Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1246 Transformation into a living person

Wave after wave of black light continued to fall.

This was an offensive coming from thousands of miles away. Apart from passive defense, Lu Yu and others had no way to counterattack.

The ground shook violently.

The area where the seventh teleportation array was located was shaken for a while, and a group of disciples responsible for escorting supplies were shaken to their feet in the chaos.

Fortunately, other than that, they had no other injuries.

In addition to the defensive barrier surrounding the teleportation circle, the more important reason is that the twin sisters connected the golden elixir field in time and withstood most of the impact of the earthly evil force.

When the offensive finally stopped, the surrounding mountains and rivers were broken and devastated. Only the area near the teleportation circle still stood intact among the ruins.

However, although the teleportation circle is not damaged, the brilliance within it has dimmed. This shows that the two magic circles connected here, one in front and one behind, have been damaged, causing the teleportation channel to be completely paralyzed...

"Is this the power of Earthly Evil?"

Lu Yu murmured to himself.

Although he had expected it before, when he saw the extent of the damage around him with his own eyes, he couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

This was an offensive coming from thousands of miles away. Although Patriarch Tailing also had the feat of destroying Ice Emperor Island in one fell swoop from thousands of miles away, that was when Ice Emperor Island was unprepared and there was no strong person to guard it. The situation at this time cannot be compared at all.

The purpose of the other party's doing this is self-evident, which is to destroy this stable and exclusive transmission channel in order to force the Hunyuan Qi Sect to retreat.

It seemed that Bixiao Shrine had taken the lead, and both the strength and speed were far more intense than Lu Yu had expected.

It can be imagined that the Mountain of Resentment must have been in chaos at this time, and everything that happened here must have had a great impact on them.

"Master Lu, are you okay?" Master Jiayou climbed up from the dust and asked with lingering fear.

"I'm fine. Are you injured?" Lu Yu asked.

"I'm fine too, thanks to the protection of the two immortals Yudie and Chudie, otherwise my old life might have been handed down here..."

Master Jiayou cast a grateful look at the twin sisters.

Obviously one day ago, he felt deeply disgusted by the methods used by the two sisters to connect the golden elixir realm. Unexpectedly, only one day later, his impression completely changed.

"Master Jiayou, we must rush to Resentment Mountain immediately!"

Lu Yu ignored his inner feelings and immediately said in a deep voice.

Master Jiayou hesitated and said: "However, the transmission channel has been destroyed. It is still more than a thousand miles away from Resentment Mountain. It may be difficult to get there for a while. If we encounter another offensive like just now on the way..."

Lu Yu said: "No matter how dangerous it is, we must go! When the army was dispatched, didn't I make a suggestion to the leader of Lei Guang? Didn't he adopt it?"

Master Jiayou was stunned: "Are you talking about...the proposal of a backup teleportation circle? Yes, why did I forget this!"

As he spoke, he took out a bunch of formation devices from his arms and fiddled with them in a hurry.

Seeing his appearance, Yudie on the side couldn't help but shook her head, took the initiative to step forward and said, "I'll do it!"

With Jade Butterfly's assistance, a simple teleportation circle was quickly constructed.

Seeing the bright and stable light appearing on the teleportation circle, everyone couldn't help but cheer. This shows that this simple temporary teleportation circle has formed a path with a connection point somewhere, and they can teleport directly to the connection point from here.

After experiencing such a violent shock just now, this is undoubtedly very exciting news.

And this is exactly what Lu Yu proposed to Master Li Guang before, to establish emergency response points around each transmission point. Once the main transmission channel is destroyed, there will be a backup transmission channel to choose from...

But Lu Yu himself didn't expect that this proposal would come in handy so quickly. Fortunately, Master Lei Guang's execution was strong enough, otherwise he might have been greatly affected this time.

Soon, Lu Yu and others passed through this simple teleportation circle and arrived at the emergency response point.

Then he opened three temporary simple teleportation circles in succession, and finally reached the Mountain of Resentment without any danger.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but feel dizzy and confused.

The stability of the temporary teleportation array was not as good as before, and it fluctuated violently when traveling through the space tunnel. Even Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little dizzy after such a rush.

However, what he was more concerned about was Ye Weilan's condition at this time. Even he already felt uncomfortable. It must be that Ye Weilan would have more difficulty in the cave space.

"How is it going……"

As soon as Lu Yu's words came out, the familiar warm touch suddenly climbed up from his back. At the same time, a soft voice remembered behind his ears: "Don't worry... don't ask anymore, I'm fine." It’s here!”

Lu Yu's heart immediately calmed down.

After all, it is the bloodline inheritance of one of the ancient heavenly clans... It seems that the physique of the Night Phoenix clan is far superior to that of ordinary people, so my worries are somewhat unnecessary.

At this time, Resentment Mountain was already heavily armed and heavily guarded, creating a tense atmosphere.

Among the mountains, countless disciples of Hunyuan Qi Sect were sweating and digging the rock walls, so that huge array devices could be placed in place, and finally built into solid fortresses.

It seemed that everyone's emotions were not affected by the previous wave of Wanli Liuxia's offensive.

However, Lu Yu knew that this was not credible. These ordinary disciples might not know the specific situation at all. Maybe they also regarded the shock caused by Wanli Liuxia as the movement of digging in Yuanshan... The real state of Hunyuan Qi Sect depends on the attitude of the senior leaders.

Under the guidance of Jiayou Zhenren, Lu Yu and others came to the temporary camp of Yuanshan, preparing to enter the camp to meet with the senior leaders of Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Unexpectedly, just when they were about to reach the gate, a beam of golden light suddenly fell from the sky.

In the golden light, a fiery red figure slowly fell.

Lu Yu was startled, and immediately turned his head to look at Yang Chudie beside him, and found that the other party was also looking at him in surprise.

They have seen this scene before...

When they made a scene in Chunyang Palace to rescue Ling Yufei, the Palace Master of Chunyang Palace suddenly appeared in this way of "making a living person appear". Although they didn't know what was going on at the time, after thinking about it afterwards, they all agreed that it should be the effect of the Little Kunlun Mirror.

Now, the same person appeared in the same way.

This shows that the Bixiao Palace has once again used the Little Kunlun Mirror.

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