existing Tiangang ancestors of the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

However, there was only one person who finally appeared on the altar of Yiqi. It was Patriarch Xishi who had worked closely with Patriarch Shanwen and others before.

Lu Yu did not think that this was because the Hunyuan Qi Sect was empty and there was only such a Tiangang Patriarch sitting in charge. In fact, he had already received the exact news. Ever since Li Fuyun used the name of Yunxiao Patriarch on Jiaohai, he After a big battle with Patriarch Shanwen, the four Tiangang Patriarchs of Hunyuan Qi Sect all retreated back to the sect and never went out again.

At this time, they really have no better place to go.

The reason why they only sent Patriarch Xishi out was probably because they wanted to find out their trump cards first. The other three Patriarchs of Tiangang must be hiding in secret and observing all this closely at this moment.

In this regard, Lu Yu did not expose the other party.

Seeing Ancestor Xishi descending from the thunder and lightning, Lu Yu took the initiative to greet him and said with a big smile: "Ancestor Xishi, long time no see!"

Ancestor Xishi couldn’t help but be startled.

I felt confused for a while, wondering when had I ever dealt with him?

Although the two sides had had confrontations before, it was just some local overt and covert fighting. In fact, the two of them had never formally met each other. Why did his tone sound so familiar?

"What? Can't you remember it, Patriarch Xishi? When we were at the Qinglong Holy Altar in Daluo Holy Land, I was deeply impressed by the style of our ancestor!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Ancestor Xishi suddenly understood.

Previously, in order to force Da Luo Holy Land to make a decision, a total of nine Tiangang powerhouses, together with Ancestor Shanwen, issued a warning and launched a violent attack on the Qinglong Holy Altar, and he was one of the nine helpers at that time.

The two of them had indeed met before, even though it was just a glimpse from a distance, but if Lu Yu insists on saying this now, he can't be said to be wrong.

They were so high-spirited and prosperous at that time. Compared with the situation at this time, it can't help but have a sense of irony.

"Why did Patriarch Yunxiao send you here?" Patriarch Xishi said with a sneer without Lu Yu's response, "Does he really think that our Hunyuan Qi Sect will obey his orders?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "Xishi, why do you still pretend to be so noble? You were manipulated by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and you have been willing to be Yue Xishan's lackey for more than a day or two. Now, is there any use in pretending to be tough in front of me?"

The expressions of everyone around him changed drastically.

Ancestor Xishi couldn’t help but get excited.

Within the altar of Yiqi, the highest decision-making center of the Hunyuan Qi Sect, he dared to speak so rudely, and even called the Tiangang Patriarch of the Hunyuan Qi Sect by his first name. This guy is really ignorant!

"You brat, are you sincerely here to die?"

Ancestor Xishi roared, and the entire Yiqi Temple suddenly changed. A huge whirlpool rolled up in the sky, like a ferocious beast that could choose people and devour them at any time.

"Believe it or not, I will slap you to death right now. Let's see if Ancestor Yunxiao can stop you?"

Lu Yu remained calm and said calmly: "You do have such an ability. I only questioned your false innocence, but I never questioned your strength... However, before you slap me to death, you might as well first How about listening to what I have to say and seeing what you and all of you are facing right now?"

Patriarch Xishi snorted coldly: "I want to see what you can say? No matter what you say, there is no way you can leave here alive this time!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, what I want to say is actually very simple... I wonder if you and all of you have seen the scene of the spiritual vein bursting out in the western realm of our Great Li Sword Sect?"

Ancestor Xishi was stunned and suddenly couldn't keep up with Lu Yu's thoughts: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "It's not interesting... This is what I want to say, the situation you are facing at the moment..."

Patriarch Xishi frowned: "What on earth do you mean!"

Although it was still the same question, his tone had become stern.

Lu Yu said: "Isn't what I said clear enough? Then let's make it clearer..."

As he spoke, his face suddenly turned cold, and his tone became murderous: "If you don't want the scene in the western realm of the Great Li Sword Sect to happen again in this city, then you'd better follow what I said! By the way! I will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish! This is the choice given to you by Patriarch Yunxiao!"

Everyone was immediately shocked.


"The scene in the western realm of the Great Li Sword Sect repeats itself? Is this going to detonate our Yuandu's spiritual veins as well?"

"Are you kidding! Is this possible?"

"What do you think our Hunyuan Qi Sect is!"

"What means can he use to detonate our spiritual veins?"

"are you joking?"

Ancestor Xishi also found Lu Yu's words incredible, but the other party's calmness and determination made him feel a little less confident.

Lu Yu said: "A few days ago, a huge phenomenon of heaven and earth occurred at the headquarters of Dali Sword Sect. I wonder if you have noticed it?"

Ancestor Xishi couldn’t help but feel his heart tremble.

As a force that had just retreated from the Dali Sword Sect, he had been paying close attention to every move of the Dali Sword Sect. He naturally understood the scene where countless stars were floating inside the Dali Sword Sect a few days ago.

It's just that he didn't understand the specific details...

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly mentioned this matter, which immediately made him have a very bad association.

"You mean..."

"Yes!" Lu Yu nodded, and then said: "Since the ancestor Yunxiao can suppress the outbreak of the spiritual veins in the western region by gathering the power of the stars, then naturally he can also rekindle the spiritual veins in a certain place by the same method!"

"Maybe the spiritual veins in other places will be a little difficult, but when I walked into this Yuandu, this place has been accurately locked!"

"Maybe, a beam of starlight will be projected from the sky above our heads at any time, if you can't make a wise choice!"

As the voice fell, just at this moment, the entire Yiqi Altar suddenly shook violently.

Countless spiritual energy vented from the bottom of the altar, as if the underground spiritual veins really received some kind of impact and became extremely unstable.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Perhaps, this is exactly the "precise locking" mentioned by Lu Yu... Although they can't figure out how all this is achieved.

At this moment, they finally felt the threat from Lu Yu...

"Now, do you still think I'm joking?"

Lu Yu laughed cruelly.

In everyone's eyes, his face was already full of ferocity.

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