Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1240 Profits First

Lu Yu was naturally just bluffing.

Even gathering the power of the stars was accomplished through the Divine Wood King Cauldron. The so-called precise locking was naturally completely out of the question. Even he himself didn't know how to achieve it.

The shock caused by the Yiqi Altar at this time was naturally caused by Ye Weilan's secret actions.

After entering this majestic altar, it seemed that he had been under the control of the opponent, but in fact he had been carefully observing the surrounding situation, quickly found the flaw here, and decided to use such a bluffing strategy. method, and quietly informed Ye Weilan to start executing it secretly.

In fact, the method to cause the spiritual veins to oscillate is very simple. Lu Yu just asked Ye Weilan to quietly sneak under the Yiqi Altar and throw a few original crystal cores into the spiritual veins at the bottom. The original crystal cores and underground spiritual veins A violent reaction occurred, which triggered the shock at this time.

If they had just looked at this matter normally, maybe they would have reacted, but at this time, under Lu Yu's pressure, they didn't even think about it in other directions.

Moreover, they did not expect that there would be another invisible ghost who entered the Yiqi Altar with Lu Yu this time...

After awakening the bloodline of the Yehuang clan, Ye Weilan's shadow possession method has become more and more sophisticated. This time with the blessing of the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill, she has brought her ability to hide traces to the extreme. As for the crowded Yiqi altar, no one even noticed her presence.

At this time, as the vibrations continued to occur, the entire Yiqi Shrine was completely in chaos.

"You brat! What on earth have you done!"

"Are you threatening us?"

"The underground spiritual veins are in their original state and can be extremely violent and ferocious. They must not be touched without permission!"

"If our Hunyuan Qi Sect suffers losses because of this, your Dali Sword Sect will never have an easy time either!"

"Stop! Stop now!"

"You can't stay here long! Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

"No... Taoist brothers! Please stay calm! Don't act rashly on this matter!"

Some people saw Lu Yu as the culprit and began to prepare for an offensive, while others hurriedly tried to stop him. Before Lu Yu could make any move, they themselves started to be in chaos.

Patriarch Xishi's face couldn't help but become uncertain. In fact, he was also caught in an infinite tangle in his heart. He didn't know whether he should continue to keep this curse in front of him...

He firmly believed that as long as he took action with all his strength, the guy in front of him would definitely not be able to escape, but the consequences of this were beyond his estimation.

Amid the chaos, Lu Yu felt a familiar warmth flow into his back.

He immediately understood that Ye Weilan had left and returned, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. This not only meant that Ye Weilan was safe and sound, but also that the Hunyuan Qi Sect opposite had no chance of catching him again.

"Everyone, in fact, I just conveyed part of Patriarch Yunxiao's intention. In fact, he has other promises to your sect. I wonder if you want to listen?"

Lu Yu suddenly raised his voice again.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and the entire Yiqi altar suddenly became quiet.

"What else did he say?" Patriarch Xishi shouted coldly.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Ancestor Yunxiao ordered me to come here, and the purpose of conveying it was mainly from two aspects. I just mentioned the aspect that those who go against me will perish, and there is another aspect. Naturally, those who follow me will prosper... "

"For those who are willing to provide assistance to our Dali Sword Sect and accompany us through the difficulties, Patriarch Yunxiao will never treat them badly... We don't know what kind of promises Yue Xishan has given to your sect before, but Patriarch Yunxiao Zu is still willing to promise, as long as your faction is willing to send troops to complain about the mountain this time, not only will all the past grievances be wiped out, but the promises Yue Xishan has made to you will also be fulfilled one by one! "

"You may not be able to understand the meaning of this promise, but I think Patriarch Xishi must know the weight of this promise in his heart. In today's world, he is the only person who can make these promises come true. As for other people, After all, it’s just empty talk!”

As he spoke, Lu Yu looked at the Xishi Ancestor in front of him with burning eyes.

Ancestor Xishi couldn’t help but his heart beat violently.

Indeed, the Hunyuan Qi Sect was previously willing to get together with the Yuhai Immortal Sect and jointly send troops to encircle the Dali Sword Sect. Apart from the apparent reason to capture Lu Yu and sacrifice it to Da Zejie, in the final analysis it was for profit.

And the most obvious benefit among them is the huge divine treasure that is rumored to be in the hands of the ancestor of Yunxiao...

Rumor has it that the ancestor of Yunxiao once intercepted a treasure flying from the sky at the top of the Nine Heavens. It contains thousands of techniques, countless treasures, and is all-encompassing. The most important thing is that it also hides the secret of breaking the void and flying into the sky. .

Originally, the ancestor of Yunxiao was already very old and dying, but precisely because he obtained this divine treasure, he gained incomparable power and was able to extend his lifespan to more than three thousand years, and he is currently There still doesn't seem to be any sign of an end...

For such a sacred treasure, it is naturally impossible for cultivators to refuse such a temptation, especially for those of them who have touched the boundary of the Nine Heavens and are absolutely impossible to let go of such an opportunity.

Because of this, the Tiangang powerhouses from various sects hit it off immediately and worked together to attack the headquarters of the Dali Sword Sect at random, instead of hunting down the so-called "culprit" Lu Yu.

And through this battle, Patriarch Xishi has also understood that it is not that easy to deal with Patriarch Yunxiao. If Patriarch Yunxiao is willing to voluntarily give up the exclusive possession of the divine treasure and promises to distribute it, it will undoubtedly be A better choice.

After all, even according to the original plan, in the end Shenzang would not fall into his hands alone. After all, it would be divided among many people.

At this time, Lu Yu made such a promise, and Patriarch Xishi couldn't help but feel excited.

As long as he can get a part of the divine treasure, or even just take a look at the supreme magic in it, maybe he can get the opportunity to understand the secret path of heaven like the ancestor of Yunxiao...

For those of them who have been immersed in the path of cultivation for thousands of years, there is no stronger temptation than the Avenue of Heavenly Secrets...

The integrity of a strong man, the majesty of a sect, and the chance of ascending to heaven are all nothing but bullshit!

Lu Yu looked at the change in Xishi Patriarch's expression and smiled faintly in his heart.

The situation before him was very similar to the scene when he was talking to Patriarch Zhaoyun and others not long ago.

It was precisely because of his previous experience that he could be sure of the huge influence the so-called "Yunxiao Ancestor Tianwai Shenzang" had, which also gave him more confidence in persuading the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Of course, according to Li Fuyun, these rumors are not accurate enough, but it is an indisputable fact that the ancestor of Yunxiao has some kind of mysterious thing... However, no matter what, these do not prevent Lu Yu from making empty promises now.

Anyway, it was Li Fuyun who said to let himself act easily and have full control.

Is their purpose not to put themselves on the stage and attract some attention? I am trying my best to cooperate with them...

"Ancestor Xishi, now do you think there are any other difficulties in sending troops to the Mountain of Resentment?"

Lu Yu said with a smile.

Before Old Ancestor Xishi could reply, suddenly the sky above the Yiqi Shrine suddenly surged again.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, only to see clouds flying away, and three dazzling lights suddenly shooting down from high in the sky.

Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but smile.

This is indeed a world that values ​​interests...

When the most immediate interests are involved, it seems that the other three Tiangang ancestors can't sit still.

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