Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1244 Not Reliable

"Are you happy to see me like this?" Lu Yu said, "Then let me do something to make you happier!"

As he said that, he suddenly pulled Yang Chudie over, asked her to sit down next to him, and then leaned his head comfortably into her arms.

Yang Chudie was embarrassed to resist at first, but she couldn't resist Lu Yu's toughness and finally obeyed him, getting close to Lu Yu in front of her twin sister.

Lu Yu deliberately showed a comfortable and useful expression.

One is leaning against the back and the other is standing in front of him. He is indeed very comfortable... The appearance and demeanor of the two sisters are almost exactly the same. In fact, when the two came in just now, if Yudie hadn't spoken first, he would have almost It's impossible to tell the difference.


Yudie was very angry and glared at the two of them fiercely: "Yang Chudie! Can you have some potential? You are a great master with a first-class alchemy, and you are at his mercy like this?"

Yang Chudie glanced at her and said softly: "He is really tired this time..."

As Lu Yu's Taoist companion, she naturally has a clearer understanding of Lu Yu's physical condition. Although Lu Yu almost did not make any move during the whole process except for the infinite circle spell, he spent a huge amount of energy. Moreover, just Deducing the incantation of that infinite circle has already consumed a lot of mental energy.

"That's enough of you!"

Jade Die stamped her foot heavily and walked to the side angrily.

She opened the crystal wall around the cave space and activated the magic circle above, and the scene outside immediately appeared.

The disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect outside were still entering the teleportation circle in an endless stream. Some disciples cast curious glances at the jade shell parked on the ground, but they did not dare to get too close.

Yudie looked at the crowds of people outside, and the light flashed in her eyes: "Do you feel that you have nothing to worry about? These people were coerced into the Mountain of Resentment. Their will is not firm, and Bixiao Divine Palace They will never sit back and watch the Mountain of Resentment be occupied. Once they make a move, these people will immediately be shaken, including the four Tiangang ancestors, and they may all repeat it..."

"So, the situation has just begun. Can you two get down to business? Can you hurry up and regain your strength?"

Yudie looked back at the two of them with a tigerish face.

However, the two of them seemed not to hear anything and started talking to themselves.

"Did Xiaolan stay outside?" Yang Chudie asked.

"Yes." Lu Yu nodded, "After all, we are on someone else's territory, so it is safer to let her watch from outside."

"Is there any danger?"

"Don't worry, the most dangerous time has passed. Even in front of those four old guys, they couldn't notice her. Now that it's so chaotic outside, it's even more impossible for anyone to notice her existence..."

"That's really hard work for her..."

"Ha, you're taking it for granted. In fact, I asked her before if she was tired from doing this kind of spying job. Do you think she said this?"

"How to say?"

"She said it was like sleeping. How could she be tired?"

"Yang Chudie! Lu Yu! Are you listening to me?"

Yudie's eyebrows rose, and her breasts rose sharply: "If this happens again, don't blame me for getting angry."

Seeing that it was almost done, Lu Yu turned around and said with a smile: "I remember at the beginning, didn't you say you were coming to collect the bodies for us?"

Yudie snorted and said: "Even now, we cannot rule out the possibility of collecting your bodies for you. If you continue like this, your death will really not be far away!"

Lu Yu said: "Now the disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect have just started to move. After they arrive at the Resentment Mountain and arrange the formations, they will alert the Bixiao Shrine, and then wait for the Bixiao Shrine to respond. This is It takes a process, but this process is enough for us to recharge our batteries and regain our strength!”

"Then what's next? How do you plan to end it next?"

Yudie sneered and said: "Lu Yu, don't blame me for not warning you. These helpers you are looking for are not reliable. Even after arriving at Resentment Mountain, as long as the Bixiao Divine Palace army presses the border, they may sell out at any time before the formation. you!"

Lu Yu understood that what Yudie said was true. He seemed to have controlled the situation through coercion and inducement, but in fact this control was very weak.

He promised to distribute Shen Zang, but after all, Shen Zang cannot be seen or touched...

He threatens to detonate Yuandu's spiritual veins, but when the danger really comes, the Hunyuan Qi Sect may not have the courage to cut off the wrist of a strong man.

The Dali Sword Sect was able to give up the twelve peaks of the Western Region, including Wangyue Peak and Tianxiang Peak, let alone the Hunyuan Qi Sect who only gave up one city.

However, this is also the best solution... Apart from this, are there any other better solutions?

"It's not easy to sell me. Over the years, not only the people who sell me have never had a good end, but even the people who buy me have never had a good end!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Yudie took a deep look at Lu Yu: "Huh, I hope you're not bragging!"

After saying that, he walked straight to the other side and sat down cross-legged, and began to recover his exercise skills. He ignored Lu Yu and Yang Chudie and continued to have sex with each other.

"Have you decided that you want to go to Resentment Mountain with us later?" Yang Chudie asked softly.

"It's impossible not to go!" Lu Yu sighed softly, "Yudie is right, the Hunyuan Qi Sect is not firm in its will to fight against the Bixiao Shrine. Without me to supervise the battle, I'm afraid they will retreat soon. "

Yang Chudie was silent for a moment, then said faintly: "Then...can we win this battle?"

Lu Yu smiled casually: "Just give it a try, there are always more solutions than difficulties!"

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