Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1243 Send troops to complain about the mountain

An hour later, Hunyuan Qi Sect finally gave in.

Because they have tried various methods, but they still can't solve the curse on the ancestor of Xishi, and they can't even find a clue.

Faced with such a situation, they could not think of any other better explanation except the explanation of the hidden secret method.

"We are willing to send troops to complain against the mountain, but this is a troubled time. Sending troops to complain against the mountain will inevitably cause turmoil in all parties. I wonder what your plans are for the follow-up?"

Master Lei Guang stepped out from the crowd, stepped forward, and asked Lu Yu.

Lu Yu looked at the sharp gleam in his eyes, and suddenly understood... Rather than being concerned about the follow-up plan, it is better to say that he was worried about whether he would be used as a weapon, and whether the chaos would follow. The Yuan Qi Sect was used as cannon fodder.

He was testing Lu Yu's attitude...

Lu Yu said: "As long as the Hunyuan Qi Sect can occupy the Resentment Mountain, the Bixiao Shrine will be in trouble, and the plan of sending troops to the Shenhuo Xuanzong will be defeated. At this point, they have lost the opportunity..."

"At that time, our three major sects, Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, and Taishang Xianzong, will join forces with Shenhuo Xuanzong. Through Shenhuo Xuanzong's endless logistical supplies, we will send our troops to the northern expedition. In addition, Hunyuan Qi Sect will follow. In response, as long as the front line advances to the area around the Bodhisattva Sea, the main forces of the three major sects will freely intersperse and join forces with the Hunyuan Qi Sect to form an encirclement of the Bixiao Shrine. If the four armies advance together, the strength of the Bixiao Shrine will be exhausted. !”

Master Lei Guang nodded slightly and said, "It sounds like this strategy may indeed be feasible..."

Looking at his appearance, Lu Yu knew that he still had not been convinced, so he smiled slightly and said: "I know that the leader of Lei Guang still has doubts, and I also understand the difficulties that Hunyuan Qi Sect is facing now... The advancement of this plan will take a certain amount of time. During this period, if the Bixiao Palace turns around and attacks the noble sect with all its strength, the noble sect will definitely be unable to resist..."

"So, I don't have too strict requirements for your sect. I don't need you to provoke the Bixiao Shrine, nor do I need you to publicly express your support for the Dali Sword Sect. As long as you guard Nengwen Mountain for a month, that's it. Does Leader Lei Guang think this is good?"

Master Lei Guang nodded slightly, indicating that he recognized Lu Yu's plan.

After a moment of pause, he said: "Resentment Mountain is not an easy place after all. The Bixiao Shrine has long been aware of its importance and has made arrangements there in advance. It also sent us an official document requesting our Hunyuan Qi Sect Disciples should not go there unless necessary...

"Sending troops to Resentment Mountain will not be easy. We must have the cover of Patriarch Tiangang to gain a firm foothold. Therefore, I hope that you can first undo the spell on Patriarch Xishi. The battle on Resentment Mountain is indispensable. Thank you for his help!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but cursed the old fox in his heart.

I was so naive that I really thought that the other party was here to discuss strategies with me. In fact, this should be his real purpose...

"What Sect Leader Leiguang said is true. Patriarch Xishi has profound Taoism and superb cultivation. Naturally, he should be allowed to play a greater role... However, due to my poor cultivation, I want to untie him immediately. I’m afraid it’s still difficult to do the incantation for the time being, and it will take more time to prepare..."

Lu Yu said apologetically.

"But don't worry, I promise that before the Battle of Resentment Mountain officially starts, I will be able to recover enough energy to unlock the spell for Patriarch Xishi, and my plan to dispatch troops will never be delayed!"

The other party is an old fox, but Lu Yu is not stupid either.

Now that the trust foundation between the two parties is so weak, how can he not be on guard?

Master Lei Guang was helpless and had to leave temporarily.

Soon, the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect began to take action.

An endless stream of disciples gathered from all sides, ready to go, and continued to gather in front of the teleportation formation leading to Resentment Mountain.

This can be said to be the most efficient execution of Hunyuan Qi Sect's orders.

In addition to the unified opinions of the senior officials on this, the commotion caused by Lu Yu had already shaken the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect, giving everyone a psychological expectation that something big was about to happen.

Another two hours passed like this.

Following the order from Master Lei Guang, the first batch of disciples carrying a large amount of baggage stepped into the teleportation array and rushed to the distant frontline - the plan to send troops to Resentment Mountain was not just about occupying the territory, but also needed to hold on to the territory. It's like a nail being driven there hard to make Bixiao Shrine feel threatened, so naturally it needs a lot of formation baggage to stick to the territory.

It wasn't until he saw this scene that Lu Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the cave space of the Spring Conch.

As soon as he entered the space, he seemed to have collapsed, and his whole body instantly collapsed.

"Are you OK?"

Sisters Chudie and Yudie immediately followed in. Looking at Lu Yu who looked tired, Yudie couldn't help but sneer again:

"When you were outside just now, didn't you think you were quite capable? Why are you suddenly like this?"

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