Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1242 Still in doubt?

"Are you sure you want this?"

Lu Yu said lightly.

"Of course!" Ancestor Qiyuan's eyes flashed with light, "It must be so!"

Lu Yu said: "Delivering the divine treasures is too important, and I cannot decide for Ancestor Yunxiao... But if you insist, I will find a way to let you take a look at the divine treasures to verify the truth. Fake, what do you think?"

"See?" The four Tiangang ancestors couldn't help but be startled, "Where can we go to see it?"

"Naturally, it's here, through magic..."

Lu Yu explained with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about what tricks I will do to create a false illusion to get through. With my little skills, it is simply impossible to hide it from your eyes."

The four Tiangang ancestors nodded secretly.

Based on their strength and vision, if Lu Yu could create an illusion that deceived them, there would be no such conversation.

Although it is not really possible to get the divine treasures in hand, it is still a good choice to take a look at the true state of these so-called divine treasures... Anyway, it is just a glance, and there is nothing to lose, right?

"In that case, please show it to me!" said the Disheng ancestor.

Lu Yu said: "I'm sorry, ancestors, there is one more thing I have to explain... Because this spell needs to break through the space barrier and communicate with thousands of miles of airspace, it is very mysterious. However, as a low-level practitioner with little magic power, I can only cast this spell. Once, and the technique can only be observed by one person, I wonder who among the four will see it? "

The four Tiangang ancestors couldn't help but be startled again.

Naturally, no one of them wanted to let go of such an opportunity, but in full view of the crowd, they also struggled with each other, so after some false "humility", Patriarch Xishi finally got the opportunity.

"Let me do it!" Patriarch Xishi stepped forward and said.

However, Lu Yu on the opposite side still stood quietly without making any movement.

"What? Is there any problem?" Patriarch Xishi frowned.

Lu Yu replied: "Please forgive me, this method is too dangerous for me. I am afraid that it will be unsustainable for me alone, so I need two helpers to protect me..."

As he spoke, he took off the Spring Conch from his waist and gently picked at the green shell with his fingers in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the green shell quickly enlarged, and then brilliance emerged, and the passage opened. In the eyes of everyone in amazement, two almost identical beautiful figures slowly walked out of it.

The ancestor of Xishi remained silent.

Naturally, he had known about the existence of Chudie and Yudie sisters for a long time, but under the current situation, he didn't think they could make any waves.

But the people around them couldn't help but cast a look of amazement, not only because of the exquisiteness of the Spring Conch, but also because of the beautiful figure of the two of them, like lotus flowers side by side.

"What's happening here?"

Surrounded by real strong men from the Hunyuan Qi Sect, there were also four Tiangang ancestors standing in front of them, staring eagerly... As soon as they appeared, they were in full view of the public, and Yudie couldn't help being startled.

"I want to cast a spell to show the sacred treasure to Patriarch Xishi, and I ask two real people to protect me!" Lu Yu said without changing his expression.

Yang Chudie understood immediately and nodded gently.

But Yudie couldn't help but glared: "Dharma protector?"

"Not bad!" Lu Yu replied: "Just as we agreed before!"

After saying that, he immediately drew a circle with his hands and seemed to have begun to cast the spell.

Yudie thought to herself that there was a ghost promise before... But when she saw Lu Yu starting to draw circles with his hands, no matter how slow she was, she already understood what the other party meant. When she stood side by side with Chudie, she began to move inside her body. Secretly brewing the golden elixir law.

As Lu Yu's gestures changed, the characters began to spin around, forming a ring shape, and were placed on the body of Patriarch Xishi.

Ancestor Xishi didn't notice anything strange at first, but when he discovered that the characters that formed the ring turned out to be spell characters, his expression suddenly changed.

However, it was already too late...

Lu Yu suddenly increased his intensity, and countless characters flew up, like fireflies flying randomly in the summer night, instantly filling the entire Yiqi altar.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, the other three ancestors on the side had also noticed something was wrong.

"Is this a spell?"

"Boy, are you cheating?"

"Stop! Stop it quickly..."

The three ancestors roared angrily, as if the sky was falling apart.

Along with the angry roars of the three people, a series of Tiangangs fell down and hit the place where Lu Yu was standing.

In front of a barrier blocking Tiangang's offensive, it was the Golden elixir field that Chudie and Yudie sisters jointly opened. Under the perfect combination of the Golden elixir rules, the power of Tiangang was isolated from the outside, although this was just a piece of It was a very small space, but it was just enough for Lu Yu to cast spells without being affected.

The majestic power of Tiangang was vented in all directions. Not only the altar of Qi, but also the entire Haoran Palace and the entire Yuandu City trembled violently.

The two sisters were also shaken all over. It was not easy to fight against the offensives of the three Tiangang Ancestors at the same time. The two sisters could only sustain it for a moment at most, but fortunately, Lu Yu did not need them to hold on for too long. time.

Soon, Lu Yu finished casting the spell, and all the flying spell characters disappeared. Only the trembling Xishi Patriarch was left in the field, looking like a centenarian.

"All right!"

Lu Yu stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Why are the three ancestors so excited? I have said it before, this method is quite mysterious. Not only will I, the caster, not be too relaxed, but the recipient will also not be too relaxed... I think Xishi Patriarch can already feel the power of Yunxiao Patriarch's hidden power at this moment!"

Xishi Patriarch staggered and kept turning around in the same place. He wanted to speak but couldn't, and his face was full of pain.

"Brother Xishi! How do you feel?"

"Are you injured?"

"What did he do to you!"

The three immediately rushed to Xishi Patriarch to check his condition, but found that they were completely helpless.

"Don't waste your time!"

Lu Yu watched coldly from the side, and said lightly: "Aren't you always thinking about the divine treasure of the Yunxiao Patriarch? This is one of the secret methods contained in the divine treasure. It is impossible to unlock it with just your Taoism. The only two people in the world who can unlock this technique are me and the Yunxiao Patriarch... Now have you finally got what you want?"

The three ancestors were shocked and frightened, full of shock and speechless.

Lu Yu looked at the Xishi Patriarch again and asked: "Xishi, do you still have doubts now?"

The Xishi Patriarch was terrified and shook his head repeatedly.

"Do you agree with the strategy of sending troops to the resentful mountain?"

The Xishi Patriarch nodded again and again.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, looked at the other three Tiangang Patriarchs on the side again, and said: "Now the Xishi Patriarch has no objection, I wonder what the other three ancestors think now? Do you want more divine treasures?"

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